2016 Boards and Commissions
Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
General Information
Formal Name:Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Contact Person:Dr. Pearl Van Zandt, Executive Director
Purpose:The Commission Board governs the state agency entitled Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NCBVI). NCBVI provides vocational rehabilitation and independent living services to blind persons so that they may be employed and full participants in society; works to enlarge economic opportunities for blind persons, increase the available occupational range and diversity for the blind, and to stimulate other efforts to aid blind persons to stay or to become self-supporting; and to assist senior blind persons to remain independent in their homes.
How Many Affectable:Approximately 30,000
How Many Served:1,783
Year Created:2000
Year Active:2000
Sunset Date:Not Applicable
Authorization Citation:71-8601 to 71-8616
Parent Agency:Commission for the Blind & Visually Impaired
Memberships and Meetings
Number Of Members:Five (5)
Who Appoints:Governor
Legislative Approval:Yes
Qualifications Of Members:The Board shall consist of members having reasonable knowledge or experience in issues related to blindness. At least three board members shall be blind persons. One member shall be a member or designee of the National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska; one member shall be a member or designee of the American Council of the Blind of Nebraska; and one member may be a member of another consumer organization of the blind.
Per Diem:$70.00 per day
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:Four (4) Years
Terms Rotate or Expire At Once:Terms Rotate
Meetings Required In:
Required FY 13-14:4
Held FY 13-14:5
Required FY 14-15:4
Held FY 14-15:4
Required FY 15-16:4
Held FY 15-16:4
Support Staff:No
Shared or Separate:Separate
FY 13-14 Budget:$0
FY 14-15 Budget:$0
FY 15-16 Budget:$0
Other Funding Sources:None
Spending Authority:No
Since July 1, 2012:The Commission Board has overseen the agency's successful work in providing the training and counseling necessary for blind persons to be full participants in their communities and in the workforce. NCBVI is committed to provide the services needed to accomplish each clients vocational goal. The general approach is to provide training and resources needed, on an individual basis, for blind individuals to become employed. Our rules, policy, guidance, and procedures are geared toward quality services so our consumers can achieve their goals. NCBVI invests a great deal of time and money to help clients gain quality employment. As a result, NCBVI continues to receive large amounts of Social Security reimbursement. In FY 2013, NCBVI received $1,223,648.82 of Social Security reimbursement. In 2014, NCBVI received $541,597.85, in 2015, $148,936.38, and to date, in 2016, $503,022.15.Quarterly Commission Board meetings each year give a forum for consumers and members of the public in general to hear what the agency is doing and to voice their issues and concerns to the Board. At most quarterly meetings, there is a Focus Topic wherein the Commissioners and the public learn more about the services and programs that NCBVI provides. Commissioners have attended State and National consumer conventions of the blind and other NCBVI activities. The Commissioners and Executive Director worked with an organizational specialist to assist with organizational development at NCBVI. The results were very productive, helping the agency to remain responsive to the needs of blind and visually impaired Nebraskans of all ages.The Commission Board continues to work to improve processes and procedures to stay abreast of the activities of the Commission and to prepare for the future. It maintains a thumb drive containing files with comprehensive information for new Commissioners and for all to use as an ongoing resource and archive of reference material. The Board developed an orientation process for new Commissioners. It has worked to develop an electronic method for sharing information. The performance review process for Executive Director has been revised.The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is the new federal law amending the Workforce Act and the Rehabilitation Act. WIOA was enacted July 22, 2014. It provides opportunities to advance a customer-centered workforce investment system driven by the needs of job seekers and employersbusinesses, to support strong regional economies, and to provide individuals with pathways to the middle class and beyond. NCBVI is a core partner with other state entities to roll out WIOA as it is applied and will impact all stakeholders in the Nebraska workforce system.