Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Fulton, 29 in the 101st Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB33 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change county zoning provisions with respect to density of population |
LB51 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for confidentiality of Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court documents and information |
LB132 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Barber Act |
LB191 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for the waiver of a fine or penalty for an information collection requirement for small businesses |
LB197 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska educational savings plan |
LB249 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change sales tax collection fees |
LB284 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize employment restrictions for sexual predators |
LB323 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change distribution of motor vehicle tax proceeds |
LB376 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit for certain qualified residents caring for dependents as prescribed |
LB394 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Define unprofessional conduct for physicians with regard to anatomic pathology services |
LB395 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Stroke Registry Act |
LB406 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Permit certified nurse midwives to have clinical privileges in hospitals |
LB416 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for one license plate on motor vehicles |
LB445 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Change the Health Insurance Access Act |
LB446 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Provide for a loan repayment program under the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act |
LB471 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change public power special generation application provisions |
LB472 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change payment terms for scrap copper and catalytic converters |
LB496 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize enforcement of traffic control signal violations by automated traffic enforcement systems |
LB497 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Change employment driving permit and ignition interlock device provisions and penalties |
LB497A | Sen Fulton | Passed | Appropriations Bill |
LB498 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Add trustees to the board of Wyuka Cemetery and require statements of conflicts of interest |
LB527 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Require installation of automatic vehicle location system devices in state-owned vehicles |
LB528 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Authorize electronic transmissions as a means of notice, delivery, and appointment under the Business Corporation Act |
LB578 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to the state aid distribution to schools |
LB659 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for data collection relating to persons released from incarceration |
LB660 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Legislative Performance Audit Section and the Auditor of Public Accounts |
LB675 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Provide for additional voluntary and informed consents from a woman prior to abortion |
LB676 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for additional voluntary and informed consents from a woman prior to abortion |
LB765 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change criminal laws relating to gambling |
LB801 | Sen Fulton | Passed | Change the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act |
LB833 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for confidentiality of Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court records |
LB1037 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to support enforcement and arrearages |
LB1038 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to informed consent for genetic testing |
LB1039 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Fire Extinguishing Certification Act |
LB1040 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Municipal Comparability Act for use in industrial disputes involving public employees |
LB1041 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to findings and orders of the Commission of Industrial Relations |
LB1042 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to findings and orders of the Commission of Industrial Relations |
LR3 | Sen Fulton | Congratulate the University of Nebraska Cornhusker Football team and head coach Bo Pelini for their achievements | |
LR4 | Sen Fulton | Congratulate the University of Nebraska women's volleyball team and head coach John Cook for their achievements | |
LR7 | Sen Fulton | Urge members of Congress to provide that persons enrolling their children in government-sponsored health care plans have certain rights | |
LR9 | Sen Fulton | Encourage law enforcement agencies to enter into a memoranda of agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to perform immigration law enforcement functions | |
LR20 | Sen Fulton | Designate the week of February 15-21, 2009, as Engineers Week in Nebraska | |
LR290 | Sen Fulton | Congratulate the University of Nebraska Cornhusker football team and head coach Bo Pelini for their achievements | |
LR291 | Sen Fulton | Congratulate the Lincoln Saltdogs baseball team for their achievements | |
LR292 | Sen Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Memorialize the United States Congress to adhere to the principles of federalism in accord with the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution |
LR331 | Sen Fulton | Extend sympathy to the families of Mrs. Eunice Kennedy Shriver | |
LR405 | Sen Fulton | Congratulate Steve Thomlison for his ordination as a priest in the Lincoln Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church | |
LR539 | Sen Fulton | Encourage the Congress of the United States to adhere to the principles of federalism in accord with the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution | |
LR558 | Sen Fulton | Extend sympathy to the family of Mike Sucha | |
LR569 | Sen Fulton | Congratulate Ms. Lana Peterson-Pressler on her achievements |