Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Baker, 30 in the 104th Legislature
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB282 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to closed sessions for public bodies |
LB283 | Sen Baker | Passed | Change provisions relating to emergency expenditures by school districts and educational service units for emergency management purposes as prescribed |
LB365 | Sen Baker | Passed | Allow school districts and educational service units to keep electronic records |
LB402 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to distance education incentives |
LB431 | Sen Baker | Passed | Change provisions relating to public school district construction |
LB432 | Sen Baker | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to access to and copying of public records |
LB433 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Create the offense of false presentation of proof of liability insurance and provide penalties |
LB478 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Provide bonding authority for educational service units |
LB721 | Sen Baker | Passed | Adopt the Surgical First Assistant Practice Act |
LB722 | Sen Baker | Passed | Adopt the Stroke System of Care Act |
LB722A | Sen Baker | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB899 | Sen Baker | Passed | Change lead content provisions relating to the Nebraska Safe Drinking Water Act |
LB903 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to learning communities |
LB904 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for school districts to opt out of a learning community |
LB1002 | Sen Baker | Passed | Permit educational service unit boards to pay membership dues to associations of school boards |
LR53 | Sen Baker | Congratulate the Homestead National Monument of America on the 2015 launch of the Homestead National Monument of America quarter |