2016 Boards and Commissions
Womens Health Initiative Advisory Council
General Information
Formal Name:Womens Health Initiative Advisory Council
Contact Person:Tina Goodwin 402-471-3914
Purpose:The purpose of the Womens Health Advisory Council shall be to advise and serve as a resource for the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services in carrying out its duties as enacted by the Legislature in the Womens Health Initiative of Nebraska Revised Statute 71-707.
How Many Affectable:All women in the State of Nebraska
How Many Served:NA
Year Created:2000
Year Active:2000
Sunset Date:None
Authorization Citation:71-701 through 71-707
Parent Agency:DHHS
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:21
Who Appoints:The Governor
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:Womens Health Initiative Advisory Council; created; members; terms; duties; expenses(1) The Women's Health Initiative Advisory Council is created and shall consist of not more than thirty members, at least three-fourths of whom are women. At least one member shall be appointed from the following disciplines: (a) An obstetriciangynecologist; (b) a nurse practitioner or physician's assistant from a rural community; (c) a geriatrics physician or nurse; (d) a pediatrician; (e) a community public health representative from each congressional district; (f) a health educator; (g) an insurance industry representative; (h) a mental health professional; (i) a representative from a statewide health volunteer agency; (j) a private health care industry representative; (k) an epidemiologist or a health statistician; (l) a foundation representative; and (m) a woman who is a health care consumer from each of the following age categories: Eighteen to thirty; thirty-one to forty; forty-one to sixty-five; and sixty-six and older. The membership shall also include a representative of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, a representative from Creighton University Medical Center, the chief medical officer if one is appointed under section 81-3115, and the Title V Administrator of the Department of Health and Human Services.(2)There shall be two ex officio, nonvoting members from the Legislature, one of which shall be the chairperson of the Health and Human Services Committee.
Per Diem:NA
Expense Reimbursement:Travel (mileage)
Term Length:3 years; Members may not serve more than two consecutive three year terms
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:3
Held FY 13-14:3
Required FY 14-15:3
Held FY 14-15:3
Required FY 15-16:3
Held FY 15-16:3
Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 13-14 Budget:0
FY 14-15 Budget:0
FY 15-16 Budget:0
Other Funding Sources:0
Spending Authority:0
Since July 1, 2012:Office of Women & Mens Health (2012-2014)2012Worksite Breastfeeding Support is a collaboration between NE DHHS, the Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition and the Womens Health Advisory Council. In an effort to inform businesses about 2010 Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA), breastfeeding educational materials were sent to 4,000 Nebraska businesses. Over 200 NE companies requested additional materials to support and educate their breastfeeding employees. The Council sponsored a Return to Work Event in March with Work Well in Lincoln to help employers understand what they could do to assist women returning to work after having a baby. There were 70 attendees. Additionally, Public Health Educators traveled to Kearney and Grand Island to train employers. Worksite Breastfeeding Support also developed an annual recognition award for companies that support breastfeeding employees. The application is housed on the Breastfeeding Coalition website.The Council supports the breastfeeding module as part of the Community Health Worker trainings, which train community members across Nebraska.Release of the 2012 Health Equity Report. The Report is a collaborative effort between DHHS, DHHS Health Equity, the Health Disparities office and the Womens Health Advisory Council. The report will be marketed to doctors officesclinics, hospitals, legislature, the educated consumer, high schools, colleges and public health partners.There was a story in NET Council Members Liliana Bronner and Dr. Renaisa Anthony ohttp:www.kvnonews.com201205new-study-points-to-health-disparities-among-minority-womenJosie Rodriguez, Council Member, shared the report at a Lunch and Learn for her office.KLIN featured the report.The Associated Press (AP) picked it up the story on the report.Liliana Bronner is presenting it to students at the College of Public Health.The report is on the Office of Womens and Mens Health and the Health Disparities and Health Equity websites.One local health department was very interested in the report and asked for data for their region.2012 Annual Report was released in September 20122013The WHAC Legislative Committee wrote letters of support for LB132-the skin Cancer Prevention Act and LB447- soft drinks would no longer be tax exempt. LB132 did not make it out of committee this year.Kathy Ward, Program Manager for NE DHHS retired. 2013 Annual Report was released in September 20132014A committee was formed to update the Council GuidelinesTina Goodwin was introduced as the new Program Manager for DHHS Womens Health InitiativesWomens Health Initiatives launched a strategic planning process in collaboration with the Womens Health Advisory Council. The Council identified priorities and goals for the upcoming years.Womens Health Initiatives released the Annual Report in September 2014The Breastfeeding Friendly Business Committee continued collaborative work with the Department of Labor and the Breastfeeding Coalition to educate businesses and employees about the 2010 Fair Labor Standards Act. Activities include updating and revising the NE Department of Labor Breastfeeding Website, the worksite breastfeeding letter to employers detailing the law, and supporting educational materials. Strategic planning for future activities include expanded direct mail and education efforts and an online technical assistance clearinghouse for Frequently Asked Questions.The Health disparities Workgroup continued to discuss ways to increase awareness and create policies that address health disparities in Nebraska.2014 Annual Report was released in September 20142015The Council Strategic Planning Process is Complete.The work of the Breastfeeding Friendly Business Committee has largely been completed. This work will continue through DHHS Womens Health Initiatives but will no longer be a workgroup of the Womens Health Advisory Council. The Behavioral Health Workgroup will no longer meet. The work of developing a Behavior Health resource will continue through DHHS Behavioral Health Division and the NE Resource and Referral System (NRRS)The Healthcare Reform group will no longer meet and has no unfinished work. Womens Health Advisory Council chose 4 additional areas to develop workgroups. The Council continued to do work with Health Equity and Legislative.Nutrition and Healthy Weight Gain (including Obesity) WorkgroupSexual Health (including Preconception Health) WorkgroupAdvanced Care Planning WorkgroupMental Health WorkgroupHealth Equity WorkgroupLegislative WorkgroupNutrition and Healthy Weight Gain Workgroup discussed topics of inter-conception health and the continuum of care for mother and baby after delivery; provider education given to new moms about excessive weight gain, chronic disease and self-care.Sexual Health Workgroup discussed adolescent health and preconception health resources, education and knowledge of providers to place implants, how long acting contraception (LARC) effects rates of teen pregnancy, and the HPV vaccine.The Advanced Care Planning workgroup gathered printed material and distributed at the 2015 National Caregivers Day, discussed possible education of End of Life Issues and hope to develop a marketing campaign to educate the public.Mental Health Workgroup discussed eating disorders and self-harm, understanding disparities for African American Women seeking behavioral health services, and distribution of the Womens Health Data Book.Health Equity Workgroup produced an updated 2015 Health Disparities Report The Legislative committee wrote letters of support for:LB77 Require a Medicaid State plan amendment for family planning services and state intent relating to appropriations for the Every Women Matters program (Postponed)LB294 Adopt the Human Trafficking Victims Civil Remedy Act and change and adopt provisions relating to service of process, sexual assault, crimes relating to morals, human trafficking, search warrants, juveniles, intercepted communications and forfeiture of assets (Passed)LB627 Chance provisions relating to pregnancy and eliminate subversive membership provisions under the Nebraska Fair Employment Act (Passed)2015 Annual Report was released in September 20152016Sexual Health Workgroup plans to send a letter to the CEO of DHHS proposing that Explanation of Benefits (EOB) confidentiality requirements be put in place for adolescents wanting Family Planning services and seen by their Family Physician.Mental Health Workgroup member Jamie Monfelt-Siems, LIMHP, presented Self Injurious Behavior and Pregnancy at the NE DHHS Maternal Behavioral Health Conference in April. Health Equity Workgroups 2015 Health Disparities Report can be seen in its entirety on the NE DHHS Health Equity and Disparities webpage. Liliana Bronner with UNMC (former Chair of the WHAC) and Josie Rodriguez, Office of Health disparities and Health Equity and Chairperson of the Health Equity Workgroup, presented the Report at the Examining Disparities for Women of Color in NE Conference sponsored by UNMC. The Legislative Workgroup wrote letters of support for:LB782 Provide for a Medicaid State Plan amendment relating to coverage for Family Planning Services (previously LB77) - PostponedLB849 Adopt the Assisting Caregiver Transitions Act (Postponed)LB923 Appropriate funds for federally qualified health centers (Postponed)LB1007 Change and provide provisions relating to protection of vulnerable adults and senior adults (Postponed)January 2016 Advisory Council members, Dr. Amy Lacroix, Heidi Edsill and Nicole Barber participated in the Preconception Health Collaborative (PHC). PHC was about sharing and collaboration of preconception health priorities including, creating a working definition of preconception health, and networking.2016 Council member Barbara Babz Moffat continues to participate in the development of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). The SHIP is a collaborative effort to improve the health of all individuals in Nebraska and strengthen the partnership between public, private, state, and local agencies by: improving the public health system, focusing on prevention strategies, examining new technologies, analyzing and disseminating health data, developing and implementing more effective disease prevention and health promotion programs and integrating public health programs with primary care services through the health care home model.