Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Thursday January 14, 2021
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR23 | Erdman | Referral | Interim study to examine the progress of natural resources districts in fulfilling their originally intended purpose |
LR22CA | Linehan | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to limit the total amount of property tax revenue that may be raised by political subdivisions |
LB419 | Cavanaugh, J. | Indefinitely postponed | Require appointment of counsel in eviction proceedings and provide for a filing fee |
LB418 | Murman | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases compact |
LB417 | Halloran | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize possession of a firearm on school grounds by a full-time, off-duty law enforcement officer |
LB416 | Cavanaugh, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Require implicit bias training under the Uniform Credentialing Act and provide for duties and funding relating to postpartum care and maternal health |
LB415 | Groene | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to microdistilleries under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB414 | Wishart | Passed | Change provisions of the Political Subdivisions Construction Alternatives Act |
LB413 | Wishart | Indefinitely postponed | Require coverage of medications for substance use disorder treatment and addiction medicine services under the Medical Assistance Act |
LB412 | Cavanaugh, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change a tax and assessment provision under the Nebraska Housing Agency Act |
LB411 | Lathrop | Passed | Require sharing of information with the designated health information exchange and change provisions related to the Health Information Technology Board |
LB410 | Linehan | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to itemized deductions |
LB409 | Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a moratorium on construction of electric transmission lines and create the Electric Transmission Line Study Committee of the Legislature |
LB408 | Briese | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Property Tax Request Act |
LB407 | McDonnell | Passed | Include certain county correctional officers in provisions governing mental injuries and mental illnesses under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB406 | McDonnell | Passed | Create the Statewide Tourism And Recreational Water Access and Resource Sustainability Special Committee of the Legislature |
LB405 | Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to village boards of trustees |
LB404 | Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change permit and renewal time periods under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act |
LB403 | Slama | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to recovery of medical assistance debt from an estate |
LB402 | DeBoer | Indefinitely postponed | Require a report by the Supreme Court regarding eviction proceedings |
LB401 | Arch | Passed | Change references to state hospitals |
LB400 | Arch | Passed | Change requirements related to coverage of telehealth by insurers and medicaid |
LB399 | Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to rural water districts |
LB398 | Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to broadband speeds and services |
LB397 | Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit certain causes of action by motorists without liability insurance or convicted of DUI offenses, require the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish and maintain an online verification system for accessing certain private passenger motor vehicle insurance information, and authorize a disclosure of certain motor vehicle records |
LB396 | Brandt | Passed | Adopt the Nebraska Farm-to-School Program Act |
LB395 | Gragert | Indefinitely postponed | Change hunting provisions under the Game Law |
LB394 | Morfeld | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Public Health Emergency Housing Protection Act and change deadlines for trials in actions for possession and forcible entry and detainer |
LB393 | Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate the Next Generation Business Growth Act |
LB392 | Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Prescribing Psychologist Practice Act |
LB391 | Bostar | Indefinitely postponed | Transfer funds to the Customized Job Training Cash Fund |
LB390 | Murman | Passed | Provide for credentials based on reciprocity and change requirements for credentials under the Uniform Credentialing Act |
LB389 | Sanders | Passed | Require the issuance of teaching certificates and permits to military spouses |
LB388 | Friesen | Passed | Adopt the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act |
LB387 | Brewer | Passed | Change provisions relating to the taxation of military retirement benefits |
LB386 | Lathrop | Passed | Change judges' salaries |
LB385 | Speaker Hilgers | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB384 | Speaker Hilgers | Passed | Provide for and change provisions related to transfers of funds and funding for university and state college facilities, create and change permitted uses of funds, and create a grant program |
LB383 | Speaker Hilgers | Passed | Appropriate funds for capital construction |
LB382 | Speaker Hilgers | Passed | Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers |
LB381 | Speaker Hilgers | Passed | Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature |
LB380 | Speaker Hilgers | Passed | Appropriate funds for the expenses of Nebraska State Government for the biennium ending June 30, 2023 |
LB379 | Speaker Hilgers | Passed | Provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to appropriations |