Search Bills and Resolutions
Choose one of the following methods to find a bill or resolution or do a keyword search of past legislation.
If you know the bill or resolution number you are looking for, please enter it below. If you wish to search legislation from a previous session, select the session from the drop down list. Select LB or LR from the first dropdown and you only need to enter the bill number in the text box.
To view a list of bills and resolutions introduced on a specific date in the most recent session, select the date from the list below. Please note that only the most recent session dates appear in the drop down list. For a complete list of oneliners, view the bills introduced on each of the first 10 days (or 3 days in a special session) of the current session.
Search By Introducer
To view a list of legislation introduced by a senator, select the senator's name from the drop down list. To view legislation that a senator co-sponsored, check the "Include Co-Sponsored" box.
To view a list of legislation introduced by a committee, select the committee from the drop down list.
Search By Past Senator
- Problem retrieving Senator Introduced Legislatures.
To view a list of legislation introduced by past senators, select the senator's name from the drop down list. To view legislation before 2007 (100th legislature) use keyword search or contact historian.
- Please choose a committee to search on.
To view a list of legislation referred to a committee, select the committee from the drop down list.
If you are unsure of the bill or resolution number or wish to find all legislation that covers a specific topic, enter the keyword or words in the search box below.