2016 Boards and Commissions

The Nebraska State Historical Society

General Information
  • Formal Name:
    The Nebraska State Historical Society
  • Contact Person:
    Trevor Jones, Director & CEO, and Secretary to the NSHS Board of Trustees
  • Purpose:
    The NSHS board of trustees is responsible for the governance of the NSHS. The board has legal, fiduciary and ethical responsibility for the organization. The Nebraska State Historical Society Is the primary institution with responsibility to collect, preserve, research, and interpret artifacts, documents, and published materials relating to Nebraskas heritage. Collection, preservation, research, and interpretation are interdependent functions and together they define the mission of the Society.
  • How Many Affectable:
    1.9 million Nebraskans, plus individuals worldwide interested in Nebraska history
  • How Many Served:
    689,193 unique interactions with historical resources on-site or on-line in FY 15-16
  • Year Created:
  • Year Active:
    1878; 1883 Legislature declared the society a state institution; 1994 legislation established NSHS as a state agency.
  • Sunset Date:
  • Authorization Citation:
    Nebraska Revised Statutes 82-101 to 118
  • Parent Agency:
Memberships and Meetings
  • Number Of Members:
  • Who Appoints:
    Twelve (12) elected by members of the Nebraska State Historical Society, (four from each of three congressional districts); three appointed by the Governor (one from each of three (3) congressional districts.
  • Legislative Approval:
    None required
  • Qualifications Of Members:
  • Per Diem:
  • Expense Reimbursement:
    Actual documented expenses are reimbursed according to DAS accounting procedures
  • Term Length:
    3 year terms. Two three-year terms may be served consecutively.
  • Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:
    All Expire
Meetings Required In:
  • Required FY 13-14:
  • Held FY 13-14:
  • Required FY 14-15:
  • Held FY 14-15:
  • Required FY 15-16:
  • Held FY 15-16:
    5, Four quarterly meetings plus one to approve the h iring of a new Director of the NSHS
  • Support Staff:
    NSHS Director serves as Secretary to the Board
  • Shared or Separate:
    Director also heads the state agency
  • FY 13-14 Budget:
  • FY 14-15 Budget:
  • FY 15-16 Budget:
  • Other Funding Sources:
  • Spending Authority:
    The NSHS Board of Trustees approves biennial budget submittals and approves yearly budget allocations prepared by the NSHS staff to fund programs and activities.
  • Since July 1, 2012:
    In the last four years, the NSHS Board of Trustees has overseen:a) $8 renovation of the Nebraska History Museum and its reopening b) development of a purpose-built leased space to store government records and archeology collectionsc) implementation of the Nebraska Historic Tax Credit Program, which currently involves more than 60 projects around the state qualifying for tax credits of up to $15M in 2015-16 under the terms of the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act (2014).d) expanded digital access to NSHS resources at www.nebraskahistory.org and via social media (Facebook, YouTube) e) administration of the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission (see separate survey report)f) publications produced by the Nebraska State Historical Society:Thomas R. Buecker, "Last Days of Red Cloud Agency: Peter T. Buckley's Photograph Collection, 1876-77" (2016)James E. Potter (ed.), "'From Our Special Correspondent'": Dispatches from the 1875 Black Hills Council at Red Cloud Agency, Nebraska" (2016)Mark Harris, "Rodeo Nebraska" (2015)Thomas R. Buecker, "Fort Robinson: Self-Guided Driving Tours" (2015)Thomas R. Buecker, "A Brave Soldier & Honest Gentleman: Lt. James E. H. Foster in the West, 1873-1881" (2013). Winner of 2014 Award of Merit - American Association for State and Local History.L. Robert Puschendorf, "Nebraska's Post Office Murals: Born of the Depression, Fostered by the New Deal" (2012) A book by NSHS senior research historian was published by the University of Nebraska Press: James E. Potter, "Standing Firmly by the Flag: Nebraska Territory and the Civil War, 1861-1867" (University of Nebraska Press, 2013)