Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Sullivan, 41 in the 102nd Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR511 Sen Sullivan Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's kindergarten through twelfth grade education standards and curricula to determine whether agriculture is incorporated as an essential component
LR507 Sen Sullivan Referral Interim study to examine establishing a statewide Farm to School initiative in Nebraska to encourage partnerships between farmers and school districts to increase fresh local food availability in schools
LR506 Sen Sullivan Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding the moratorium on long-term care beds under the Nebraska Health Care Certificate of Need Act
LR411 Sen Sullivan Congratulate Brett Ryan for winning the 2012 Class D state wrestling championship in the 170-pound division
LR410 Sen Sullivan Congratulate Clayton Lange for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship in the 285-pound division
LR409 Sen Sullivan Congratulate Jed Fenske for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship in the 152-pound division
(1st Special)
Sen Sullivan Extend sympathy to the family of Wayne Frost
(1st Special)
Sen Sullivan Extend sympathy to the family of Wayne Frost
LB1035 Sen Sullivan Passed Change political party provisions and vote canvassing procedures and provide for automatic nomination of airport authority board members
LB1002 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change long-term care bed moratorium provisions
LB884 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Create the Agricultural Literacy Task Force
LB849 Sen Sullivan Passed Authorize the Game and Parks Commission to transfer Pibel Lake State Recreation Area to the Lower Loup Natural Resources District
LB848 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change the Funeral Directing and Embalming Practice Act
LB847 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change the Enhanced Wireless 911 Services Act
LB846 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Require employers to maintain employee emergency contact information
LB845 Sen Sullivan Passed Provide reclamation requirements under the Oil Pipeline Reclamation Act
LB629 Sen Sullivan Passed Adopt the Oil Pipeline Reclamation Act
LB365 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change access provisions for voter information and voter registration registers
LB266 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change the Open Meetings Act relating to closed sessions
LB230 Sen Sullivan Passed Change access to public records
LB207 Sen Sullivan Passed Authorize the Game and Parks Commission to convey real property to Sherman County for park purposes
LB195 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change the number of members of the Legislature to fifty
LB186 Sen Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Require nonpartisan ballots for county officers