2016 Boards and Commissions

Priority School Intervention Team

General Information
  • Formal Name:
    Priority School Intervention Team
  • Contact Person:
  • Purpose:
    The Commissioner is authorized under Section 79-760.07 to appoint individuals to assist a school district, school and Nebraska Department of Education staff with diagnosing issues that negatively affect student achievement in a priority school and then assist in developing a progress plan for a priority school that is approved by the State Board of Education as further provided under Section 79-760.07
  • How Many Affectable:
    up to 3 priority schools
  • How Many Served:
    up to 3 priority schools
  • Year Created:
    Section 79-760.07 was enacted in 2014 and any members of an intervention team were appointed in January 2016
  • Year Active:
    January 2016 to date
  • Sunset Date:
  • Authorization Citation:
  • Parent Agency:
    Nebraska Department of Education
Memberships and Meetings
  • Number Of Members:
    Statute provides that up to 5 individuals may be named to any intervention team
  • Who Appoints:
    Commissioner of Education
  • Legislative Approval:
  • Qualifications Of Members:
    Section 79-760.07 provides that any team may be composed of up to 5 individuals "with education and experience" to carry out the responsibilities of the team".
  • Per Diem:
  • Expense Reimbursement:
  • Term Length:
    Not applicable
  • Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:
Meetings Required In:
  • Required FY 13-14:
    Not applicable
  • Held FY 13-14:
  • Required FY 14-15:
    Not applicable
  • Held FY 14-15:
  • Required FY 15-16:
    Not applicable
  • Held FY 15-16:
  • Support Staff:
    Not applicable
  • Shared or Separate:
    Not applicable
  • FY 13-14 Budget:
    Not applicable
  • FY 14-15 Budget:
    Not applicable
  • FY 15-16 Budget:
    Not applicable
  • Other Funding Sources:
  • Spending Authority:
    Not applicable
  • Since July 1, 2012:
    Intervention teams are not a board nor a commission. The teams exist of individuals appointed by the Commissioner of Education to carry out a task defined by statute. The teams have no authority to do anything except assist with the tasks specified by Section 79-760.07.