2016 Boards and Commissions

Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission

General Information
  • Formal Name:
    Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission
  • Contact Person:
    Dr. Sara Crook, Chair, co Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421, 402-872-2279
  • Purpose:
    "To develop programs and plans for the offiical observance of the one hundred fifthieth anniversary of Nebraska statehood in 2017...to execute commemorative events and to implement educational activities." NRS 81-8,309 et seq.
  • How Many Affectable:
    1.8+ Nebraskans statewide and others outside the state
  • How Many Served:
    This will be determined in 2017.
  • Year Created:
  • Year Active:
  • Sunset Date:
    June 30, 2018
  • Authorization Citation:
    NRS 81-8,309 et. seq.
  • Parent Agency:
    Nebraska State Historical Society (NSHS), Agency 54
Memberships and Meetings
  • Number Of Members:
    17 commissioners
  • Who Appoints:
    The Governor
  • Legislative Approval:
    Not required
  • Qualifications Of Members:
    Per statute, commissioners shall be "from all regions of the state, representing all major interests and a diverse array of industries. No more than eight...shall be affiliated with the same political party."
  • Per Diem:
  • Expense Reimbursement:
  • Term Length:
    Duration of the Commission's existence
  • Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:
    All Expire
Meetings Required In:
  • Required FY 13-14:
    No statutory requirement
  • Held FY 13-14:
  • Required FY 14-15:
    No statutory requirement
  • Held FY 14-15:
  • Required FY 15-16:
    No statutory requirement
  • Held FY 15-16:
  • Support Staff:
    NSHS staff provides accounting, HR, purchasing, and support for and at Commission meetings.
  • Shared or Separate:
  • FY 13-14 Budget:
  • FY 14-15 Budget:
    $94,000 in general funds
  • FY 15-16 Budget:
    $102,004.77 in general funds
  • Other Funding Sources:
    Funding from the sales of Sesquicentennial license plates is made available to the Commisision for grant.
  • Spending Authority:
    Yes, the Commission allocates and expends appropriated funds to meet its autorized purpose and goals.
  • Since July 1, 2012:
    Since its establishment, the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission has worked closely with private not-for-profit organizations with parallel purposes related to the 2017 Sesquicentennial to raise public awareness of the event, enhance planning, and promote commemorative opportunities.It has also established the authorized grant program and is currently taking the first grant applications.