2016 Boards and Commissions
Advisory Committee on Aging
General Information
Formal Name:Advisory Committee on Aging
Contact Person:Cynthia Brammeier, Administrator, State Unit on Aging 402-471-9155 Dhhs.aging@nebraska.gov; or Cynthia.brammeier@nebraska.gov
Purpose:The Advisory Committee on Aging shall advise the Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care of the Department of Health and Human Services regarding:(1) The collection of facts and statistics and special studies of conditions and problems pertaining to the employment, health, financial status, recreation, social adjustment, or other conditions and problems pertaining to the general welfare of the aging of the state;(2) Recommendations to state and local agencies serving the aging for purposes of coordinating such agencies' activities, and reports from the various state agencies and institutions on matters within the jurisdiction of the committee;(3) The latest developments of research, studies, and programs being conducted throughout the nation on the problems and needs of the aging;(4) The mutual exchange of ideas and information on the aging between federal, state, and local governmental agencies, private organizations, and individuals; and(5) Cooperation with agencies, federal, state, and local or private organizations, in administering and supervising demonstration programs of services for aging designed to foster continued participation of older people in family and community life and to prevent insofar as possible the onset of dependency and the need for long-term institutional care.
How Many Affectable:181,000
How Many Served:45,000
Year Created:1965
Year Active:1965
Sunset Date:NA
Authorization Citation:Nebraska Revised Statute 68-1101. Federal: 45 CFR Part 1321.
Parent Agency:Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Medicaid and Long Term Care, State Unit on Aging.
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:12
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:Na
Qualifications Of Members:Knowledge of the needsissues affecting older adults, state and federal legislation relating to older persons in Nebraska. Ability to communicate orally and in writing, interact with older adults, area agencies on aging and the State Unit on Aging staff and others to exchange factual information.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:4 years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:2
Held FY 13-14:2
Required FY 14-15:2
Held FY 14-15:2
Required FY 15-16:2
Held FY 15-16:2
Support Staff:No
Shared or Separate:Shared, DHHS, MLTC, State Unit on Aging
FY 13-14 Budget:0
FY 14-15 Budget:0
FY 15-16 Budget:0
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:None, adivse only
Since July 1, 2012:The Aging Advisory Committee participated in and approved the 2015-2019 State Plan submitted to the Administration on Aging in 2015. The Committee advised staff on statutory changes to streamline processes, and align state services with federal regulations. The committee promoted and supported work of the Aging Nebraskans Task Force, the creation of the Aging & Disability Resource Centers, the Alzheimers State Plan, and the Caregiver Transitions Act. The committee promoted the Office of the Public Guardian efforts. The Committee advised staff regarding special projects or grants to improve the services to the elderly population statewide. Committee members share with local elderly population information on services available from the aging network.