2016 Boards and Commissions
Nebraska Board of Educational Lands and Funds
General Information
Formal Name:Nebraska Board of Educational Lands and Funds
Contact Person:The current Executive Secretary of the Board is Richard R. Endacott. After serving since 2009, he is retiring on July 15, 2016, and will be replaced at that time by Kelly L. Sudbeck, Executive Secretary, 555 North Cotner, Lincoln, Ne. 68505. Phone: 402-4
Purpose:The Board was established in 1867 (the date of Statehood) when the Federal Government made a grant to the Board of 2.8 million acres of land in trust for the benefit of the public schools of Nebraska. The Nebraska Constitution in 1875 provided in Article VII, Sec. 9 the following: The following funds shall be exclusively used for the support and maintenance of the common schools in each school district in the State as the Legislature shall provide:a.Income arising from the perpetual funds.b.The Income from the unsold school lands, except that costs of administration shall be deducted from the income before it is so applied.c.All other grants, gifts and devises that have been or may hereafter be made to the state which are not otherwise appropriated by the terms of the grant, gift or devise, andd.Such other support as the Legislature may provide.
How Many Affectable:All of the Nebraska Public Schools are affected. According to the Nebraska Board of Education there are 368,587 students in grades K-12 in the Nebraska Public Schools.
How Many Served:All of the Nebraska Public Schools are affected. According to the Nebraska Board of Education there are 368,587 students in grades K-12 in the Nebraska Public Schools.
Year Created:Although the land was granted to the State in 1867, the Nebraska Act Enabling Congress was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln in 1864. The relevant section of that act is Section 7 which provides: And be it furth
Year Active:See above (1867). The current successor Board was created in 1939.
Sunset Date:NA
Authorization Citation:Please see section 4. which refers to the creation of the Board pursuant to the Enabling Act. Current authorization by the Nebraska Legislation is provided in Section 72-201 of the Nebraska Statutes. That section begins: (1) The Board of Educational Lan
Parent Agency:NA
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:5
Who Appoints:Governor with the consent of a majority of members elected to the Legislature.
Legislative Approval:Yes
Qualifications Of Members:Legislative approval required. Qualifications: These are set out in Section 72-201 of the Statutes: One member shall be appointed from each of the congressional districts as the districts were constituted on January 1, 1961, and a fifth member shall be appointed from the state at large. One member of the board shall be competent in the field of investments.
Per Diem:Yes. $50 per day for each days time actually engaged in the performance of the duties of their office.
Expense Reimbursement:Yes. Necessary traveling expenses incurred while upon business of the board.
Term Length:5 Years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:12
Held FY 13-14:12
Required FY 14-15:12
Held FY 14-15:12
Required FY 15-16:12
Held FY 15-16:12
Support Staff:Yes
Shared or Separate:Separate
FY 13-14 Budget:FY 13-14 budget$4,339,705Budget Expended$3,520,045 Plus R.E. Taxes$8,808,000R.E. Taxes Expended$9,002,607
FY 14-15 Budget:FY 14-15 budget$4,580,540Budget Expended$4,304,582 Plus R.E. Taxes$9,473,000R.E. Taxes Expended$10,111,041
FY 15-16 Budget:blank
Other Funding Sources:NA
Spending Authority:The board currently manages 1.259 million acres of land remaining from the grant referred to in 1. above. The proceeds from the leasing of said lands are used for administrative expenses (including taxes of approximately 70% of total expenditures), and c
Since July 1, 2012:The Board has increased the value of its land holdings from $999.9 million in 2012, to $1.552 billion in 2015. It has increased its gross revenue from $37.4 million in 2012 to $49.4 in 2015, and has entered into numerous wind turbine, oil and gas, and uranium leases which provide additional non-agricultural revenue sources. During this period, the approximate net amounts distributed to K-12 public schools has been $131,713,000. In 2013 the Board hosted a conference in Omaha for approximately 150 representatives from 23 western states who, along with Nebraska, are members of the Western States Land Commissioners.