Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Aguilar, 35 in the 100th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB153 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to legal actions over school districts in annexed territory |
LB208 | Sen Aguilar | Final Reading | Change bond requirements for certain public building projects |
LB254 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change child passenger restraint system and occupant protection system provisions |
LB256 | Sen Aguilar | Final Reading | Change administrative provisions relating to state government |
LB266 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for driving privilege cards |
LB310 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to early voting |
LB311 | Sen Aguilar | Final Reading | Change provisions relating to petition signature verification |
LB312 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Change provisions relating to resignations, vacancy appointments, and recall elections |
LB388 | Sen Aguilar | Final Reading | Change duties and membership of the Economic Development Commission and the Department of Economic Development |
LB389 | Sen Aguilar | Final Reading | Change provisions relating to public records |
LB390 | Sen Aguilar | Final Reading | Require certain rules and regulations related to underground storage tanks and tank operators |
LB522 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change civil procedure costs and attorney's fees |
LB523 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Quality Home Care Act |
LB524 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to school districts in annexed territory |
LB525 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Modify provisions relating to liability involved in vehicular pursuits |
LB526 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change civil procedure plaintiff's costs |
LB527 | Sen Aguilar | Final Reading | Provide registration fees for political committees and allow waiver of interest on late filing fees and penalties |
LB528 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to elections |
LB599 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Permit the filing of voluntary acknowledgement of parentage in cases of gestational surrogacy |
LB744 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Permit leasing of state property to the federal government or political subdivisions |
LB745 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Change exemption provisions relating to the State Personnel System |
LB746 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Change provisions relating to tuition credits for National Guard members |
LB747 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Change provisions relating to energy financing contracts |
LB750 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Designate the Secretary of State's Office as a voter registration agency |
LB803 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for election-day voter registration for statewide general elections |
LB807 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Require medicaid coverage of tobacco-cessation products and services |
LB1006 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a registry and salary study of in-home personal services workers |
LB1043 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Security Services Act |
LB1067 | Sen Aguilar | Passed | Change provisions allocating election costs to political subdivisions |
LB1095 | Sen Aguilar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the extension of natural gas mains under the State Natural Gas Regulation Act |
LR27 | Sen Aguilar | Extend thanks to members of the National Guard and honor them for their sacrifice and service to the State of Nebraska and the United States | |
LR122 | Sen Aguilar | Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee | |
LR128 | Sen Aguilar | Interim study to examine administrative processes and laws which would permit the establishment of a parent and child relationship in the event of a gestational surrogacy | |
LR146 | Sen Aguilar | Interim study to examine the issue of creating a voluntary registry for interior designers | |
LR242 | Sen Aguilar | Congratulate Isaiah Aguilar for winning the Class A 2008 state wrestling championship in the 112-pound class | |
LR251 | Sen Aguilar | Extend thanks to members of the National Guard and honor them for their sacrifice and service to the State of Nebraska and to the United States | |
LR256 | Sen Aguilar | Extend gratitude to members of the Nebraska National Guard and honor them for their sacrifice and service to the State of Nebraska and to the United States | |
LR285 | Sen Aguilar | Interim study to examine whether state-funded building projects should be required to meet high performance green building standards | |
LR298 | Sen Aguilar | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee |