2020 Boards and Commissions
Committee of experts to advise the Department of Agriculture on the development of an assessment matrix
General Information
Formal Name:Committee of experts to advise the Department of Agriculture on the development of an assessment matrix
Contact Person:Director Nebraska Department of Agriculture, 301 Centennial Mall South, 4th Floor P.O. Box 9494, Lincoln, NE 68509-4947, (402) 471-2341
Purpose:To advise the Department of Agriculture on the development of an assessment matrix which may be used by county officials to determine whether to approve or disapprove a conditional use permit or special exception application.
How Many Affectable:All 93 Nebraska conties
How Many Served:NA
Year Created:2015
Year Active:2016
Sunset Date:Not specified
Authorization Citation:Nebraska Revised Statute, 81-2,294
Parent Agency:Nebraska Department of Agriculture
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:Not to exceed 10
Who Appoints:Director of the Department of Agriculture
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:Composed of representation from county board members, county zoning, administrators, livestock production agriculture, the University of Nebraska, and other experts determined by the Director.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Law is silent
Term Length:Not specified
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 17-18:NA
Held FY 17-18:0
Required FY 18-19:NA
Held FY 18-19:1
Required FY 19-20:NA
Held FY 19-20:0
Support Staff:No
Shared or Separate:No
FY 17-18 Budget:$0
FY 18-19 Budget:$0
FY 19-20 Budget:$0
Other Funding Sources:NA
Spending Authority:LB106A
Since July 1, 2016:Following approval of the livestock matrix in 2016, it was posted on the Nebraska Department of Agriculture website for public access. Some county boards in Nebraska have officially adopted the matrix in determining approval or disapproval of conditional use permits or special exception applications. There are also counties who have elected to not officially adopt the matrix but use it as a guideline in making determinations of approval or disapproval of conditional use permits or special exception applications. The exact number of counties using the matrix in some manner is indeterminable since it usage is voluntary and not mandated and there are no requirements to access it online. The Committee met in November of 2018 to review the matrix and discuss possible changes. Following the meeting and receiving public input, slight revisions were made to the document and posted on the NDA website.