2016 Boards and Commissions

Aging Nebraskans Task Force

General Information
  • Formal Name:
    Aging Nebraskans Task Force
  • Contact Person:
    Cynthia Brammeier, Administrator, State Unit on Aging (designee of the chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human Services).Medicaid & Long-Term Care, Department of Health & Human Services, PO Box 95026, Lincoln, NE 68509-5026.
  • Purpose:
    The purposes of the task force are (a) to develop and facilitate implementation of a statewide strategic plan for addressing the needs of the aging population in the state and (b) to develop a state plan regarding individuals with Alzheimer's or related disorders as provided in section 68-1110. The task force shall provide a forum for collaboration among state, local, community, public, and private stakeholders in long-term care programs.
  • How Many Affectable:
  • How Many Served:
    61,551 22,653 Medicaid & Public Assistance; 38,898 AAA Unduplicated Clients
  • Year Created:
  • Year Active:
  • Sunset Date:
  • Authorization Citation:
  • Parent Agency:
    Health & Human Services Committee of the Legislature
Memberships and Meetings
  • Number Of Members:
  • Who Appoints:
    Executive Board of the Legislative Council; designees as indicated in legislation.
  • Legislative Approval:
  • Qualifications Of Members:
    The executive committee of the task force shall include as voting members the chairperson of the Health and Human Services Committee of the Legislature, a member of the Appropriations Committee of the Legislature appointed by the Executive Board of the Legislative Council, a member of the Health and Human Services Committee of the Legislature appointed by the Executive Board of the Legislative Council, a member of the Legislature's Planning Committee appointed by the Executive Board of the Legislative Council, and an at-large member appointed by the Executive Board of the Legislative Council. The voting members of the executive committee shall choose a chairperson and vice-chairperson from among the voting members. The chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human Services or his or her designee and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or his or her designee shall be nonvoting, ex officio members of the executive committee of the task force. The remaining four members of the task force shall be nonvoting members appointed by the executive committee of the task force through an application and selection process, representing stakeholders in the long-term care system and may include a representative of the Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care Advisory Committee on Aging, representatives of health care providers, elder law attorneys, representatives of the long-term care ombudsman program, health care economists, geriatric specialists, family caregivers of seniors in at-home care, providers of services to the elderly, seniors currently or previously in institutional care, and aging advocacy organizations.
  • Per Diem:
  • Expense Reimbursement:
  • Term Length:
    Three years (2014-2016)
  • Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:
    All Expire
Meetings Required In:
  • Required FY 13-14:
  • Held FY 13-14:
  • Required FY 14-15:
  • Held FY 14-15:
  • Required FY 15-16:
  • Held FY 15-16:
  • Support Staff:
    Dan Jenkins, Aide to Senator Kate Bolz
  • Shared or Separate:
  • FY 13-14 Budget:
  • FY 14-15 Budget:
  • FY 15-16 Budget:
  • Other Funding Sources:
  • Spending Authority:
  • Since July 1, 2012:
    Issued a Statewide Strategic Plan in December 2014. The Strategic Plan outlined several initiatives that were brought forward as legislative proposals.2015: LB 320 passed, Created the Aging & Disability Resource Center pilot projects; and the Alzheimers & Related Dementias State Plan. Several ANTF sub committees met to develop legislative initiatives.2016: LB 698 passed, Created Home Care Consumer Bill of Rights, Assisting Caregiver Transitions Act, Health Care Facility Licensure Act, Memory Care Endorsement for Assisted Living, and Alzheimers Special Care Disclosure Act. The Aging & Disability Resource Center pilot sites were selected through a request for grant proposals process. An evaluation contractor for the ADRC sites was hired. The ADRCs were launched in July 2016.