Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Aguilar, 35 in the 108th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB72 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine the term gross proceeds for purposes of the Nebraska County and City Lottery Act |
LB73 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to authorized uses for a County Visitors Improvement Fund |
LB80 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Veterans' Affairs |
LB81 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change number of county judges in Buffalo and Hall counties |
LB215 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Provide, change, eliminate, and transfer provisions regarding the offices of Inspector General of Child Welfare and Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System |
LB503 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Rural Nebraska Nursing Workforce Act |
LB504 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | State intent to transfer and appropriate funds for housing |
LB668 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize mental health professionals and practitioners to take persons into emergency protective custody and provide for a training and certification process |
LB908 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Eliminate provisions relating to a legislative policy on telephones and telefax machines |
LB909 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Change state agency notice requirements regarding occupational regulation |
LB925 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination Act |
LB926 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Museum Property Act |
LB1103 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to innovative tourism grants under the Nebraska Visitors Development Act |
LB1104 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Change fees for lobbyist registration and change distribution of such fees |
LR226 | Sen Aguilar | Referral | Interim study regarding dental offices sharing information with patients on the chance of patients getting infections in artificial body parts due to dental cleanings |
LR227 | Sen Aguilar | Referral | Interim study to examine issues related to public rest areas along highways in Nebraska and the lack of updates, maintenance, and cleanliness of facilities |
LR310 | Sen Aguilar | Adopted | Congratulate Jeff Tomlin for his many years of service to high school football and his many achievements as a coach |
LR311 | Sen Aguilar | Adopted | Congratulate Coach Sharon Zavala for her service to girls volleyball and for her numerous achievements as a coach |
LR316 | Sen Aguilar | Adopted | Congratulate Greg Wagner on forty-five years of service to the Game and Parks Commission |