2016 Boards and Commissions
Childrens Behavioral Health Task Force
General Information
Formal Name:Childrens Behavioral Health Task Force
Contact Person:Linda Wittmuss
Purpose:The Task Force was created under LB 542 in 2010. In order to meet this SAMHSA Block Grant requirement joint meetings have been held with the Mental Health (MH) and Substance Abuse (SA) committees.
How Many Affectable:blank
How Many Served:blank
Year Created:2010 (LB 542)
Year Active:2010
Sunset Date:Has sunsetted with final report to the Legislature in 2010
Authorization Citation:blank
Parent Agency:blank
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:blank
Who Appoints:blank
Legislative Approval:blank
Qualifications Of Members:blank
Per Diem:blank
Expense Reimbursement:blank
Term Length:blank
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:Conduct regular meetings
Held FY 13-14:blank
Required FY 14-15:Conduct regular meetings
Held FY 14-15:blank
Required FY 15-16:Conduct regular meetings
Held FY 15-16:blank
Support Staff:blank
Shared or Separate:blank
FY 13-14 Budget:blank
FY 14-15 Budget:blank
FY 15-16 Budget:blank
Other Funding Sources:blank
Spending Authority:blank
Since July 1, 2012:blank