Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Schilz, 47 in the 102nd Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB101 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Eliminate daylight savings time
LB102 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to vehicle loads
LB103 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change instream appropriation provisions
LB104 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change certain vehicle weight provisions
LB105 Sen Schilz Passed Change restrictions on operation of motorboats and personal watercraft
LB106 Sen Schilz Passed Authorize the use of county sales and use taxes for public safety services as prescribed
LB391 Sen Schilz Passed Prohibit activities relating to aquatic invasive species and create the Nebraska Invasive Species Council
LB392 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Provide powers and duties relating to aquatic invasive species
LB393 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Require state agencies to develop plans to use Nebraska biodiesel fuel
LB394 Sen Schilz Passed Change Dry Bean Commission membership provisions
LB395 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change voting provisions for members of the Nebraska Environmental Trust Board
LB458 Sen Schilz Passed Change expense recovery provisions relating to oil and gas wells
LB459 Sen Schilz Passed Prohibit political subdivisions from defining or assigning legal status for animals inconsistent with personal property status
LB551 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change the Burial Pre-Need Sale Act
LB684 Sen Schilz Passed Change provisions relating to an advisory committee for travel and tourism
LB684A Sen Schilz Passed Appropriation Bill
LB685 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Visitors Development Act relating to the use of funds and the members of committees
LB686 Sen Schilz Passed Provide exceptions from the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Practice Act for transplantation of bovine embryos
LB687 Sen Schilz Passed Provide for issuance of a veterinarian locum tenens
LB692 Sen Schilz Withdrawn Change reimbursement requirements for the Department of Administrative Services
LB740 Sen Schilz Passed Provide a length exception for semitrailers transporting baled livestock forage
LB741 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change application provisions relating to electric generation facilities
LB742 Sen Schilz Passed Change application provisions relating to electric transmission lines and development of renewable energy sources
LB743 Sen Schilz Passed Provide for a fee relating to consideration of a variance under the Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act
LB744 Sen Schilz Withdrawn Change provisions relating to court fees
LB760 Sen Schilz Passed Change provisions relating to meetings of the Environmental Quality Council and grants made to political subdivisions
LB814 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Include additional substances in the schedule of controlled substances under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
LB873 Sen Schilz Passed Extend sunset of the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund
LB919 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change court fees, sheriff's fees, and handgun certificate fees
LB1021 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to actions involving motor vehicle collisions with domestic animals
LB1040 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to snow removal on state highways and encroachments and regulation of state rights-of-way
LB1074 Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Provide duties for the State Department of Education relating to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
LB1106 Sen Schilz Passed Change provisions relating to assessment of improvements on leased public land
LR9CA Sen Schilz Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change agricultural and horticultural land valuation
(1st Special)
Sen Schilz Congratulate Arthur County High School for winning the 2011 Six-man state football championship
LR54 Sen Schilz Congratulate the fifth-grade class of Mary Lynch Elementary School for winning first place and second place in the elementary division of the Nebraska Stock Market Game and congratulate Alexandra Reader for winning the essay contest
LR199 Sen Schilz Congratulate the Mathewson family for receiving the 2011 Leopold Conservation Award
LR307 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine the process of decreasing the number of county commissioners
LR308 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine the intent of LB102, 2011, regarding vehicle loads
LR309 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine ways to manage water and provide benefits to landowners and other entities for their ability to store and manage water in recharge areas
LR310 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine the intent of LB692, 2011, regarding the reimbursement of expenses by the Dept. of Administrative Services
LR311 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine the concept of a philanthropic entity investing in an area of state government instead of investing in the capital market
LR312 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine the intent of LB392, 2011, including duties provided to the Game and Parks Commission for inspection, impoundment, and decontamination relating to aquatic invasive species
LR313 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine the intent of LR9CA, 2011, regarding agricultural and horticultural land valuation
LR378 Sen Schilz Congratulate the Ogallala High School one-act play for winning the 2011 Class B state championship
LR539 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine ways in which to manage water and provide benefits to landowners and other entities for their ability to store and manage water in recharge areas
LR540 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine the concept of a philanthropic entity investing in an area of state government instead of investing in the capital market
LR541 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study to examine changing the percentage of municipal sales and use tax receipts given to municipalities to accommodate those that have been adversely affected by large municipal sales and use tax refunds
LR602 Sen Schilz Referral Interim study of the intent of LB919, and the current fees paid to sheriffs for performing their statutory responsibilities and increasing docket fees to cover the actual costs associated with using the court system