2016 Boards and Commissions
Police Standards Advisory Council (PSAC)
General Information
Formal Name:Police Standards Advisory Council (PSAC)
Contact Person:William Muldoon
Purpose:Nebraska Police Standards Advisory Council; created; purpose and duties; meetings. There is hereby created the Nebraska Police Standards Advisory Council. The council shall be a special standing committee of the commission with the express purpose of overseeing all training schools and training academies and the operation of the training center and ensuring that all rules, regulations, and policies with respect to pre-certification, certification, continuing education, and training requirements are implemented and complied with. The council shall act for the commission in all matters relating to law enforcement training, the training center, and continuing education but shall not have any other powers and duties with respect to the commission or any of its duties. The council shall conduct regular meetings in order to carry out its statutory duties.
How Many Affectable:blank
How Many Served:4,100 Certified law enforcement officers of the State
Year Created:1969
Year Active:1969
Sunset Date:No sunset
Authorization Citation:Nebraska Revised Statutes 81-1406
Parent Agency:Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:7
Who Appoints:Appointed by the Governor
Legislative Approval:No
Qualifications Of Members:One member is the chief of police or designee from a city of the metropolitan or primary class, a chief of police or designee from a city of the first class, a chief of police or designee from a city of the second class or village, a county sheriff or designee from a county having a population of forty thousand or more, a county sheriff or designee from a population of forty thousand or less, a member of the Nebraska State Patrol, a member from the public
Per Diem:No
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:Four year term
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:81-1406 The council shall conduct regular meetings in order to carry out its statutory duties. Meetings are scheduled the third Wednesday of each month but can be cancelled due to lack of agenda items or quorum.
Held FY 13-14:9
Required FY 14-15:blank
Held FY 14-15:11
Required FY 15-16:blank
Held FY 15-16:10
Support Staff:Staffed by training center employees. A training center staff assistant serves as secretary to the council, the agency counsel serves as legal advisor, and the training center director serves as director of standards
Shared or Separate:Shared, Law Enforcement Training Center & Crime Commission
FY 13-14 Budget:$0
FY 14-15 Budget:$0
FY 15-16 Budget:$0
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:No
Since July 1, 2012:Since the last survey, the Council has issued 518 law enforcement certifications, conducted 31 evidentiary hearings and recommended the revocation of 30 licenses, heard five appeals of directors decisions regarding admissions and dismissals, inspected the states four academies once each year (16 total), and reviewed applications & issued instructor certifications; 45 in 2013, 35 in 2014, and 49 in 2015In 2013, the Council promulgated NAC Title 79, Chapter 17, Law Enforcement Continuing Education in response to LB 817 (rolled into LB 1046). The Council also implemented a new 16 week basic curriculum comprised of 634 training hours as a result of a statewide job task analysis conducted in 2012. Implemented LB 538 by amending a change-in-status form to capture when an agency separates a law enforcement officer based on physical, mental or emotional incapacity. This information is used to suspend the law enforcement officers certification so that he does not rejoin another agency without proving that physical, mental or emotional condition no longer exists. Director conducted 19 statewide meetings with over 114 agency heads to talk about the new curriculum, new continuing education statutes and academy issues. In 2014, the Council promulgated NAC Title 79, Chapter 18, Certification of Police Service Dog Teams to require every canine team is state certified. In 2015, the Council incorporated Blue Courage and Fair & Impartial Policing curriculums into the basic curriculum. Instructors from all four academies attended training. 2015 was also the first operational year of the continuing education statute and its first report of the mandated 10% audit was reviewed and accepted by the Council. In 2016, the Council is redrafting NAC Title 79, Chapter 11, Firearms, to incorporate a training standard for officers who carry a patrol rifle. A public hearing is tentatively scheduled for late 2016.