2016 Boards and Commissions
Nebraska Grape and Winery Board
General Information
Formal Name:Nebraska Grape and Winery Board
Contact Person:Max McFarland, Chairman, 2702 N Adams St, Lexington, NE 68850,Phone: (308) 324-5375
Purpose:The purpose of the board is to further the growth and economic development of the grape-growing and wine making industry in the state of Nebraska to a maximum level as supported by the favorable soil and climatic conditions existing in Nebraska, and to satisfy the market demand for grapes and wine inside and outside of Nebraska. The end objective is to create an economically viable alternative farm crop and wine industry in Nebraska that will enhance the economic condition of the farm industry and the state of Nebraska.
How Many Affectable:All adult Nebraska citizens and out-of-state tourists.
How Many Served:An estimated 110,000 visitors to Nebraska wineries every year
Year Created:2000
Year Active:2000
Sunset Date:Not specified
Authorization Citation:Nebraska Revised Statute 53-301
Parent Agency:None
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:Five
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:All board members shall be (a) citizens of Nebraska, (b) at least twenty-one years of age, and (c) either engaged in or previously engaged in wine or grape production or research in this state. At least two board members shall be members of the Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Association. In addition, the Director of Agriculture and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Nebraska, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, or their designees, shall be ex-officio members of the board but shall have no vote in board matters.
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Yes. All voting board members shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses.
Term Length:Each board member serves for a term of three years, upon completion of which he or she may, at the Governors discretion, be reappointed.
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:All Expire
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:2
Held FY 13-14:3
Required FY 14-15:2
Held FY 14-15:4
Required FY 15-16:2
Held FY 15-16:1
Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:Shared. The boards Winery and Grape Producers Promotional Fund is located in the Department of Agriculture. An individual, working on a part-time contractual basis for the board, assists the department in fulfilling the clerical responsibilities associate
FY 13-14 Budget:$113,164.30
FY 14-15 Budget:$220,871.10
FY 15-16 Budget:$280,703.61
Other Funding Sources:NA
Spending Authority:Yes. There are three funding sources from which the board collects their funds: (1) Twenty dollars for every 160 gallons of juice produced or received by a facility is collected by the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission and remitted to the State Treasur
Since July 1, 2012:The Board of Directors met twice during the fiscal year. Emphasis was placed on supporting marketing and promotional activities and conducting research to assist in the betterment and development of Nebraskas grape and wine industry. As in previous years, the revenue over the past several years has enabled the Board to fund several meaningful projects aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Nebraskas grape and wine industry. Priority funding was given to marketing and research projects targeted at increasing the sales and production of Nebraska grapes andor wines. A total of 13 projects were approved for funding. For a complete list of all projects, and their respective amounts, please refer to the 2014 Annual Report found at http:www.grapeandwineryboard.nebraska.gov.The Board released a Request for Proposal (RFP) in February 2014 seeking grant proposals from individual growers, farm wineries, organizations, industry groups, or academic institutions for the 2014 2015 fiscal year. A total of nine proposals were approved for funding. Overview of Activities for FY 14-15 The Board of Directors met twice during the fiscal year. Priority funding was given to marketing and research projects targeted at increasing the sales and production of Nebraska grapes andor wines. For a complete list of all projects, and their respective amounts, please refer to the 2015 Annual Report found at http:www.grapeandwineryboard.nebraska.gov.The Board released a Request for Proposal (RFP) in March 2015 seeking grant proposals from individual growers, farm wineries, organizations, industry groups, or academic institutions for the 2015 2016 fiscal year. A total of 12 proposals were approved for funding. Overview of Activities for FY15-16The Board of Directors met once during the fiscal year. The Board released a Request for Proposal (RFP) in March 2016 seeking grant proposals from individual growers, farm wineries, organizations, industry groups, or academic institutions for the 2016 2017 fiscal year. A total of seven proposals were approved for funding. Promotion of Nebraskas grape and wine industry continues to be a primary goal of the Board. The Board helps the grape and wine industry in becoming a strong and important part of Nebraskas thriving economy. They stay abreast of recent legislation affecting Nebraskas grape and wine industry, support Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Association (NWGGA) activities, and work closely with the University of Nebraska Lincoln to receive guidance and education based upon industry research. Documents and information pertinent to the Boards functions and history can also be found at http:www.grapeandwineryboard.nebraska.gov.