2016 Boards and Commissions
Board of Emergency Medical Services
General Information
Formal Name:Board of Emergency Medical Services
Contact Person:Claire Covert-ByBee Program Manager, Office of Rehabilitation and Community Services DHHS Licensure Unit PO Box 94986 Lincoln, NE 68509-4986 402-471-0547
Purpose:38-161. (1) The purpose of each board is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public as prescribed in the Uniform Credentialing Act. (2) The duties of each board include, but are not limited to, (a) setting the minimum standards of proficiency and competency in accordance with section 38-126, (b) providing recommendations in accordance with section 38-149, (c) providing recommendations related to the issuance or denial of credentials, disciplinary action, and changes in legislation, and (d) providing the department with recommendations on regulations to carry out the Uniform Credentialing Act in accordance with section 38-126.
How Many Affectable:NA
How Many Served:NA
Year Created:1997
Year Active:1997
Sunset Date:NA
Authorization Citation:38-167
Parent Agency:Department of Health and Human Services
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:17
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:Yes
Qualifications Of Members:38-1215 (1) The board shall have seventeen members appointed by the Governor with the approval of a majority of the Legislature. The appointees may begin to serve immediately following appointment and prior to approval by the Legislature. (2)(a) Seven members of the board shall be active out-of-hospital emergency care providers at the time of and for the duration of their appointment, and each shall have at least five years of experience in his or her level of licensure at the time of his or her appointment or reappointment. Of the seven members who are out-of-hospital emergency care providers, two shall be emergency medical responders, two shall be emergency medical technicians, one shall be an advanced emergency medical technician, and two shall be paramedics. (b) Three of the members shall be qualified physicians actively involved in emergency medical care. At least one of the physician members shall be a board-certified emergency physician. (c) Five members shall be appointed to include one member who is a representative of an approved training agency, one member who is a physician assistant with at least five years of experience and active in out-of-hospital emergency medical care education, one member who is a registered nurse with at least five years of experience and active in out-of-hospital emergency medical care education, and two public members who meet the requirements of section 38-165 and who have an expressed interest in the provision of out-of-hospital emergency medical care. (d) The remaining two members shall have any of the qualifications listed in subdivision (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection. (e) In addition to any other criteria for appointment, among the members of the board appointed after January 1, 2017, there shall be at least three members who are volunteer emergency medical care providers, at least one member who is a paid emergency medical care provider, at least one member who is a firefighter, at least one member who is a law enforcement officer, and at least one member who is active in the Critical Incident Stress Management Program. If a person appointed to the board is qualified to serve as a member in more than one capacity, all qualifications of such person shall be taken into consideration to determine whether or not the diversity in qualifications required in this subsection has been met. (f) At least five members of the board shall be appointed from each congressional district, and at least one of such members shall be a physician member described in subdivision (b) of this subsection.(3) Members shall serve five-year terms beginning on December 1 and may serve for any number of such terms. The terms of the members of the board appointed prior to December 1, 2008, shall be extended by two years and until December 1 of such year. Each member shall hold office until the expiration of his or her term. Any vacancy in membership, other than by expiration of a term, shall be filled within ninety days by the Governor by appointment as provided in subsection (2) of this section.(4) Special meetings of the board may be called by the department or upon the written request of any six members of the board explaining the reason for such meeting. The place of the meetings shall be set by the department.(5) The Governor upon recommendation of the department shall have power to remove from office at any time any member of the board for physical or mental incapacity to carry out the duties of a board member, for continued neglect of duty, for incompetency, for acting beyond the individual member's scope of authority, for malfeasance in office, for any cause for which a professional credential may be suspended or revoked pursuant to the Uniform Credentialing Act, or for a lack of license required by the Emergency Medical Services Practice Act.(6) Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section and notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, a member of the board who changes his or her licensure classification after appointment or has a licensure classification which is terminated under section 38-1217 when such licensure classification was a qualification for appointment shall be permitted to continue to serve as a member of the board until the expiration of his or her term.38-164. (1) A professional member of a board appointed under the Uniform Licensing Law prior to December 1, 2008, shall remain subject to the requirements of the original appointment until reappointed under the Uniform Credentialing Act. Except as otherwise provided in the Uniform Credentialing Act, every professional member of a board appointed on or after December 1, 2008, shall have held and maintained an active credential and be and have been actively engaged in the practice of his or her profession for a period of five years just preceding his or her appointment and shall maintain such credential and practice while serving as a board member. For purposes of this section, active practice means devoting a substantial portion of time to rendering professional services. (2) Each professional member of a board shall have been a resident of Nebraska for one year and shall remain a resident of Nebraska while serving as a board member.38-165. A public member of a board appointed under the Uniform Licensing Law prior to December 1, 2008, shall remain subject to the requirements of the original appointment until reappointed under the Uniform Credentialing Act. At the time of appointment and while serving as a board member, a public member appointed to a board on or after December 1, 2008, shall: (1) Have been a resident of this state for one year; (2) Remain a resident of Nebraska while serving as a board member; (3) Have attained the age of nineteen years; (4) Represent the interests and viewpoints of the public; (5) Not hold an active credential in any profession or business which is subject to the Uniform Credentialing Act, issued in Nebraska or in any other jurisdiction, at any time during the five years prior to appointment; (6) Not be eligible for appointment to a board which regulates a profession or business in which that person has ever held a credential; (7) Not be or not have been, at any time during the year prior to appointment, an employee of a member of a profession credentialed by the department, of a facility credentialed pursuant to the Health Care Facility Licensure Act, of a business credentialed pursuant to the Uniform Credentialing Act, or of a business regulated by the board to which the appointment is being made; (8) Not be the parent, child, spouse, or household member of any person presently regulated by the board to which the appointment is being made; (9) Have no material financial interest in the profession or business regulated by such board; and (10) Not be a member or employee of the legislative or judicial branch of state government.
Per Diem:$50.00
Expense Reimbursement:38-171. Each member of a board shall, in addition to necessary traveling and lodging expenses, receive a per diem for each day actually engaged in the discharge of his or her duties, including compensation for the time spent in traveling to and from the
Term Length:Five years 38-1215. (3) Members shall serve five-year terms beginning on December 1 and may serve for any number of such terms. The terms of the members of the board appointed prior to December 1, 2008, shall be extended by two years and until December 1
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:1
Held FY 13-14:5
Required FY 14-15:1
Held FY 14-15:5
Required FY 15-16:1
Held FY 15-16:5
Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:A portin of three DHHS staff share the work of this Board
FY 13-14 Budget:$62,580
FY 14-15 Budget:$70,064
FY 15-16 Budget:$65,106
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:No
Since July 1, 2012:Since July 1, 2012 recommendations for licensure on 2709 persons.Provided recommendations on all disciplinary actions.