2020 Boards and Commissions
Police Standards Advisory Council
General Information
Formal Name:Police Standards Advisory Council
Contact Person:Brenda Urbanek brenda.urbanek@nebraska.gov
Purpose:The Police Standards Advisory Council serves the Nebraska Crime Commission by being responsible for establishing the standards, rules, and training governing the certification of law enforcement officers in Nebraska. The Council is responsible for the revocation of law enforcement certificates of officers who have failed to meet such requirements.
How Many Affectable:All who seek to be a law enforcement officer and all individuals in Nebraska who interact with law enforcement.
How Many Served:4,100 certified law enforcement officers in the state.
Year Created:1969
Year Active:1969
Sunset Date:NA
Authorization Citation:Neb. Rev. Stat. 81-1406
Parent Agency:Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:7
Who Appoints:Appointed by the Governor
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:Qualifications are set forth in statute. One member is the chief of police or designee from a city of the metropolitan or primary class, a chief of police or designee from a city of the first class, a chief of police or designee from a city of the second class or village, a county sheriff or designee from a county having a population of forty thousand or more, a county sheriff or designee from a county with a population of forty thousand or less, a member of the Nebraska State Patrol, and a member from the public.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:Four years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 17-18:No required number. Neb. Rev. Stat. 81-1406 states "The council shall conduct regular meetings in order to carry out its statutory duties. Meetings are scheduled the third Wednesday of each month but can be cancelled due to lack of agenda items.
Held FY 17-18:10
Required FY 18-19:See above.
Held FY 18-19:10
Required FY 19-20:See above
Held FY 19-20:10
Support Staff:Staffed by Training Center employees. A training center staff assistant serves as secretary of the council, the agency legal counsel serves as legal counsel to the committee, and the training center director serves as director of standards.
Shared or Separate:Shared, Law Enforcement Training Center and Crime Commission
FY 17-18 Budget:$0
FY 18-19 Budget:$0
FY 19-20 Budget:$0
Other Funding Sources:NA
Spending Authority:NA
Since July 1, 2016:blank