2016 Boards and Commissions

The Foster Care Advisory Committee

General Information
  • Formal Name:
    The Foster Care Advisory Committee
  • Contact Person:
    Kim B. Hawekotte, J.D. - Executive Director
  • Purpose:
    The duties of the Foster Care Advisory Committee are to:(i) Hire and fire an executive director for the office who has training and experience in foster care; and(ii) Support and facilitate the work of the office, including the tracking of children in foster care and reviewing foster care file audit case reviews.
  • How Many Affectable:
    494,638 - All Nebraska's Children and Youth aged 0-18 per 2014 US Census Data could potenially be served by the Child Welfare andor Juvenile Justice Systems
  • How Many Served:
    8,000+ - ChildrenYouth tracked andor reviewed.
  • Year Created:
  • Year Active:
  • Sunset Date:
  • Authorization Citation:
  • Parent Agency:
    Foster Care Review Office - An Independent State Agency
Memberships and Meetings
  • Number Of Members:
  • Who Appoints:
  • Legislative Approval:
    Approval of HHS Committee & Ligislature
  • Qualifications Of Members:
    Three members shall be local board members, one member shall have data analysis experience, and one member shall be a resident of the state who is representative of the public at large. The members shall have no pecuniary interest in the foster care system and shall not be employed by the office, the Department of Health and Human Services, a county, a residential child-caring agency, a child-placing agency, or a court.
  • Per Diem:
  • Expense Reimbursement:
  • Term Length:
    Advisory Committee Member terms are for three years. Members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.
  • Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:
    Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
  • Required FY 13-14:
  • Held FY 13-14:
  • Required FY 14-15:
  • Held FY 14-15:
  • Required FY 15-16:
  • Held FY 15-16:
  • Support Staff:
  • Shared or Separate:
  • FY 13-14 Budget:
  • FY 14-15 Budget:
  • FY 15-16 Budget:
  • Other Funding Sources:
  • Spending Authority:
  • Since July 1, 2012:
    FCRO ACCOMPLISHMENTS2015DataoHiring of a Research Director for the FCRO.oExtensive work on the creation of the new FCTS database which includes the ability to receive nightly downloads from DHHS for any and all changes in the status of children.oCreated data forms for probation cases and trial home visit cases.oCreated and implemented a database for probation youth including weekly downloads from Office of Probation Administration.oCreation of a process for DHHS to report to FCRO any children in a trial home visit and the inclusion of these children into our Master Case database.oCreation and implementation of an ACCESS database for all Bridge to Independence case file reviews.oIssued the statutory reports for the Permanency Pilot involving youth qualified for developmental disability.oCreation of the Executive Committee and two workgroups to assist in the creation of a state-wide database as required by LB265.oIssued the statutory report regarding the state-wide data warehouse as required by LB265.oCreated and implemented a Memorandum of Understanding with DHHS and Department of Education to complete an in-depth study regarding state wards and their educational needs. This pilot study is pursuant to LB265 illustrating the necessity of a state-wide data warehouse.oContinue to provide data (Annual Report, Quarterly Reports, other venues).oIssued legislative updates in March, June, September, and the Annual Report by December 1st.oContinued to track over 8,000 children in out-of-home care.ReviewsoInternal Probation Workgroup created a case file review process for probation cases including new Findings and Recommendations Report, Data Form, and Findings required for each case. The review of probation cases was piloted in October 2015 and going state-wide in 2016.oInternal Trial Home Visit Workgroup created a case file review process for trial home visit cases including new Findings and Recommendations Report, Data Form, and Findings required for each case. The review of trial home visit cases was piloted in December 2015 and going state-wide in 2016.oInternal Findings and Recommendations Workgroup completed a thorough analysis of our report and data form which included changes to our documents and state-wide training to ensure consistency among our staff.oImplemented revised case assignment priority schedule for abuseneglect case which includes the implementation of caseloads for each review specialist.oRevision of Review Specialist Manual including training.oContinued to conduct reviews, facilitate time donated by local board members.B2ioDeveloped and implemented forms including data form, recommendations report, brochure, and other tools and processes for the Bridge to Independence B2i program. oIssued a B2i report to all stakeholders in October 2015 regarding the relevant data from our case file review process.oParticipated in the state-wide efforts regarding the needs of these young adults and expansion of this program to juvenile justice youth.Local boardoRevision of the Local Board Training Manual to be used with new local board members and current local board members.oRecruitment and training of new local board members for 5 new local boards across the State.oCreated and implemented a system to track local board members years of service, terms and continuing educational obligations in order to ensure statutory requirements are met.oCreated further YouTube videos for local board trainingcontinuing education.oQuarterly meetings of the Emeritus group consisting of experienced board members to provide input on the FCRO board process. Information SharingCollaborationoCompleted collaborative study and report for the Barriers to Permanency Project.oCreated a collaborative workgroup to analysis the reasons youth are placed in out-of-state congregate care placements including a report in 2016.oCreated a collaborative workgroup to analysis the increase in adoption and guardianship disruptions in the State including a report in 2016.oComplete list of various groups that the FCRO is actively involved with are attached.2014DataoBegan work on separate database, including developing a data map, determining format, MOU with CIO, continued work on development of our new FCTS database.oCreated separate data forms and recs for cases where the child has an active 3a or 3c filing and for children out-of-home due to delinquency issues.oAutomated reports of DHHSOJS caseworker changes.oDealt with issues regarding Crystal reports on a new PC (replacement for old hardware). Took a year and a half to resolve issues with DHHS and the CIOs office.oStarted work with Probation on data to report, format, wherehow to include on our database etc. Stopped in April when Probation quit reporting. Continued to work with Probation on reporting issues. oContinued to track children.oContinue to provide data (Annual Report, Quarterly Reports, other venues).oTrained replacement for a long-term tracking system employee who retired (Pat).oIssued legislative updates in March, June, September, and the Annual Report by December 1st.ReviewsoContinued to conduct reviews, facilitate time donated by local board members.oInternal workgroups created on caseloads, rec formats, advocacy & other form updating.oCompleted RS & RS supervisor time studies.oRevised case assignment priority schedule.oHired replacement Review Specialist Supervisor for one who retired.oBegan work to improve writing of Recommendation narratives to better meet the needs of our key audience.oStaff access to NDEN secured. oStarted Probation pilot. B2ioParticipated in development of the B2i processes. oDeveloped forms including data form, rec, brochure, and other tools and processes for the Bridge to Independence B2i program. oHired and trained review specialist for the B2i program.. oDevelop database to track B2i cases.Local boardoDeveloped strategic plan on local board recruitment.oSystem in place to track local board members years of service, terms, etc.oCreated you-tube videos for local board trainingcontinuing education.oCreated Emeritus group consisting of experienced board members to provide input on the FCRO board process. o8 Workshops provided across Nebraska for approximately 400 attendees including local board members, staff and community partners.Information sharingcollaborationoProvided testimony on legislative bills.oProvided info to Through the Eyes teams, Kids Count, United Way, CASA officials.oFCRODHHSCIP etc. meetings.oCoalition of juvenile justice meetings.oAttended DHHS CQI meetings, providing some data regarding court hearings.oParticipated in the Barriers to Permanency project. oAttended JDAI meetings.oParticipated in group revising proposed regulations for residential care facilities.oContinue to participate in team reviewing cases that failed IV-E due to a judicial related issue.oLooked at reasons for out-of-state placements in congregate care for approximately 50 Nebraska youth.oCollaborationattendance Race Matters conference.oCollaborated on educational programs.oRevised website.EfficienciesoMoved childrens records to electronic format rather than paper files, eliminating 60+ file cabinets to free space.oPurged agency paper files that no longer needed to be retained. Created electronic versions of most agency files that needed retention. oCreated a more efficient and esthetically pleasing work environment in Lincoln and Omaha. Remodeled space, changed cubicle configuration and office furniture. Created small meeting room in each of Lincoln and Omaha offices. oRe-organized shared server drive to make it easier for all staff to use.oRe-examined technology needs purchase of docking stations, projectors for meetings and trainings, etc. OtheroDirector became member of Childrens Commission.oWorked with DD when LB905 required us to present reports on the project.oContinued to find and review new national research related to trauma, out-of-home care, and well-being indicators.oCreated budget request documents.oUpdated strategic plan at each management meeting.oTrained selected staff on certain accounting procedures due to changes in the ability of agencies to contract with DAS for some accounting services.2013DataoUpdated the data form (tool used during reviews to collect data elements).oContinued to track children.oContinue to provide data (Annual Report, Quarterly Reports, other venues).oIssued legislative updates in March, June, September, and the Annual Report by December 1st.oWorked with DHHS to switch from paper reports of children entering care, having a change while in care, or leaving care to getting electronic pdf reports. oDiscussed database with feds, got ok for separate database.oHired and trained replacement for a long-term tracking system employee.ReviewsoContinued to conduct reviews, facilitate time donated by local board members.oProvided staff training on SDM at spring staff meeting.oHoused LincolnWest supervisor in Lincoln office. oStarted creating tip sheets.Local boardoBegan work to automate tracking of local board members years of service, terms, etc.Information sharingcollaborationoProvided info to Through the Eyes teams, Kids Count, United Way, CASA officials.oProvided testimony on legislative bills.EfficienciesoDeveloped plan for emailing certain notificationsrecs.oContinued to formalize internal policies, processes, to ensure clarity. oDeveloped internal scanning protocols and began scanning records.oUpdated desk manuals. oUpdated work rules manual to ensure conformance to NAPE contract. TransitionoCreated a seamless transition from Interim Director to newly hired Director. oReassured staff that even with recent changes to oversight and management, the primary focus of the FCRO remains on the children.oAssured cohesiveness of management team.oConducted SWAT analysis.OtheroTook revised rules and regulations through the promulgation process, which was completed in 2014.oDeveloped formal strategic plan, updated it at each management meeting.oTrained staff on newly mandated performance evaluation system.Cooperative Activities Involved by FCRO2015Current listing of State-Wide Groups works with to collaboratively work to improve Nebraska's Child Welfare System. oNebraska Governors CommissionoNebraska Supreme Court Commission for the Protection of ChildrenCase Progression Sub-CommitteeoNebraska Childrens CommissionJuvenile Justice Subcommittee (Co-chair)Legal Parties Taskforce (Co-chair)Strengthening Families TaskforceGrievance Subcommittee (Co-chair)DTAR TaskforceoNebraska Coalition of Juvenile JusticeGrant Review SubcommitteeLegislative SubcommitteeoState-wide Facility Based Schools CommitteeoJuvenile Detention Alternatives InitiativeoSalt Lake City CollaborativeoEarly Childhood Data CoalitionDHHS WorkgroupsoAlternative Response Statewide Advisory CommitteeoAlternative Response Directors Steering CommitteeoDHHS Statewide Provider MeetingoCross System Collaboration WorkgroupoCRT Initiative (DHHS and NFC)oHealthcare Oversight TeamoMonthly Meeting with DHHS Leadership TeamoBi-Monthly Meeting with Chief JusticeoIV-E Case Review MeetingOther External GroupsoOmaha Community PartnershipoChildrens Summit Planning Advisory CommitteeoImpact from Infancy Steering CommitteeWeekly 1184 Impact from Infancy case file reviewsoNFC Community Partnership oThrough the Eyes of the Child (local meetings)oGuardian ad Litem Trainings for NSBAoLB265 Executive CommitteeoAdministrative Meetings with Each Service Area (Quarterly or Bi-monthly)oAdoptionGuardianship Disruption Collaborative (Chair)oOut-of-State Placement Collaborative (Chair)Other Internal GroupsoManagement Meetings (monthly)oSupervisor Staff Meetings (monthly)oProbation Review WorkgroupoTrial Home Visit WorkgroupoRecommendationsFindings Workgroup