2016 Boards and Commissions
Statewide Trauma System Advisory Board and 4 Regional Trauma Advisory Boards
General Information
Formal Name:Statewide Trauma System Advisory Board and 4 Regional Trauma Advisory Boards
Contact Person:Sherri Wren, Trauma Program Manager (402) 471-0539
Purpose:A. 18 member State Trauma Advisory Board 1. Advise the department regarding trauma care needs throughout the state. 2. Advise the Board of Emergency Medical Services regarding trauma care to be provided throughout the state by out-of-hospital and emergency medical services. 3. Review the regional trauma plans and recommend changes to the department before the department adopts the plans. 4. Review proposed departmental rules and regulations for trauma care and carry out the Statewide Trauma System Act. 5. Recommend modifications in rules regarding trauma care. 6. Draft a two-year statewide prevention plan that each trauma care region shall implement. 7. Advise the department on the development of the Statewide Trauma System B. 10 member Regional Trauma Advisory Boards 1. Advise the department on matters relating to the delivery of trauma care services within the trauma care region. 2. Provide data required by the department to assess the effectiveness of the statewide trauma system.
How Many Affectable:People suffering traumatic injuries and their families.
How Many Served:Average # of cases per year is 9,523.
Year Created:2002
Year Active:2002
Sunset Date:NA
Authorization Citation:Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 71-8201-71-8253 (1997)
Parent Agency:DHHS
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:18
Who Appoints:Division of Public Health Director
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:Members are knowledgeable and qualified individuals in emergency medical services and trauma care, including emergency medical providers such as physicians, nurses, hospital personnel, prehospital or out-of-hospital providers, local government officials, state government officials, consumers and persons affiliated officially with health science schools.
Per Diem:None
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:Staggered Terms of three years for each member.
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:2
Held FY 13-14:2
Required FY 14-15:2
Held FY 14-15:2
Required FY 15-16:2
Held FY 15-16:1
Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 13-14 Budget:Travel reimbursement expenses
FY 14-15 Budget:Travel reimbursement expenses
FY 15-16 Budget:Travel reimbursement expenses
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:Program 262, DHHS
Since July 1, 2012:The Nebraska Statewide Trauma Advisory Board and Regional Trauma Advisory Boards have advised the Department on the following: Trauma educational courses and training offerings for both pre-hospital and hospital providers to improve patient care. Trauma and educational materials developed for trauma nurses learning the Trauma Nurse Coordinator and Trauma Registrar roles. Orientation and Training of new Trauma Nurse Coordinators.Plans of correction and follow-up for trauma centers that are deficient in meeting trauma regulatory standards and plans for corrective action.Trauma educational materials developed for hospitals applying for re-designation. Review of reports and applications for the designation of 20 trauma centers and the re-designation of 28 hospitals for a total of 48 designated trauma centers. Revised statutory language for trauma rehabilitation to carry out the Trauma System Act effective August 30, 2015.Proposed draft regulatory language changes to the 2011 Nebraska Statewide Trauma Center Regulations.Application processes and data collection and reporting recommendations for Trauma Rehabilitation Centers. Content of Statewide and Regional Trauma Advisory Boards, regional performance improvement and Statewide Committee Meetings. Educational materials to promote and market trauma program and to educate its providers. Resources and systems necessary for trauma system development and improved trauma patient care throughout the state. Revisions of regional trauma system plans and identification of regional goals. Trauma System strategic planning and evaluation strategies.Trauma injury prevention strategies, including advisement on the Departments prevention plan of which trauma is a component, to include education of providers and the public.Data quality, accuracy, education and training and reporting writing performance improvement processes for trauma registry users.2015 Annual State Trauma Registry Report. The Nebraska Trauma Registry provided information for several state public reports and injury prevention activities such as Injury in Nebraska, substance abuse prevention, motorcycle helmet usage and ATV injury studies, agricultural injury studies, violence related injury studies including pediatric traumas etc.Data from the Nebraska Trauma Registry was used to study associations between socioeconomic status and motor vehicle traffic crash injury severity and treatment outcomes.Collaboration between Trauma Education and Prevention committee which is made up of Trauma Nurse Coordinators and Injury Prevention Specialists across the State in order to determine how best to allocate resources for injury prevention efforts in Nebraska. In 2016 designated Trauma centers who use Digital Innovation (DI) software are now uploading data directly to the State contracted software in an effort to improve data quality and efficiency in reporting and analysis.