2024 Boards and Commissions
Breast and Cervical Cancer Advisory Committee
General Information
Formal Name:Breast and Cervical Cancer Advisory Committee
Contact Person:Nicole Barrett
Purpose:See authorizing statute.
How Many Affectable:blank
How Many Served:blank
Year Created:blank
Year Active:blank
Sunset Date:blank
Authorization Citation:Neb. Rev. Stat. 71-7012
Parent Agency:Department of Health and Human Services
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:Up to 24. Currently 5 members.
Who Appoints:Chief Executive Officer of the Department or his or her designee.
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:No more than 24 volunteer members, at least eight of which are women. Members of the Committee shall be from both the private and public sectors and be interested in health care and the promotion of breast and cervical cancer screening. At least one member shall be a breast cancer survivor.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Yes. Members of the committee are reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses.
Term Length:Two years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 21-22:4
Held FY 21-22:0
Required FY 22-23:4
Held FY 22-23:1
Required FY 23-24:2
Held FY 23-24:1
Support Staff:2 (0.1 FTE)
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 21-22 Budget:0
FY 22-23 Budget:0
FY 23-24 Budget:0
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:Neb. Rev. Stat. 71-7012 establishes the Breast and Cervical Cancer Cash Fund. Cash spending authority is provided to DHHS each biennium in the mainline budget bill.
Since July 1, 2020:blank