2016 Boards and Commissions
Collection Agency Licensing Board
General Information
Formal Name:Collection Agency Licensing Board
Contact Person:David L. Wilson, Licensing Director & Associate General Counsel
Purpose:The Board is responsible for the administration of the Collection Agency Act as well as the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 45-604. The Board reviews all applications for collection agency licenses. The Board also investigates licensees for alleged wrong-doing regarding the handling of client funds.
How Many Affectable:Those desiring a collection agency license and their clients.
How Many Served:437 licensed collection agencies and their clients.
Year Created:1963
Year Active:1963
Sunset Date:None
Authorization Citation:Neb. Rev. Stat. 45-603
Parent Agency:Secretary of State
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:5, the Secretary of State and 4 appointed members
Who Appoints:Governor appoints 4 members
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:Per Neb. Rev. Stat. 45-603(1), three of the members shall be licensees actively engaged in the collection business in Nebraska, one from each of the congressional districts, the other member must be a non-licensed member of the public.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:4 years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:0
Held FY 13-14:4
Required FY 14-15:0
Held FY 14-15:4
Required FY 15-16:0
Held FY 15-16:4
Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:Secretary of State
FY 13-14 Budget:0
FY 14-15 Budget:0
FY 15-16 Budget:0
Other Funding Sources:None.
Spending Authority:Yes, to employ persons and make other necessary expenditures
Since July 1, 2012:Since July 1, 2012, the Board has reviewed and approved or denied applications for Collection Agencies in Nebraska, as required by the Act, at quarterly meetings. The Board has also updated the rules and regulations governing licensees. Through its staff, the Board has addressed consumer complaints filed against licensees.