2020 Boards and Commissions
Boiler Safety Code Advisory Board
General Information
Formal Name:Boiler Safety Code Advisory Board
Contact Person:Christopher B. Cantrell
Purpose:To research boiler and pressure vessel safety features, design, and inspection best practices and advise the State Fire Marshal on adoption of new standards related to the same. To advise the State Fire Marshal on the adoption of fees to cover the costs of the program.
How Many Affectable:5,000 business owners, inspectors, installers
How Many Served:NA
Year Created:1988
Year Active:1989
Sunset Date:NA
Authorization Citation:81-5,184
Parent Agency:State Fire Marshal Agency
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:7
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:Yes
Qualifications Of Members:One member each from the following industries:One member who represents owners and users of boilers and has experience with boilers;One member who represents sellers of boilers;One member who represents the crafts involved in the construction, repair, or operation of boilers;One member who represents the insurance industry;One member who is a licensed professional engineer with experience with boilers;One member who represents the interest of public safety; and,One member who represents the public. The state boiler inspector shall be a nonvoting member of the board.
Per Diem:$50.00
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:Four (4) Years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 17-18:1
Held FY 17-18:1
Required FY 18-19:1
Held FY 18-19:1
Required FY 19-20:1
Held FY 19-20:1
Support Staff:State Boiler Inspector
Shared or Separate:Separate
FY 17-18 Budget:$500.00
FY 18-19 Budget:$500.00
FY 19-20 Budget:$500.00
Other Funding Sources:Boiler Inspection Cash Fund
Spending Authority:None
Since July 1, 2016:Updated Codes adopted to reflect newest, most modern Codes for the installation, design, construction, and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels;Modernized the definitions and inspection criteria for boilers and pressure vessels;Individual members assisted in the development and staffing of the Biennial Boiler Inspection Conference in 2016 and 2018 by coordination of vendors, speakers, and instructors for the conferences;Provided valuable input to the Commissioner of Labor, and to the State Fire Marshal when the Boiler Inspection Program was statutorily transferred from teh Department of Labor to the State Fire Marshal Agency in July of 2019.