
Considered Amendment Details - LB407
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
FA79 Chambers withdrawn 1365
AM1041 Krist Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1281
AM1307 Krist Amendments to AM1102 withdrawn 1268
ER91 Enrollment and Review adopted 1194
AM1102 Sullivan adopted 1146
AM1018 Education lost 1007
AM1060 Gloor Withdraw withdrawn 1085
AM1038 Bolz Withdraw withdrawn 1055
AM1039 Kolowski Withdraw withdrawn 1053
AM1036 Haar Withdraw withdrawn 1050
AM1055 Karpisek Withdraw withdrawn 1050
AM1034 Hadley Withdraw withdrawn 1050
AM1047 Sullivan Withdraw withdrawn 1011
MO52 Avery Reconsider failed 1077
AM1044 Sullivan Amendments to Committee amendments lost 1077