Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Spivey, 13 in the 109th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB69 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Change meeting requirements and provide duties for the Commission on African American Affairs |
LB99 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Limit use of restrictive housing and solitary confinement |
LB100 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Adopt the Business Innovation and Startup Act |
LB102 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Change requirements relating to the standard of need under the aid to dependent children program |
LB163 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Create the Office of Climate Action |
LB164 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Adopt the Urban Development Incentive Act |
LB283 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Require the Department of Health and Human Services to implement express lane eligibility |
LB403 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Create the Office of Grants and provide duties |
LB438 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Allow an authorized gaming operator to conduct sports wagering by means of an online sports wagering platform under the Nebraska Racetrack Gaming Act and change the distribution of taxes collected from sports wagering |
LB439 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act |
LB440 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Adopt the Education Leave and Support Act |
LB441 | Sen Spivey | General File | Authorize virtual inspections for certain building permits and require certain inspection records be made available to the public under the Building Construction Act |
LB442 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Establish a state child care subsidy program |
LB582 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Change provisions under the Mechanical Amusement Device Tax Act relating to the amount of tax imposed on cash devices and how such collected taxes are remitted and change the revenue submitted to the Nebraska Tourism Commission Promotional Cash Fund |
LB583 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Change provisions relating to the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax, the Child Care Grant Fund, child care grants, the Military Installation Development and Support Fund, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the Innovation Hub Cash Fund, the Economic Recovery Contingency Fund, and the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund |
LB584 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Change sentencing provisions for crimes committed by a person younger than eighteen years of age |
LB585 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Change provisions relating to distribution of aid under the Community-based Juvenile Services Aid Program |
LB586 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Provide assistance for voters who are unable to vote in person and who are residents of or housed in certain facilities |
LB587 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Change provisions relating to tenants' remedies under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act |
LB701 | Sen Spivey | Referral | Provide for reimbursement of doula services by the Department of Health and Human Services |
LR36 | Sen Spivey | Adopted | Recognize February 2025 as Black History Month in Nebraska |