59-101. Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.

59-201. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-202. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-203. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-204. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-301. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 485, § 5.

59-302. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 485, § 5.

59-303. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 485, § 5.

59-304. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 485, § 5.

59-401. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-402. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-403. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-501. Sales; discrimination; when unlawful.

Any person, firm, or company, association or corporation, foreign or domestic, doing business in the State of Nebraska and engaged in the production, manufacture or distribution of any commodity in general use, that shall intentionally, for the purpose of destroying the business of a competitor in any locality, discriminate between different sections, communities, or cities of this state by selling such commodity at a lower rate in one section, community or city than is charged for said commodity by said party in another section, community or city, after making due allowance for the difference, if any, in the grade or quality and in the actual cost of transportation from the point of production, if a raw product, or from the point of manufacture, if a manufactured product, shall be deemed guilty of unfair discrimination, which is hereby prohibited and declared unlawful.

Source:Laws 1939, c. 77, § 1, p. 313; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-523; R.S.1943, § 59-501.


59-502. Sales; unlawful discrimination; prima facie evidence.

Proof that any person, firm, company, association or corporation has been discriminating between different sections, communities and cities of this state by selling a commodity at a lower rate in one section, community or city than is charged for said commodity by said party in another section, community or city, after making an allowance for the difference, if any, in the grade or quality and in the actual cost of transportation from the point of production, if a raw material, and from the point of manufacture, if a manufactured product, shall be prima facie evidence that the party so discriminating is guilty of unfair discrimination.

Source:Laws 1939, c. 77, § 1, p. 314; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-523; R.S.1943, § 59-502.

59-503. Purchases; discrimination; when unlawful.

Any person, firm, company, association or corporation, foreign or domestic, doing business in the State of Nebraska, engaged in the business of collecting or buying any product, commodity or property of any kind, that shall intentionally, for the purpose of injuring or destroying the business of a competitor in any locality, discriminate between the different sections, communities or cities of this state by buying any product, commodity or property of any kind, and paying therefor a higher rate or price in one section, community or city than is paid for the same kind of product, commodity or property by said party in another section, community or city, after making due allowance for the difference, if any, in the grade or quality and in the actual cost of the transportation from the point where the same is purchased to the market where it is sold, or intended to be sold, shall be deemed guilty of unfair discrimination, which is hereby prohibited and declared unlawful.

Source:Laws 1939, c. 77, § 1, p. 314; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-523; R.S.1943, § 59-503.

59-504. Purchases; unlawful discrimination; prima facie evidence.

Proof that any person, firm, company, association or corporation has been discriminating between different sections, communities and cities by buying any product, commodity or property of any kind, and paying therefor a higher rate or price in one section, community or city than is paid for the same kind of product, commodity or property by said party in another section, community or city, after making due allowance for the difference, if any, in the grade or quality, and in the actual cost of transportation from the point where the same is purchased to the market where same is sold or intended to be sold, shall be prima facie evidence that the party so discriminating is guilty of unfair discrimination.

Source:Laws 1939, c. 77, § 1, p. 314; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-523; R.S.1943, § 59-504.

59-505. Unlawful discrimination; penalty.

Any person, firm, company, association or corporation violating any of the provisions of sections 59-501 and 59-503, and any officer, agent or receiver of any firm, company, association or corporation, or any member of the same, or any individual, violating any of the provisions of said sections, shall be deemed guilty of a Class I misdemeanor.

Source:Laws 1939, c. 77, § 2, p. 315; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-524; R.S.1943, § 59-505; Laws 1977, LB 39, § 61.    

59-506. Unlawful discrimination; contracts void.

All contracts or agreements made in violation of any of the provisions of sections 59-501 to 59-503 shall be void.

Source:Laws 1939, c. 77, § 3, p. 315; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-525; R.S.1943, § 59-506.

59-507. Attorney General, county attorneys; duty to enforce sections.

It shall be the duty of the county attorneys, in their counties, and the Attorney General to enforce the provisions of sections 59-501 to 59-508.

Source:Laws 1939, c. 77, § 4, p. 315; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-526; R.S.1943, § 59-507.

59-508. Unlawful discrimination by corporations; penalty; prosecution by Attorney General; injunction; corporations in which the public has an interest.

Any corporation, joint-stock company or other association that shall have been once adjudged to have violated the provisions of sections 59-501 to 59-507, by a final judgment of any court having jurisdiction of the question and who shall thereafter violate the provisions of said sections shall no longer be allowed to engage in business in this state; Provided, such prohibition shall be enforced only after such corporation, joint-stock company or other association shall have been enjoined against further engaging in such business on an information or suit brought in a court of competent jurisdiction by the Attorney General on behalf of this state. The Attorney General may, unless he shall be satisfied that such corporation, joint-stock company or other association has desisted and abstained and will in the future desist and abstain from such violation, enforce the provision by proceeding, either by information or by indictment, as he may in his discretion think best. Any corporation, joint-stock company or other association which shall be charged with violating said sections, and any president, director, treasurer, officer or agent thereof, may be enjoined as a party in any proceeding, civil or criminal, to enforce said sections. If, in the judgment of the Attorney General, such corporation, joint-stock company or other association, against which proceedings may be instituted, be one on which the public is so depending that the interruption of its business will cause serious public loss or inconvenience, he may, in his discretion, refrain from proceeding to obtain a decree, which will absolutely prevent the continuance of such business, and may apply for a limited or conditional decree or one to take effect at a future day, as the public interests shall seem to require. If, in the judgment of the court before whom such proceedings may be pending, the interruption of the business of the defendant corporation, joint-stock company, or other association will cause such serious public loss or inconvenience, the court may decline to enter an absolute decree enjoining it against proceeding with its business and may enter a conditional decree or such a decree to take effect at a future time, as justice shall require. The court may also, in its discretion, enjoin such officers, agents or servants of such corporation, joint-stock company or other association from continuing in its service and enjoin any such corporation, joint-stock company or other association from continuing their employment therein, as the case shall seem to require.

Source:Laws 1939, c. 77, § 5, p. 315; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-527; Laws 1943, c. 132, § 1, p. 444; R.S.1943, § 59-508.

59-509. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-601. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-602. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-603. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-604. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-605. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-606. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-701. Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 381, § 41.

59-702. Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 381, § 41.

59-703. Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 381, § 41.

59-704. Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 381, § 41.

59-705. Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 381, § 41.

59-801. Restraint of trade or commerce; unlawful; penalty.

Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce, within this state, is hereby declared to be illegal. Every person who shall make any such contract or engage in any such combination or conspiracy shall be deemed guilty of a Class IV felony.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 1, p. 636; R.S.1913, § 4045; C.S.1922, § 3448; C.S.1929, § 59-801; R.S.1943, § 59-801; Laws 1977, LB 39, § 63;    Laws 1983, LB 32, § 1.    


59-802. Monopolizing trade or commerce; unlawful; penalty.

Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce, within this state, shall be deemed guilty of a Class IV felony.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 2, p. 636; R.S.1913, § 4046; C.S.1922, § 3449; C.S.1929, § 59-802; R.S.1943, § 59-802; Laws 1977, LB 39, § 64;    Laws 1983, LB 32, § 2.    


59-803. Violation; property under contract forfeited.

Any property owned under any contract or by any combination, or pursuant to any conspiracy, and being the subject thereof, mentioned in sections 59-801 and 59-802, shall be forfeited to the state.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 3, p. 636; R.S.1913, § 4047; C.S.1922, § 3450; C.S.1929, § 59-803; R.S.1943, § 59-803.

59-804. Business of corporations or other companies; conduct; investigation by Attorney General; powers.

The Attorney General of this state may at any time require of any corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association engaged in business within this state, any statement he or she may think fit in regard to the conduct of its business. He or she may especially require any such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association to give a list of all contracts or transactions entered into within the twelve months preceding such requisition in which it has sold any article or product or carried any article or product within this state at a rate less than the ordinary market price if such article or product has been sold or carried by any other person than the party to such transaction. He or she may further require the reasons for such distinction and the circumstances attending the same.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 5, p. 638; R.S.1913, § 4049; C.S.1922, § 3452; C.S.1929, § 59-805; Laws 1939, c. 76, § 1, p. 312; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 59-805; R.S.1943, § 59-804; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 359.    


59-805. Restraint of trade; underselling; penalty.

Every person, corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association engaged in business within this state which enters into any contract, combination, or conspiracy or which gives any direction or authority to do any act for the purpose of driving out of business any other person engaged therein or which for such purpose in the course of such business sells any article or product at less than its fair market value or at a less price than it is accustomed to demand or receive therefor in any other place under like conditions or which sells any article upon a condition, contract, or understanding that it shall not be sold again by the purchaser or restrains such sale by the purchaser shall be deemed guilty of a Class IV felony.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 6, p. 638; R.S.1913, § 4050; C.S.1922, § 3453; C.S.1929, § 59-806; R.S.1943, § 59-805; Laws 1977, LB 39, § 65;    Laws 1983, LB 32, § 3;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 360.    


59-806. Holding companies; when unlawful.

No corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association shall engage in business within this state, a majority of whose stock is owned by or controlled or held in trust for any manufacturing or other corporation, which, in the course of its manufacture or production, conducts its business, or any part thereof, in a manner which would be prohibited by sections 59-801 to 59-831 if it were so conducted in the course of such business within this state.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 7, p. 639; R.S.1913, § 4051; C.S.1922, § 3454; C.S.1929, § 59-807; R.S.1943, § 59-806; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 361;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 1.    

59-807. Books of record and papers; inspection by Attorney General.

All the books of record and papers of every such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association engaged in business within this state shall be subject to inspection by the Attorney General of this state or by any agent he or she may designate for that purpose, and such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association shall, at such times as he or she shall prescribe, make such further returns, verified as aforesaid as shall be by him or her prescribed, either by general regulations or by special direction.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 8, p. 639; R.S.1913, § 4052; C.S.1922, § 3455; C.S.1929, § 59-808; R.S.1943, § 59-807; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 362.    

59-808. Prohibited acts.

Any president, director, treasurer, officer, corporator, partner, member, associate, or agent of such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association who does in its behalf anything prohibited by sections 59-801 to 59-831 or who supports, votes for, aids and abets, or takes part in doing such action by the corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association, or any instrumentality thereof, shall be liable to the penalties by law provided.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 9, p. 639; R.S.1913, § 4053; C.S.1922, § 3456; C.S.1929, § 59-809; R.S.1943, § 59-808; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 363;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 2.    

59-809. Violation; ouster.

No corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association which manufactures or produces any article for sale or transportation within this state and which does any of the acts or things prohibited to be done by sections 59-801 to 59-831 shall engage in business within this state.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 10, p. 640; R.S.1913, § 4054; C.S.1922, § 3457; C.S.1929, § 59-810; R.S.1943, § 59-809; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 364;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 3.    

59-810. Second or subsequent violations; ouster; injunction.

Any corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association which has been once adjudged to have violated the provisions of sections 59-801 to 59-831 by the final judgment of any court having jurisdiction of the question in any civil suit or proceeding in which such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association was a party, which thereafter violates any of such sections or which fails to make the returns herein required at the times specified shall no longer be allowed to engage in business within this state. Such prohibition shall only be enforced after such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association has been enjoined against further engaging in such business on an information or suit brought in a court of competent jurisdiction by the Attorney General in behalf of this state.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 11, p. 640; R.S.1913, § 4055; C.S.1922, § 3458; C.S.1929, § 59-811; R.S.1943, § 59-810; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 365;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 4.    

59-811. Second or subsequent violations; duty of Attorney General.

It shall be the duty of the Attorney General in such case, unless he or she is satisfied that such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association has desisted and abstained and will in the future desist and abstain from such violation, to enforce the provision by proceeding, either by information or by indictment, as he or she may in his or her discretion think best.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 11, p. 640; R.S.1913, § 4055; C.S.1922, § 3458; C.S.1929, § 59-811; R.S.1943, § 59-811; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 366.    

59-812. Violators; actions against; joinder of parties.

Any corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association which is charged with violating sections 59-801 to 59-831 and any president, director, treasurer, officer, limited liability company member, or agent thereof may be joined as a party in any proceeding, civil or criminal, to enforce such sections.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 11, p. 640; R.S.1913, § 4055; C.S.1922, § 3458; C.S.1929, § 59-811; R.S.1943, § 59-812; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 367;    Laws 1994, LB 884, § 75;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 5.    

59-813. Violators; ouster; injunctions; business affected with a public interest; decree.

If, in the judgment of the Attorney General, such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association against which any civil proceeding may be instituted is one upon which the public is so depending that the interruption of its business will cause serious public loss or inconvenience, he or she may, in his or her discretion, refrain from proceeding to obtain a decree which will absolutely prevent the continuance of such business and may apply for a limited or conditional decree, or one to take effect at a future day, as the public interest shall seem to require. If, in the judgment of the court before whom such proceeding may be pending, the interruption of the business of the defendant corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association will cause such serious public loss or inconvenience, the court may decline to enter an absolute decree enjoining it against proceeding with its business and may enter a modified or conditional decree or a decree to take effect at a future time as justice shall require.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 11, p. 640; R.S.1913, § 4055; C.S.1922, § 3458; C.S.1929, § 59-811; R.S.1943, § 59-813; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 368.    


59-814. Violators; parties to employment contract; injunction.

The court may also, in its discretion, enjoin the officers, agents, or servants of such corporation, joint-stock company, or other association or the managers, agents, or servants of such limited liability company from continuing in its service and enjoin any such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association from continuing their employment therein as the case shall seem to require.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 11, p. 641; R.S.1913, § 4055; C.S.1922, § 3458; C.S.1929, § 59-811; R.S.1943, § 59-814; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 369;    Laws 1994, LB 884, § 76.    

59-815. Violation; penalty.

Any corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association, and any president, director, treasurer, officer, corporator, partner, member, associate, or agent thereof who in its behalf engages in such business in violation of sections 59-801 to 59-831 shall for each offense, in addition to such penalty for contempt as the court in case of disobedience to its lawful order may impose, be guilty of a Class IV felony.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 12, p. 641; R.S.1913, § 4056; C.S.1922, § 3459; C.S.1929, § 59-812; R.S.1943, § 59-815; Laws 1977, LB 39, § 66;    Laws 1983, LB 32, § 4;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 370;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 6.    

59-816. Violation; company officers; personal liability.

Every president, treasurer, general manager, agent, or other person usually exercising the powers of such officers of any corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association who has himself or herself, in its behalf, violated, united to violate, or voted for or consented to the violation of sections 59-801 to 59-831 shall thereafter be personally liable for all the debts and obligations of any such corporation, joint-stock company, limited liability company, or other association created while such person holds such office or agency, whether under the same or subsequent elections or appointments.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 13, p. 641; R.S.1913, § 4057; C.S.1922, § 3460; C.S.1929, § 59-813; R.S.1943, § 59-816; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 371;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 7.    

59-817. Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 425, art. 8, § 2.

59-818. Seeking or receiving special advantages; transport of article; when unlawful; penalty.

If any joint-stock company, corporation, limited liability company, or combination or any agent thereof solicits, accepts, or receives any such rebate, concession, or service as is hereinbefore declared to be unlawful, it shall be unlawful thereafter to transport within this state any article owned or controlled by such company, corporation, limited liability company, or combination, or produced or manufactured by it, by whomsoever the same may be owned or controlled. If any such joint-stock company, corporation, limited liability company, or combination offers, grants, or gives any special prices, inducements, or advantages for the sale of articles produced, manufactured, owned, or controlled by it to purchasers in any particular locality in order to restrict or destroy competition in that locality in the sale of such articles, it shall be unlawful thereafter to transport within this state any article owned or controlled by it, or produced or manufactured by it, by whomsoever the same may be owned or controlled. The prohibition imposed under this section shall not apply to any article purchased bona fide before decree made in pursuance thereof against the joint-stock company, corporation, limited liability company, or combination producing, manufacturing, or theretofore owning or controlling the same, and even after decree, any such article may be relieved from the prohibition imposed under this section if the owner thereof shows to the satisfaction of the court having jurisdiction of the matter hereinafter provided that such article was purchased bona fide, without notice, and within thirty days after the entry of such decree. Any transportation company, and any officer, agent, or representative thereof, knowingly concerned in the transportation of articles within this state, contrary to the prohibitions of this section, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five thousand dollars.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 15, p. 642; R.S.1913, § 4059; C.S.1922, § 3462; C.S.1929, § 59-815; R.S.1943, § 59-818; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 372.    

59-819. Violations; jurisdiction; powers of courts.

The several courts of record of this state having equity jurisdiction are hereby invested with jurisdiction to prevent and restrain all violations of sections 59-801 to 59-831 and especially the offering, granting, giving, soliciting, accepting, or receiving any such rebate, concession, or service by any person or persons and to prevent or restrain any such joint-stock company, corporation, limited liability company, association, or combination which has solicited, accepted, or received any such rebate, concession, or service or which has offered, granted, or given any special prices, inducements, or advantages in order to restrict or destroy competition in particular localities from engaging in commerce within this state. Such proceedings may be by way of complaint setting forth the cause of action and praying that the acts hereby made unlawful shall be enjoined or otherwise prohibited. When the parties complained of are duly notified of such complaint, the court shall proceed as soon as may be to the hearing and determination of the case, and upon such complaint and before final decree the court may at any time make such temporary restraining order or prohibition as shall be deemed just. The court may retain jurisdiction of the case after the decree for the purpose of such subsequent modification of the same as may be made to appear equitable and just in the premises.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 16, p. 643; R.S.1913, § 4060; C.S.1922, § 3463; C.S.1929, § 59-816; R.S.1943, § 59-819; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 373;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 8.    

59-820. Violations; civil proceedings; subpoena; may issue to any county.

Whenever it shall appear to the court before which any civil proceeding under sections 59-801 to 59-831 shall be pending that the ends of justice require that other parties shall be brought before the court, the court may cause them to be summoned whether they reside in the county where the court is held or not, and subpoenas to that end may be served in any county by the sheriff thereof.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 17, p. 644; R.S.1913, § 4061; C.S.1922, § 3464; C.S.1929, § 59-817; R.S.1943, § 59-820; Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 9.    

59-821. Violations; recovery of actual or liquidated damages; attorney's fees.

Any person who is injured in his or her business or property by any other person or persons by a violation of sections 59-801 to 59-831, whether such injured person dealt directly or indirectly with the defendant, may bring a civil action in the district court in the county in which the defendant or defendants reside or are found, without respect to the amount in controversy, and shall recover actual damages or liquidated damages in an amount which bears a reasonable relation to the actual damages which have been sustained and which damages are not susceptible of measurement by ordinary pecuniary standards and the costs of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 18, p. 644; R.S.1913, § 4062; C.S.1922, § 3465; C.S.1929, § 59-818; R.S.1943, § 59-821; Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 1;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 10.    


59-821.01. Illegal overcharge or undercharge case.

In an illegal overcharge or undercharge case in which claims are asserted by both parties who dealt directly with the defendant and parties who dealt indirectly with the defendant or any combination thereof:

(1) A defendant may prove, as a partial or complete defense to a claim for damages under sections 59-801 to 59-831 and this section, that the illegal overcharge or undercharge has been passed on to others who are themselves entitled to recover so as to avoid duplication of recovery of such damages; and

(2) The court may transfer and consolidate such claims, apportion damages, and delay disbursement of damages to avoid multiplicity of suits and duplication of recovery of damages and to obtain substantial fairness.

Source:Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 11.    

59-822. Person, defined.

The words person or persons, as used in sections 59-801 to 59-831, shall be deemed to include all corporations, associations, limited liability companies, combinations, or concerns whatsoever.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 19, p. 644; R.S.1913, § 4063; C.S.1922, § 3466; C.S.1929, § 59-819; R.S.1943, § 59-822; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 374;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 12.    


59-823. Violations; actions brought by state; advancement of cause; appeal.

When any suit in equity is brought in any court under sections 59-801 to 59-831 in which the state is complainant, the Attorney General may file with the clerk of such court a certificate that, in his or her opinion, the case is of general public importance, a copy of which certificate shall be immediately furnished by such clerk to the judge of the court in which the case is pending. Thereupon such case shall be given precedence over others and in every way expedited and be assigned for hearing at the earliest practicable day. An appeal from the final decree of the court shall lie to the Court of Appeals and shall be taken within thirty days after the entry of such decree or final order or within thirty days after entry of the order overruling a motion for a new trial in such case.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 20, p. 644; R.S.1913, § 4064; C.S.1922, § 3467; C.S.1929, § 59-820; R.S.1943, § 59-823; Laws 1961, c. 305, § 2, p. 960; Laws 1987, LB 33, § 11;    Laws 1991, LB 732, § 120; Laws 1999, LB 43, § 26;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 13.    

59-824. Violations; proceedings; evidence; discovery; privilege not allowed.

In all prosecutions, hearings, and proceedings under sections 59-801 to 59-831, whether civil or criminal, no person shall be excused from attending and testifying or from producing books, papers, contracts, agreements, and documents before the courts of this state, or in obedience to the subpoena of the same, on the ground or for the reason that the testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, required of such person, may tend to criminate such person or subject such person to a penalty or forfeiture.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 21, p. 644; R.S.1913, § 4065; C.S.1922, § 3468; C.S.1929, § 59-821; R.S.1943, § 59-824; Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 14.    

59-825. Violations; proceedings; refusal to attend and testify; penalty.

Any person who shall neglect or refuse to make returns, attend and testify or answer any lawful requirement hereinbefore provided for, or produce books, papers, contracts, agreements, and documents, if in his or her custody, control, or power to do so, in obedience to the subpoena of the courts or lawful requirements of the Attorney General, shall be deemed guilty of a Class IV felony.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 21, p. 645; R.S.1913, § 4065; C.S.1922, § 3468; C.S.1929, § 59-821; R.S.1943, § 59-825; Laws 1977, LB 39, § 67;    Laws 1983, LB 32, § 5.    

59-826. Violations; proceedings; perjury; penalty.

Whoever knowingly swears to a return or report required by sections 59-801 to 59-831 that is false in any material particular, or knowingly swears to an answer to any of the requirements of such sections that is false in any material particular, shall be deemed guilty of perjury and punished as provided by the laws of this state in reference to perjury.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 21, p. 645; R.S.1913, § 4065; C.S.1922, § 3468; C.S.1929, § 59-821; R.S.1943, § 59-826; Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 15.    

59-827. Violations; proceedings; subornation of perjury.

Whoever shall knowingly prepare, or cause to be prepared, a report, return, or answer required by sections 59-801 to 59-831 that is false, as aforesaid, shall be guilty of subornation of perjury and punished by law.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 21, p. 645; R.S.1913, § 4065; C.S.1922, § 3468; C.S.1929, § 59-821; R.S.1943, § 59-827; Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 16.    

59-828. Violations; prosecutions; duty of Attorney General and county attorney; evidence; discovery; immunity; scope and operation; proceeding by individual; costs.

(1) It is hereby made the duty of the Attorney General and the county attorney of each county under the direction of the Attorney General to institute and prosecute such proceedings as may be necessary to carry into effect sections 59-801 to 59-831. No person shall be prosecuted or be subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing concerning which he or she may testify or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, in any proceeding, suit, or prosecution under such sections. No person testifying shall be exempt from prosecution or punishment for perjury committed in so testifying.

(2) It shall be lawful for any person to institute proceedings pursuant to sections 59-801 to 59-831, at his or her own expense and by his or her own attorney, but in the action so brought by such person no recovery for costs and disbursements shall be had against the state.

Source:Laws 1905, c. 162, § 22, p. 645; R.S.1913, § 4066; C.S.1922, § 3469; C.S.1929, § 59-822; R.S.1943, § 59-828; Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 2;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 17.    


59-829. Antitrust action; construction; federal law.

When any provision of sections 59-801 to 59-831 and sections 84-211 to 84-214 or any provision of Chapter 59 is the same as or similar to the language of a federal antitrust law, the courts of this state in construing such sections or chapter shall follow the construction given to the federal law by the federal courts.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 3;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 18.    


59-830. Actions taken pursuant to state or federal law; reliance on validity; criminal action; limitation.

No criminal action may be maintained under sections 59-801 to 59-831 against any person, corporation, organization, limited liability company, or association for acting pursuant to and under the authority of any state or federal law. It is the purpose of this section to reaffirm that a person may rely on the validity of any state or federal law until declared invalid.

Source:Laws 1977, LB 524, § 1;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 375;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 19.    

59-831. Violations; recovery; disposition.

When the Attorney General, on behalf of a state agency or political subdivision, is authorized to investigate, file suit, or otherwise take action in connection with violations under sections 59-801 to 59-831, any recovery of damages or costs by judgment, court decree, settlement in or out of court, or other final result shall be subject to the following:

(1) Upon recovery of damages or any monetary payment except criminal penalties, the costs, expenses, or billings incurred by any state agency or political subdivision in any investigation or other action arising out of a violation under sections 59-801 to 59-831 shall be sought out in any judgment, court decree, settlement in or out of court, or other final result. Any recovered costs shall be deposited by the Attorney General in the fund from which such costs were expended; and

(2) When the Attorney General makes recovery pursuant to sections 59-801 to 59-831 on behalf of a state agency or political subdivision of any money, funds, securities, or other things of value in the nature of civil damages or other, except criminal penalties, whether such recovery shall be by way of verdict, judgment, compromise, or settlement in or out of court, or other final disposition of any case or controversy, such money, funds, securities, or other things of value shall be deposited by the Attorney General in the fund from which the funds which are being recovered were expended.

Source:Laws 1983, LB 32, § 7;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 20.    

59-901. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-902. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-903. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-904. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-1001. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-1002. Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 32.

59-1101. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 280, § 1.

59-1102. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 280, § 1.

59-1103. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 280, § 1.

59-1104. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 280, § 1.

59-1105. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 280, § 1.

59-1106. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 280, § 1.

59-1107. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 280, § 1.

59-1108. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 280, § 1.

59-1201. Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1410, § 3.

59-1202. Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1410, § 3.

59-1203. Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1410, § 3.

59-1204. Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1410, § 3.

59-1205. Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1410, § 3.

59-1206. Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1410, § 3.

59-1301. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1302. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1303. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1304. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1305. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1306. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1307. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1308. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1309. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1310. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1311. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1312. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1313. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1314. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1315. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1316. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1317. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1318. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1319. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1320. Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 139, § 9.

59-1401. Act, how cited.

Sections 59-1401 to 59-1406 shall be known and may be cited as the Music Licensing Agency Act.

Source:Laws 1945, c. 139, § 1, p. 439; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 376;    Laws 2018, LB1120, § 30.    

59-1402. Terms, defined.

For purposes of the Music Licensing Agency Act:

(1) Copyright owner means the owner of a copyright of a nondramatic musical work recognized and enforceable under the copyright laws of the United States pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 101 et seq., as such sections existed on January 1, 2018, and does not include the owner of a copyright in a motion picture or audiovisual work or in part of a motion picture or audiovisual work;

(2) Music licensing agency means an association or corporation that licenses the public performance of nondramatic musical works on behalf of copyright owners;

(3) Performing right means the right to perform a copyrighted nondramatic musical work publicly for profit;

(4) Person means any individual, resident or nonresident of this state, and every domestic, foreign, or alien partnership, limited liability company, society, association, corporation, or music licensing agency;

(5) Proprietor means the owner of a retail establishment, restaurant, inn, bar, tavern, sports or entertainment facility, multi-family residential dwelling, or other similar place of business or professional office located in this state in which the public may assemble and in which nondramatic musical works or similar copyrighted works may be performed, broadcast, or otherwise transmitted for the enjoyment of members of the public there assembled; and

(6) Royalty means the fees payable to a copyright owner for a performing right.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1120, § 31;    Laws 2019, LB203, § 1.    

59-1403. License; tax; Department of Revenue; rules and regulations.

There is hereby levied and there shall be collected a tax for the act or privilege of selling, licensing, or otherwise disposing in this state of performing rights in any musical composition, which has been copyrighted under the laws of the United States, in an amount equal to three percent of the gross receipts of all such sales, licenses, or other dispositions of performing rights in this state, payable to the Department of Revenue annually on or before March 15 of each year with respect to the gross receipts of the preceding calendar year. The department shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations not in conflict with this section, as well as a form of return and any other forms necessary to carry out this section.

Source:Laws 1945, c. 139, § 3, p. 440; Laws 1947, c. 253, § 1, p. 831; Laws 2018, LB1120, § 32.    

59-1403.01. Music licensing agency; registration; fine; list of members.

(1) Beginning January 1, 2019, a music licensing agency shall not license or attempt to license the use of or collect or attempt to collect any compensation with regard to any sale, license, or other disposition of a performing right unless the music licensing agency registers and files annually, on or before February 15, with the Department of Revenue an electronic copy of each variation of the performing-rights agreement providing for the payment of royalties made available from the music licensing agency to any proprietor within this state. The registration shall be valid for the calendar year. The department shall impose a fine for failure to renew or register in the amount of ten thousand dollars for each forty-five-day period which has passed since February 15 of the registration year if a music licensing agency fails to renew a registration or engages in business without registration.

(2) Each registered music licensing agency shall make available electronically to proprietors the most current available list of members and affiliates represented by the music licensing agency and the most current available list of the performed works that the music licensing agency licenses.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1120, § 33.    

59-1403.02. Music licensing agency; duties; contract requirements.

(1) Beginning January 1, 2019, no music licensing agency may enter into, or offer to enter into, a contract for the payment of royalties by a proprietor unless at least seventy-two hours prior to the execution of that contract it provides to the proprietor or the proprietor's employees, in writing, the following:

(a) A schedule of the rates and terms of royalties under the contract; and

(b) Notice that the proprietor is entitled to the information filed with the Department of Revenue pursuant to section 59-1403.01.

(2) Beginning January 1, 2019, a contract for the payment of royalties executed in this state shall:

(a) Be in writing;

(b) Be signed by the parties; and

(c) Include, at least, the following information:

(i) The proprietor's name and business address;

(ii) The name and location of each place of business to which the contract applies;

(iii) The duration of the contract; and

(iv) The schedule of rates and terms of the royalties to be collected under the contract, including any sliding scale or schedule for any increase or decrease of those rates for the duration of the contract.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1120, § 34.    

59-1403.03. Music licensing agency; disclosures; representative or agent; prohibited acts.

(1) Beginning January 1, 2019, before seeking payment or a contract for payment of royalties for the use of copyrighted works by that proprietor, a representative or agent for a music licensing agency shall identify himself or herself to the proprietor or the proprietor's employees, disclose that he or she is acting on behalf of a music licensing agency, and disclose the purpose for being on the premises.

(2) A representative or agent of a music licensing agency shall not:

(a) Use obscene, abusive, or profane language when communicating with a proprietor or his or her employees;

(b) Communicate by telephone or in person with a proprietor other than at the proprietor's place of business during the hours when the proprietor's business is open to the public unless otherwise authorized by the proprietor or the proprietor's agents, employees, or representatives;

(c) Engage in any coercive conduct, act, or practice that is substantially disruptive to a proprietor's business;

(d) Use or attempt to use any unfair or deceptive act or practice in negotiating with a proprietor; or

(e) Communicate with an unlicensed proprietor about licensing performances of musical works at the proprietor's establishment after receiving notification in writing from an attorney representing the proprietor that all further communications related to the licensing of the proprietor's establishment by the music licensing agency should be addressed to the attorney. However, the music licensing agency may resume communicating directly with the proprietor if the attorney fails to respond to communications from the music licensing agency within sixty days or the attorney becomes nonresponsive for a period of sixty days or more.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1120, § 35.    

59-1403.04. Department of Revenue; duties.

The Department of Revenue shall inform proprietors of their rights and responsibilities regarding the public performance of copyrighted music as part of the business licensing service.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1120, § 36.    

59-1403.05. Act, how construed.

Nothing in the Music Licensing Agency Act may be construed to prohibit a music licensing agency from conducting an investigation to determine the existence of music use by a proprietor's business or informing a proprietor of the proprietor's obligations under the copyright laws of the United States pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 101 et seq., as such sections existed on January 1, 2018.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1120, § 37.    

59-1404. Copyright owner; assigns; licensees; benefits.

Upon compliance with the Music Licensing Agency Act, the copyright owner, and his or her assigns and licensees, of a nondramatic musical work copyrighted under the laws of the United States shall be entitled to all the benefits thereof.

Source:Laws 1945, c. 139, § 4, p. 440; Laws 2018, LB1120, § 38.    

59-1405. Discrimination in price; price changes; exceptions.

All music licensing agencies who sell, license the use of, or in any manner whatsoever dispose of, in this state, the performing rights in or to any copyrighted musical composition shall refrain from discriminating in price or terms between licensees similarly situated, except that differentials based upon applicable business factors which justify different prices or terms shall not be considered discriminations within the meaning of this section. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent price changes from time to time by reason of changing conditions affecting the market for or marketability of performing rights.

Source:Laws 1945, c. 139, § 5, p. 440; Laws 2018, LB1120, § 39.    

59-1406. Violations; penalty.

Any person violating the Music Licensing Agency Act shall be fined an amount not less than five hundred dollars and not more than two thousand dollars. Multiple violations on a single day may be considered separate violations.

Source:Laws 1945, c. 139, § 6, p. 441; Laws 2018, LB1120, § 40.    

59-1501. Act, how cited.

Sections 59-1501 to 59-1518 shall be known and may be cited as the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 1, p. 1184.

59-1502. Terms, defined.

As used in the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) Person shall mean and include any individual, firm, association, company, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, joint-stock company, club, agency, syndicate, municipal corporation or other political subdivision of this state, trust, receiver, trustee, fiduciary, or conservator;

(2) Cigarettes shall mean and include any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco, irrespective of size or shape and whether or not such tobacco is flavored, adulterated, or mixed with any other ingredient, the wrapper or cover of which is made of paper or any other substance or material, excepting tobacco;

(3) Sale shall mean any transfer for a consideration, exchange, barter, gift, offer for sale, or distribution in any manner or by any means whatsoever;

(4) Wholesaler shall include any person who:

(a) Purchases cigarettes directly from the manufacturer;

(b) Purchases cigarettes from any other person who purchases from the manufacturer and who acquires such cigarettes solely for the purpose of bona fide resale to retail dealers or to other persons for the purpose of bona fide resale to retail dealers or to other persons for the purpose of resale only; or

(c) Services retail outlets by the maintenance of an established place of business for the purchase of cigarettes, including, but not limited to, the maintenance of warehousing facilities for the storage and distribution of cigarettes.

Nothing in the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act shall prevent a person from qualifying in different capacities as both a wholesaler and retailer under the applicable provisions of the act;

(5) Retailer shall mean and include any person who operates a store, stand, booth, or concession for the purpose of making sales of cigarettes at retail, including sales through vending machines;

(6) Sell at retail, sale at retail, and retail sales shall mean and include any transfer of title to cigarettes for a valuable consideration, made in the ordinary course of trade or usual conduct of the seller's business, to the purchaser for consumption or use, including sales through vending machines;

(7) Sell at wholesale, sale at wholesale, and wholesale sales shall mean and include any bona fide transfer of title to cigarettes for a valuable consideration, made in the ordinary course of trade or in the usual conduct of the wholesaler's business, to a retailer for the purpose of resale;

(8) Basic cost of cigarettes shall mean the replacement cost of cigarettes to the retailer or wholesaler, as the case may be, in the quantity last purchased, without subtracting any discounts, to which shall be added the full value of any stamps which may be required by any cigarette tax act of this state and by ordinance of any municipality of this state in effect or hereafter enacted, if not already included by the manufacturer in his or her list price;

(9) Division shall mean the cigarette tax division of the Tax Commissioner; and

(10) Business day shall mean any day other than a Sunday or legal holiday.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 2, p. 1184; Laws 1967, c. 378, § 1, p. 1187; Laws 1987, LB 730, § 26;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 377;    Laws 2008, LB898, § 1.

Cross References

59-1503. Sale of cigarettes; unlawful acts; enumerated.

It shall be unlawful and a violation of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518:

(1) For any retailer, wholesaler or other person with intent to injure competitors or destroy or substantially lessen competition (a) to advertise, offer to sell, or sell, at retail or wholesale, cigarettes at less than cost as defined in sections 59-1501 to 59-1518, to such a retailer or wholesaler, as the case may be, or (b) to offer a rebate in price, to give a rebate in price, to offer a concession of any kind, or to give a concession of any kind or nature whatsoever in connection with the sale of cigarettes, if such rebate or concession offered or given in connection with the sale of cigarettes is not offered or given by the wholesaler or retailer in the same ratio with respect to all other merchandise as to which such rebate or concession may lawfully be given which is sold by such wholesaler or retailer in the ordinary course of his trade or business; Provided, that for the purpose of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518, a so-called tie-in sale of cigarettes, whereby in conjunction with the purchase of cigarettes, at a price which would not otherwise be less than cost to the vendor, the purchaser is offered other merchandise or other thing of value, without charge or at a charge less than the fair and reasonable retail value of such other merchandise or thing of value, such transaction shall be deemed a rebate or concession; or

(2) For any retailer, with intent to injure competitors or destroy or substantially lessen competition, (a) to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt to procure the purchase of cigarettes at a price less than cost to wholesaler as defined in sections 59-1501 to 59-1518, or (b) to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt to procure any rebate or concession of any kind or nature whatsoever in connection with the purchase of cigarettes.

Any retailer or wholesaler or agent thereof who violates the provisions of this section is a disorderly person and shall be guilty of a Class V misdemeanor.

Evidence of advertisement, offering to sell or sale of cigarettes by any retailer or wholesaler at less than cost to him or evidence of any offer of a rebate in price or the giving of a rebate in price or an offer of a concession or the giving of a concession of any kind or nature whatsoever in connection with the sale of cigarettes, if such rebate or concession offered or given in connection with the sale of cigarettes is not offered or given by the wholesaler or retailer in the same ratio with respect to all other merchandise as to which such rebate or concession may lawfully be given which is sold by such wholesaler or retailer in the ordinary course of his trade or business, or the inducing or attempt to induce or the procuring or the attempt to procure the purchase of cigarettes at a price less than cost to the wholesaler or the retailer shall be prima facie evidence of intent to injure competition and to destroy or substantially lessen competition.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 3, p. 1186; Laws 1977, LB 39, § 68.    

59-1504. Sale of cigarettes; cost to retailer; filing with division.

(1) Cost to the retailer shall mean the basic cost of cigarettes to the retailer plus the cost of doing business by the retailer, as evidenced by the standards and methods of accounting regularly employed by him in his allocation of overhead costs and expenses, paid or incurred, and must include, without limitation, labor, including salaries of executives and officers, rent, depreciation, selling costs, maintenance of equipment, delivery costs, all types of licenses, taxes, insurance and advertising; Provided, that any retailer who purchases from the manufacturer at or less than or at about the price normally and usually charged for purchases in wholesale quantities shall, in determining cost to the retailer, pursuant to this subsection, add the cost of doing business by the wholesaler, as defined in section 59-1505, to the basic cost of cigarettes to such retailer, as well as the cost of doing business by the retailer.

(2) In the absence of the filing with the division of satisfactory proof of a lesser or higher cost of doing business by the retailer making the sale, the cost of doing business by the retailer shall be presumed to be eight percent of the basic cost of cigarettes to the retailer.

(3) In the absence of the filing with the division of satisfactory proof of a lesser or higher cost of doing business, the cost of doing business by the retailer, who, in connection with the retailer's purchase, received not only the discounts ordinarily allowed upon purchase by a retailer but also, in whole or in part, the discounts ordinarily allowed upon purchases by a wholesaler, shall be presumed to be eight percent of the sum of the basic cost of cigarettes and the cost of doing business by the wholesaler.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 4, p. 1187.

59-1505. Sale of cigarettes; cost to wholesaler; filing with division.

(1) Cost to the wholesaler shall mean the basic cost of cigarettes to the wholesaler plus the cost of doing business by the wholesaler, as evidenced by the standards and methods of accounting regularly employed by him or her in his or her allocation of overhead costs and expenses, paid or incurred, and must include, without limitation, labor costs, including salaries of executives and officers, rent, depreciation, selling costs, maintenance of equipment, delivery costs, all types of licenses, taxes, insurance, and advertising.

(2) In the absence of the filing with the division of satisfactory proof of a lesser or higher cost of doing business by the wholesaler making the sale, the cost of doing business by the wholesaler shall be presumed to be four and three-quarters percent of the basic cost of cigarettes to the wholesaler.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 5, p. 1188; Laws 2008, LB898, § 2.    

59-1506. Sale of cigarettes; advertising, offers for sale, sales; combination sales.

In all advertisements, offers for sale or sales involving two or more items, at least one of which items is cigarettes, at a combined price, and in all advertisements, offers for sale or sales involving the giving of any concession of any kind whatsoever, whether it be coupons or otherwise, if such rebate or concession offered or given in connection with the sale of cigarettes is not offered or given by the wholesaler or retailer in the same ratio with respect to all other merchandise as to which such rebate or concession may lawfully be given which is sold by such wholesaler or retailer in the ordinary course of his trade or business, the retailer's or wholesaler's selling price shall not be below the cost to the retailer or the cost to the wholesaler, respectively, of the cigarettes included in such transactions, and the invoice cost, whether the same be paid by the retailer, the wholesaler or any other person, of all other articles, products, commodities and concessions included in such transactions, to which invoice cost shall be added the cost of doing business in the case of the wholesaler and the retailer, respectively, as such cost is defined in sections 59-1504 and 59-1505.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 6, p. 1189.

59-1507. Sale of cigarettes; sale by wholesaler to another wholesaler; sale price; limitation.

When one wholesaler sells cigarettes to any other wholesaler, the former shall not be required to include in his selling price to the latter cost to the wholesaler, as provided by section 59-1505, except that no such sale shall be made at a price less than the basic cost of cigarettes, as defined in section 59-1502, but the latter wholesaler, upon resale to a retailer or for consumption or use, shall be deemed to be the wholesaler governed by the provisions of sections 59-1504 and 59-1505.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 7, p. 1189.

59-1508. Sale of cigarettes; transactions excepted.

The provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518 shall not apply to sales at retail or sales at wholesale made (1) as an isolated transaction and not in the usual course of business; (2) where cigarettes are advertised, offered for sale, or sold in bona fide clearance sales for the purpose of discontinuing trade in such cigarettes and such advertising, offer to sell, or sale shall state the reason therefor and the quantity of such cigarettes advertised, offered for sale, or to be sold; (3) where cigarettes are advertised, offered for sale, or sold as imperfect or damaged, and such advertising, offer to sell or sale shall state the reason therefor and the quantity of such cigarettes advertised, offered for sale, or to be sold; (4) where cigarettes are sold upon the final liquidation of a business; or (5) where cigarettes are advertised, offered for sale, or sold by any fiduciary or other officer acting under the order or direction of any court.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 8, p. 1189.

59-1509. Sale of cigarettes; transactions permitted to meet lawful competition.

(1) Any retailer may advertise, offer to sell, or sell cigarettes at a price made in good faith to meet the price of a competitor who is selling the same article in this state at cost to him as a retailer as prescribed in sections 59-1501 to 59-1518. Any wholesaler may advertise, offer to sell, or sell cigarettes at a price made in good faith to meet the price of a competitor who is rendering the same type of service and is selling the same article at cost to him as a wholesaler as prescribed in sections 59-1501 to 59-1518. The price of cigarettes advertised, offered for sale, or sold under the exceptions specified in section 59-1508 shall not be considered the price of a competitor and shall not be used as a basis for establishing prices below cost, nor shall the price established at a bankruptcy sale be considered the price of a competitor within the meaning of this section.

(2) In the absence of proof of the price of a competitor, under this section, the lowest cost to the retailer, or the lowest cost to the wholesaler, as the case may be, determined by any cost survey, made pursuant to section 59-1513, may be deemed the price of a competitor within the meaning of this section.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 9, p. 1190.

59-1510. Sale of cigarettes; contracts void.

Any contract, expressed or implied, made by any person in violation of any of the provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518, is declared to be an illegal and void contract and no recovery thereon shall be made.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 10, p. 1190.

59-1511. Sale of cigarettes; admissible evidence.

(1) In determining cost to the retailer and cost to the wholesaler the division or a court shall receive and consider as bearing on the good faith of such cost, evidence tending to show that any person complained against under any of the provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518 purchased cigarettes, with respect to the sale of which complaint is made, at a fictitious price, or upon terms, or in such a manner, or under such invoices, as to conceal the true cost, discounts or terms of purchase, and shall also receive and consider as bearing on the good faith of such cost, evidence of the normal, customary and prevailing terms and discounts in connection with other sales of a similar nature in the trade area or state.

(2) Merchandise given free or payment made to a retailer or wholesaler by the manufacturer thereof for display, or advertising, or promotion purposes, or otherwise, shall not be considered in determining the cost of cigarettes to the retailer or wholesaler.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 11, p. 1191.

59-1512. Sale of cigarettes; sales outside ordinary channels.

In establishing the cost of cigarettes to the retailer or wholesaler, the invoice cost of such cigarettes purchased at a forced, bankrupt, or closeout sale, or other sale outside the ordinary channels of trade, may not be used as a basis for justifying a price lower than one based upon the replacement cost of the cigarettes to the retailer or wholesaler in the quantity last purchased through the ordinary channels of trade.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 12, p. 1191.

59-1513. Sale of cigarettes; cost survey.

Where a cost survey, pursuant to recognized statistical and cost-accounting practices, has been made for the trading area in which the offense is committed, to establish the lowest cost to the retailer and the lowest cost to the wholesaler, such cost survey shall be deemed competent evidence to be used in proving the cost to the person complained against within the provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 13, p. 1191.

59-1514. Cigarette tax division; rules and regulations.

The division may adopt rules and regulations for the enforcement of the provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518 and may undertake a cost survey as provided for in section 59-1513.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 14, p. 1191.

59-1515. Sale of cigarettes; actions; remedies.

(1) An action may be maintained in any court of equitable jurisdiction to prevent, restrain or enjoin a violation or threatened violation of any of the provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518. Such an action may be instituted by any person injured by any violation or threatened violation of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518 or by the Attorney General, upon the request of the division. If in such action a violation or threatened violation of the provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518 shall be established, the court shall enjoin and restrain, or otherwise prohibit such violation or threatened violation. In such action, it shall not be necessary that actual damages to the plaintiff be alleged or proved, but where alleged and proved, the plaintiff in such action, in addition to such injunctive relief and costs of suit, including reasonable attorney's fees, shall be entitled to recover from the defendant the actual damages sustained by such plaintiff.

(2) If no injunctive relief is sought or required, any person injured by a violation of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518 may maintain an action for damages and costs of suit in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 15, p. 1192.

59-1516. Revocation of license; procedure; appeal.

(1) In addition to sections 59-1503 and 59-1515, the division may, after notice and hearing, suspend or revoke for any violation of the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act the license or licenses of any person, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 28 or Chapter 77, article 26, and notice of hearing shall be given as provided in the Administrative Procedure Act.

(2) Any person whose license or licenses have been so revoked may apply to the division at the expiration of sixty days for a reinstatement of his or her license or licenses. Such license or licenses may be reinstated by the division if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the division that the licensee will comply with the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act and the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated under the act.

(3) No person whose license has been suspended or revoked shall sell cigarettes or permit cigarettes to be sold during the period of such suspension or revocation on the premises occupied by him or her or upon other premises controlled by him or her or others or in any other manner or form whatever. No disciplinary proceedings or action shall be barred or abated by the expiration, transfer, surrender, continuance, renewal, or extension of any license issued under the provisions of Chapter 28 or Chapter 77, article 26.

(4) Any person aggrieved by any decision, order, or finding of the division may appeal the decision, order, or finding, and the appeal shall be in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 16, p. 1192; Laws 1988, LB 352, § 102.    

Cross References

59-1517. Cigarette tax division; enforcement of sections.

In order to effectuate the purposes of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518 it shall be the duty of the division to carry out the enforcement provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518. In accordance with the laws of this state the division may, within the limits of available appropriations, employ and fix the duties and compensation of such inspectors and other personnel necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 59-1501 to 59-1518.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 17, p. 1193.

59-1518. Cigarette tax division; powers vested by other laws.

All of the powers vested in the division by the provisions of any law heretofore or hereafter to be enacted, shall be available to the division in the enforcement of the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act.

Source:Laws 1965, c. 364, § 18, p. 1193.

59-1519. Terms, defined.

For purposes of sections 59-1519 to 59-1525:

(1) Cigarettes has the same meaning as in section 77-2601;

(2) Package has the same meaning as in 15 U.S.C. 1332(4), as such section existed on May 1, 2001; and

(3) Person has the same meaning as in section 77-2601.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 358, § 1.    

59-1520. Prohibited acts.

It is unlawful for any person to:

(1) Sell or distribute in this state, acquire, hold, own, possess, or transport for sale or distribution in this state, or import or cause to be imported into this state for sale or distribution in this state, any cigarettes that do not comply with all requirements imposed by or pursuant to federal law and regulations, including, but not limited to:

(a) The filing of ingredients lists pursuant to the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, 15 U.S.C. 1335a, as such section existed on January 1, 2011;

(b) The permanent imprinting on the primary packaging of the precise package warning labels in the precise format specified in the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, 15 U.S.C. 1333, as such section existed on January 1, 2011;

(c) The rotation of label statements pursuant to the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, 15 U.S.C. 1333(c), as such section existed on January 1, 2011;

(d) The restrictions on the importation, transfer, and sale of previously exported tobacco products pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. and Chapter 52 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 5701 et seq., as such sections existed on January 1, 2011; and

(e) The federal trademark and copyright laws;

(2) Alter a package of cigarettes, prior to sale or distribution to the ultimate consumer, so as to remove, conceal, or obscure:

(a) Any statement, label, stamp, sticker, or notice indicating that the manufacturer did not intend the cigarettes to be sold, distributed, or used in the United States, including, but not limited to, labels stating "For Export Only", "U.S. Tax Exempt", "For Use Outside U.S.", or similar wording; or

(b) Any health warning that is not the precise package warning statement in the precise format specified in the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, 15 U.S.C. 1333, as such section existed on January 1, 2011;

(3) Affix any stamps or meter impression required pursuant to sections 77-2601 to 77-2615 to the package of any cigarettes that does not comply with the requirements of subdivision (1) of this section or that is altered in violation of subdivision (2) of this section; and

(4) Import or reimport into the United States for sale or distribution under any trade name, trade dress, or trademark that is the same as, or is confusingly similar to, any trade name, trade dress, or trademark used for cigarettes manufactured in the United States for sale or distribution in the United States.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 358, § 2;    Laws 2011, LB590, § 1.    

59-1521. Exemptions.

Sections 59-1519 to 59-1525 shall not apply to cigarettes allowed to be imported or brought into the United States for personal use or cigarettes sold or intended to be sold as duty-free merchandise by a duty-free sales enterprise in accordance with the provisions of 19 U.S.C. 1555(b), as such section existed on May 1, 2001.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 358, § 3.    

59-1522. Violation; penalty.

Any person that commits any of the acts prohibited by section 59-1520, either knowing or having reason to know he or she is doing so, is guilty of a Class IV felony.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 358, § 4.    

59-1523. Disciplinary actions; contraband.

(1) The cigarette tax division of the Tax Commissioner may, after notice and hearing, revoke or suspend for any violation of section 59-1520 the:

(a) License or licenses of any person licensed under sections 28-1418 to 28-1429.07 or sections 77-2601 to 77-2622; or

(b) License or certification of any person licensed or certified under the Tobacco Products Tax Act.

(2) Cigarettes that are acquired, held, owned, possessed, transported, sold, or distributed in or imported into this state in violation of section 59-1520 are declared to be contraband goods and are subject to seizure and forfeiture. Any cigarettes so seized and forfeited shall be destroyed. Such cigarettes shall be declared to be contraband goods whether the violation of section 59-1520 is knowing or otherwise.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 358, § 5;    Laws 2011, LB590, § 2;    Laws 2014, LB863, § 27;    Laws 2024, LB1204, § 24.    
Effective Date: July 19, 2024

Cross References

59-1524. Deceptive trade practice.

A violation of section 59-1520 shall constitute a deceptive trade practice under the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act and, in addition to any remedies or penalties set forth in sections 59-1519 to 59-1525, shall be subject to any remedies or penalties available for a violation under the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 358, § 6.    

Cross References

59-1525. Enforcement.

(1) Sections 59-1519 to 59-1525 shall be enforced by the cigarette tax division of the Tax Commissioner, except that at the request of the division or the division's duly authorized agent, the Nebraska State Patrol and any peace officer shall enforce the provisions of sections 59-1519 to 59-1525. The Attorney General has concurrent power with the county attorney or other prosecuting attorney of the state to enforce sections 59-1519 to 59-1525.

(2) For the purpose of enforcing sections 59-1519 to 59-1525, the division and any agency delegated enforcement responsibility pursuant to subsection (1) of this section may request information from any state or local agency and may share information with, and request information from, any federal agency and any other state or local agency.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 358, § 7.    

59-1601. Terms, defined.

For purposes of the Consumer Protection Act, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) Person shall mean natural persons, corporations, trusts, unincorporated associations, partnerships, and limited liability companies;

(2) Trade and commerce shall mean the sale of assets or services and any commerce directly or indirectly affecting the people of the State of Nebraska; and

(3) Assets shall mean any property, tangible or intangible, real, personal, or mixed, and wherever situated, and any other thing of value.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 8;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 378.    


59-1602. Unfair competition; practices; unlawful.

Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce shall be unlawful.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 9.    


59-1603. Contracts, combinations, conspiracies in restraint of trade; unlawful.

Any contract, combination, in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce shall be unlawful.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 10.    


59-1604. Monopolies and attempted monopolies; unlawful.

It shall be unlawful for any person to monopolize, or attempt to monopolize or combine or conspire with any other person or persons to monopolize any part of trade or commerce.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 11.    


59-1605. Transactions and agreements not to use or deal in commodities or services of competitor; unlawful; when.

It shall be unlawful for any person to lease or sell or contract for sale of goods, wares, merchandise, machinery, supplies, or other commodities, or services, whether patented or unpatented, for use, consumption, enjoyment, or resale, or fix a price charged therefor, or discount from, or rebate upon, such price, on the condition, agreement, or understanding that the lessee or purchaser thereof shall not use or deal in the goods, wares, merchandise, machinery, supplies, or other commodity or services of a competitor of the lessor or seller, when the effect of such lease, sale, or contract for such sale or such condition, agreement, or understanding may be to substantially lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly in any line of commerce.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 12.    

59-1606. Acquisition of corporate stock by another corporation to lessen competition; unlawful; exceptions; judicial order to divest.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any corporation to acquire, directly or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock or assets of another corporation when the effect of such acquisition may be to substantially lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly in any line of commerce.

(2) This section shall not apply to corporations which purchase such stock solely for investment and not using the same by voting or otherwise to bring about, or in attempting to bring about, the substantial lessening of competition; nor shall anything contained in this section prevent a corporation from causing the formation of subsidiary corporations for the actual carrying on of their immediate lawful business, or the natural and legitimate branches or extensions thereof, or from owning and holding all or a part of the stock of such subsidiary corporations, when the effect of such formation is not to substantially lessen competition.

(3) In addition to any other remedy provided by the Consumer Protection Act, the district court may order any corporation to divest itself of the stock or assets held contrary to this section, in the manner and within the time fixed by such order.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 13;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 21.    

59-1607. Labor not an article of commerce.

The labor of a human being shall not be a commodity or article of commerce. Nothing contained in the Consumer Protection Act shall be construed to forbid the existence and operation of labor, agricultural, or horticultural organizations, instituted for the purposes of mutual help, and not having capital stock or conducted for profit, or to forbid or restrain individual members of such organizations from lawfully carrying out the legitimate objects thereof.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 14;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 22.    

59-1608. Attorney General; restrain prohibited acts; costs; restoration of property.

(1) The Attorney General may bring an action in the name of the state against any person to restrain and prevent the doing of any act prohibited by the Consumer Protection Act. The prevailing party may, in the discretion of the court, recover the costs of such action including a reasonable attorney's fee.

(2) The court may make such additional orders or judgments as may be necessary to restore to any person in interest any money or property, real or personal, which may have been acquired by means of any act prohibited in the Consumer Protection Act.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 15;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 23.    


59-1608.01. Enforcement of act; venue; jury trial.

(1) In the enforcement of the Consumer Protection Act, the Attorney General may bring an action in the name of the state in the district court of:

(a) The county in which the alleged violator resides or has his or her principal place of business;

(b) A county in which the Attorney General brings a related claim arising under the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act; or

(c) Lancaster County.

(2) The Attorney General or defendant may demand that any claim under the Consumer Protection Act be tried by a jury.

Source:Laws 1983, LB 32, § 6;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 24;    Laws 2024, LB934, § 1.    
Effective Date: April 16, 2024

Cross References

59-1608.02. Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1061, § 29.

59-1608.03. Recovery under act; Attorney General; duties.

When the Attorney General, on behalf of a state agency or political subdivision, is authorized to investigate, file suit, or otherwise take action in connection with violations under the Consumer Protection Act, any recovery of damages or costs by judgment, court decree, settlement in or out of court, or other final result shall be subject to the following:

(1) Upon recovery of damages or any monetary payment, except criminal penalties, the costs, expenses, or billings incurred by any state agency or political subdivision in any investigation or other action arising out of a violation under the act shall be sought out in any judgment, court decree, settlement in or out of court, or other final result. Any recovered costs shall be deposited by the Attorney General in the fund from which such costs were expended;

(2) When the Attorney General makes recovery pursuant to the act on behalf of a state agency or political subdivision of any money, funds, securities, or other things of value in the nature of civil damages or other payment, except criminal penalties, whether such recovery is by way of verdict, judgment, compromise, or settlement in or out of court, or other final disposition of any case or controversy, such money, funds, securities, or other things of value shall be deposited by the Attorney General in the fund from which the funds which are being recovered were expended;

(3) Except as otherwise provided by law, the State Settlement Cash Fund shall consist of all recoveries received pursuant to the act, including any money, funds, securities, or other things of value in the nature of civil damages or other payment, except criminal penalties, whether such recovery is by way of verdict, judgment, compromise, or settlement in or out of court, or other final disposition of any case or controversy, or any other payments received on behalf of the state by the Department of Justice and administered by the Attorney General for the benefit of the state or the general welfare of its citizens, but excluding all funds held in a trust capacity where specific benefits accrue to specific individuals, organizations, or governments; and

(4) Except as otherwise provided by law, the State Settlement Trust Fund shall consist of all recoveries received pursuant to the act, including any money, funds, securities, or other things of value in the nature of civil damages or other payment, except criminal penalties, whether such recovery is by way of verdict, judgment, compromise, or settlement in or out of court, or other final disposition of any case or controversy, or any other payments received on behalf of the state by the Department of Justice and administered by the Attorney General, but to include only those funds held in a trust capacity where specific benefits accrue to specific individuals, organizations, or governments.

Source:Laws 2006, LB 1061, § 3.    

59-1608.04. State Settlement Cash Fund; created; use; investment; transfer.

(1) The State Settlement Cash Fund is created. The fund shall be maintained by the Department of Justice and administered by the Attorney General. Except as otherwise provided by law, the fund shall consist of all recoveries received pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act, including any money, funds, securities, or other things of value in the nature of civil damages or other payment, except criminal penalties, whether such recovery is by way of verdict, judgment, compromise, or settlement in or out of court, or other final disposition of any case or controversy, or any other payments received on behalf of the state by the Department of Justice and administered by the Attorney General for the benefit of the state or the general welfare of its citizens, but excluding all funds held in a trust capacity where specific benefits accrue to specific individuals, organizations, or governments. The fund may be expended for any allowable legal purposes as determined by the Attorney General. Transfers from the State Settlement Cash Fund may be made at the direction of the Legislature to the Nebraska Capital Construction Fund, the Legal Education for Public Service and Rural Practice Loan Repayment Assistance Fund, the Nebraska State Patrol Cash Fund, the Financial Literacy Cash Fund, and the General Fund. To provide necessary financial accountability and management oversight, revenue from individual settlement agreements or other separate sources credited to the State Settlement Cash Fund may be tracked and accounted for within the state accounting system through the use of separate and distinct funds, subfunds, or any other available accounting mechanism specifically approved by the Accounting Administrator for use by the Department of Justice. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act. Beginning October 1, 2024, any investment earnings from investment of money in the fund shall be credited to the General Fund.

(2) The State Treasurer shall transfer two million five hundred thousand dollars from the State Settlement Cash Fund to the Nebraska Capital Construction Fund on July 1, 2013, or as soon thereafter as administratively possible.

(3) The State Treasurer shall transfer eight hundred seventy-six thousand nine hundred ninety-eight dollars from the State Settlement Cash Fund to the General Fund on or before June 30, 2018, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.

(4) The State Treasurer shall transfer one million seven hundred fifty-six thousand six hundred thirty-nine dollars from the State Settlement Cash Fund to the General Fund on or before June 30, 2019, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.

(5) The State Treasurer shall transfer one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars from the State Settlement Cash Fund to the Legal Education for Public Service and Rural Practice Loan Repayment Assistance Fund on or before April 30, 2018, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.

(6) The State Treasurer shall transfer one hundred fifty thousand dollars from the State Settlement Cash Fund to the Legal Education for Public Service and Rural Practice Loan Repayment Assistance Fund on or before July 9, 2018, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.

Source:Laws 2006, LB 1061, § 4;    Laws 2009, First Spec. Sess., LB3, § 34;    Laws 2010, LB190, § 7;    Laws 2011, LB549, § 8;    Laws 2013, LB199, § 26;    Laws 2017, LB331, § 26;    Laws 2018, LB945, § 14;    Laws 2024, LB1413, § 41;    Laws 2024, First Spec. Sess., LB3, § 17.    

Note: Changes made by Laws 2024, LB1413, became effective April 2, 2024.

Note: Changes made by Laws 2024, First Spec. Sess., LB3, became effective August 21, 2024.

Cross References

59-1608.05. State Settlement Trust Fund; created; use; investment.

The State Settlement Trust Fund is created. The fund shall be maintained by the Department of Justice and administered by the Attorney General. Except as otherwise provided by law, the fund shall consist of all recoveries received pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act, including any money, funds, securities, or other things of value in the nature of civil damages or other payment, except criminal penalties, whether such recovery shall be by way of verdict, judgment, compromise, or settlement in or out of court, or other final disposition of any case or controversy, or any other payments received on behalf of the state by the Department of Justice and administered by the Attorney General, but to include only those funds held in a trust capacity where specific benefits accrue to specific individuals, organizations, or governments. All money in the State Settlement Trust Fund shall be subject to legislative review, but shall not be subject to legislative appropriation. The fund shall be expended consistent with any legal restrictions placed on the funds. The fund shall be paid from the same budget program used to record revenue and expenditures of the State Settlement Cash Fund, except that the fund shall only be expended from a separate and distinct budget subprogram and shall not be commingled with any other revenue or expenditure. To provide necessary financial accountability and management oversight, revenue from individual settlement agreements or other separate sources credited to the fund may be tracked and accounted for within the state accounting system through the use of separate and distinct funds, subfunds, or any other available accounting mechanism specifically approved by the Accounting Administrator for use by the Department of Justice. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

Source:Laws 2006, LB 1061, § 5.    

Cross References

59-1609. Civil action for damages.

Any person who is injured in his or her business or property by a violation of sections 59-1602 to 59-1606, whether such injured person dealt directly or indirectly with the defendant, or any person so injured because he or she refuses to accede to a proposal for an arrangement which, if consummated, would be in violation of sections 59-1603 to 59-1606, may bring a civil action in the district court to enjoin further violations, to recover the actual damages sustained by him or her, or both, together with the costs of the suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee, and the court may in its discretion, increase the award of damages to an amount which bears a reasonable relation to the actual damages which have been sustained and which damages are not susceptible of measurement by ordinary pecuniary standards; except that such increased award for violation of section 59-1602 shall not exceed one thousand dollars. For the purpose of this section, person shall include the counties, the municipalities, and all political subdivisions of this state.

Whenever the State of Nebraska is injured by reason of a violation of sections 59-1603 to 59-1606, it may sue therefor in the district court to recover the actual damages sustained by it and to recover the costs of the suit including a reasonable attorney's fee.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 16;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 26.    


59-1609.01. Illegal overcharge or undercharge; damages; proof; court; powers.

In an illegal overcharge or undercharge case in which claims are asserted by both parties who dealt directly with the defendant and parties who dealt indirectly with the defendant or any combination thereof:

(1) A defendant may prove, as a partial or complete defense to a claim for damages under sections 59-1602 to 59-1606, that the illegal overcharge or undercharge has been passed on to others who are themselves entitled to recover so as to avoid duplication of recovery of such damages; and

(2) The court may transfer and consolidate such claims, apportion damages, and delay disbursement of damages to avoid multiplicity of suits and duplication of recovery of damages and to obtain substantial fairness.

Source:Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 27.    

59-1610. Assurance of discontinuance of prohibited act; approval of court; not considered admission.

In the enforcement of the Consumer Protection Act, the Attorney General may accept an assurance of discontinuance of any act or practice deemed in violation of the Consumer Protection Act, from any person who engages in, or who has engaged in, such act or practice. Any such assurance shall be in writing and be filed with and subject to the approval of the district court of the county in which the alleged violator resides or has his or her principal place of business, or in Lancaster County.

Such assurance of discontinuance shall not be considered an admission of a violation for any purpose, but proof of failure to comply with the assurance of discontinuance shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of the Consumer Protection Act.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 17;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 28.    

59-1611. Demand to produce documentary materials for inspection; contents; service; unauthorized disclosure; return; modification; vacation; use; penalty; sale, offer, or advertisement of property or services; connected accounts or assets; Attorney General; powers; court order.

(1) Whenever the Attorney General believes that any person may be in possession, custody, or control of any original or copy of any book, record, report, memorandum, paper, communication, tabulation, map, chart, photograph, mechanical transcription, or other tangible document or recording, wherever situated, which he or she believes to be relevant to the subject matter of an investigation of a possible violation of sections 59-1602 to 59-1606, the Attorney General may, prior to the institution of a civil proceeding thereon, execute in writing and cause to be served upon such a person a civil investigative demand requiring such person to produce such documentary material and permit inspection and copying thereof. This section shall not be applicable to criminal prosecutions.

(2) Each such demand shall:

(a) State the statute and section or sections thereof the alleged violation of which is under investigation, and the general subject matter of the investigation;

(b) Describe the class or classes of documentary material to be produced thereunder with reasonable specificity so as fairly to indicate the material demanded;

(c) Prescribe a return date within which the documentary material shall be produced; and

(d) Identify the members of the Attorney General's staff to whom such documentary material shall be made available for inspection and copying.

(3) No such demand shall:

(a) Contain any requirement which would be unreasonable or improper if contained in a subpoena duces tecum issued by a court of this state; or

(b) Require the disclosure of any documentary material which would be privileged, or which for any other reason would not be required by a subpoena duces tecum issued by a court of this state.

(4) Service of any such demand may be made by:

(a) Delivering a duly executed copy thereof to the person to be served, or, if such person is not a natural person, to any officer of the person to be served;

(b) Delivering a duly executed copy thereof to the principal place of business in this state of the person to be served; or

(c) Mailing by certified mail a duly executed copy thereof addressed to the person to be served at the principal place of business in this state, or, if such person has no place of business in this state, to his or her principal office or place of business.

(5) Documentary material demanded pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be produced for inspection and copying during normal business hours at the principal office or place of business of the person served, or at such other times and places as may be agreed upon by the person served and the Attorney General.

(6) No documentary material produced pursuant to a demand, or copies thereof, shall, unless otherwise ordered by a district court for good cause shown, be produced for inspection or copying by, nor shall the contents thereof be disclosed to, other than an authorized employee of the Attorney General, without the consent of the person who produced such material, except that:

(a) Under such reasonable terms and conditions as the Attorney General shall prescribe, the copies of such documentary material shall be available for inspection and copying by the person who produced such material or any duly authorized representative of such person;

(b) The Attorney General may provide copies of such documentary material to an official of this or any other state, or an official of the federal government, who is charged with the enforcement of federal or state antitrust or consumer protection laws, if such official agrees in writing to not disclose such documentary material to any person other than the official's authorized employees, except as such disclosure is permitted under subdivision (c) of this subsection; and

(c) The Attorney General or any assistant attorney general or an official authorized to receive copies of documentary material under subdivision (b) of this subsection may use such copies of documentary material as he or she determines necessary in the enforcement of the Consumer Protection Act or any state or federal consumer protection laws that any state or federal official has authority to enforce, including presentation before any court, except that any such material which contains trade secrets shall not be presented except with the approval of the court in which action is pending after adequate notice to the person furnishing such material.

(7) At any time before the return date specified in the demand, or within twenty days after the demand has been served, whichever period is shorter, a petition to extend the return date for or to modify or set aside a demand issued pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, stating good cause, may be filed in the district court for Lancaster County, or in such other county where the parties reside. A petition by the person on whom the demand is served, stating good cause, to require the Attorney General or any person to perform any duty imposed by the provisions of this section, and all other petitions in connection with a demand, may be filed in the district court for Lancaster County or in the county where the parties reside.

(8) Whenever any person fails to comply with any civil investigative demand for documentary material duly served upon him or her under this section, or whenever satisfactory copying or reproduction of any such material cannot be done and such person refuses to surrender such material, the Attorney General may file, in the district court of the county in which such person resides, is found, or transacts business, and serve upon such person a petition for an order of such court for the enforcement of this section, except that if such person transacts business in more than one county such petition shall be filed in the county in which such person maintains his or her principal place of business or in such other county as may be agreed upon by the parties to such petition. Whenever any petition is filed in the district court of any county under this section, such court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine the matter so presented and to enter such order as may be required to carry into effect the provisions of this section. Disobedience of any order entered under this section by any court shall be punished as a contempt thereof.

(9) When the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe that any person has engaged in or is engaging in any violation of sections 59-1602 to 59-1606, the Attorney General may:

(a) Require such person to file a statement or report in writing under oath or otherwise, on such forms as shall be prescribed by the Attorney General, as to all facts and circumstances concerning the sale, offer, or advertisement of property or services by such person, and such other data and information as the Attorney General deems necessary;

(b) Examine under oath any person in connection with the sale or advertisement of any property or services;

(c) Examine any property or sample thereof, record, book, document, account, or paper as the Attorney General deems necessary;

(d) Pursuant to an order of any district court, impound any record, book, document, account, paper, or sample of property which is material to such violation and retain the same in his or her possession until the completion of all proceedings undertaken under the Consumer Protection Act; or

(e) Obtain an order freezing or impounding connected accounts or assets as provided in subsection (10) of this section.

(10)(a) For purposes of this subsection, connected accounts or assets means any bank account, other financial account, money, asset, or property connected with any alleged violation of sections 59-1602 to 59-1606.

(b) In order to ensure the availability of resources needed to provide restitution or any other remedy available to a consumer by law, the Attorney General may request an ex parte order from the district court temporarily freezing or impounding connected accounts or assets. If granted, such order shall be effective for a period of fourteen days, and the court shall set the matter for a hearing. The Attorney General shall provide notice of the order and hearing to the owner of the connected account or asset. Such notice may be made by publication.

(c) Following such hearing, the court may extend the temporary order for any period up to the completion of all proceedings undertaken under the Consumer Protection Act unless earlier canceled or modified at the request of the Attorney General.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 18;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 29;    Laws 2016, LB835, § 22;    Laws 2024, LB934, § 2.    
Effective Date: April 16, 2024

59-1612. Limitation of action.

Any action to enforce a claim for damages under section 59-1609 shall be forever barred unless commenced within four years after the cause of action accrues; Provided, that whenever any action is brought by the Attorney General for a violation of sections 59-1602 to 59-1606, except actions for the recovery of a civil penalty for violation of an injunction or actions under section 59-1609, the running of such statute of limitations, with respect to every private right of action for damages under section 59-1609 which is based in whole or part on any matter complained of in the action by the Attorney General, shall be suspended during the pendency thereof.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 19.    

59-1613. Final judgment or decree; prima facie evidence in civil action; exception.

A final judgment or decree rendered in any action brought under section 59-1608 by the state to the effect that a defendant has violated sections 59-1602 to 59-1606 shall be prima facie evidence against such defendant in any action brought by any party against such defendant under section 59-1609 as to all matters as to which such judgment or decree would be an estoppel as between the parties thereto; Provided, that this section shall not apply to consent judgments or decrees when the court makes no finding of illegality.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 20.    

59-1614. Civil penalties; Attorney General; duties.

Any person who violates section 59-1603 or 59-1604 or the terms of any injunction issued as provided in the Consumer Protection Act shall forfeit and pay a civil penalty of not more than five hundred thousand dollars.

Any person who violates section 59-1602 shall pay a civil penalty of not more than two thousand dollars for each violation, except that such penalty shall not apply to any radio or television broadcasting station which broadcasts, or to any publisher, printer, or distributor of any newspaper, magazine, billboard, or other advertising medium who publishes, prints, or distributes advertising in good faith without knowledge of its false, deceptive, or misleading character and no such good faith publication, printing, or distribution shall be considered a violation of section 59-1602.

For the purpose of this section, the district court which issues any injunction shall retain jurisdiction, and the cause shall be continued, and in such cases the Attorney General acting in the name of the state may petition for the recovery of civil penalties.

With respect to violations of sections 59-1603 and 59-1604, the Attorney General, acting in the name of the state, may seek recovery of such penalties in a civil action.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 21;    Laws 1980, LB 186, § 1; Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 30;    Laws 2016, LB835, § 23.    

59-1615. Dissolution, suspension, or forfeiture of corporate franchise.

Upon petition by the Attorney General, the court may, in its discretion, order the dissolution, or suspension or forfeiture of franchise, of any corporation which violates section 59-1603 or 59-1604 or the terms of any injunction issued as provided in the Consumer Protection Act.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 22;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 31.    

59-1616. Personal service of process outside state.

Personal service of any process in an action under the Consumer Protection Act may be made upon any person outside the state if such person has engaged in conduct in violation of the act which has had impact in this state which the act prohibits.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 23;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 32.    

59-1617. Exempted transactions; applicability of provisions.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the Consumer Protection Act shall not apply to actions or transactions otherwise permitted, prohibited, or regulated under laws administered by the Director of Insurance, the Public Service Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any other regulatory body or officer acting under statutory authority of this state or the United States. The Consumer Protection Act and federal antitrust laws shall not extend to or apply to (a) any actions or transactions on the part of any municipality or group of municipalities while engaged in regulating natural gas rates pursuant to the State Natural Gas Regulation Act or section 16-679 or 17-528.02 or as otherwise permitted by law or (b) any actions or transactions on the part of any public power and irrigation district, public power district, electric membership association, or joint authority created pursuant to the Joint Public Power Authority Act or of any agency created pursuant to the Municipal Cooperative Financing Act, cooperative, or municipality engaged in furnishing electrical service to customers at retail or wholesale if such actions or transactions are otherwise permitted by law.

(2) Actions and transactions prohibited or regulated under the laws administered by the Director of Insurance shall be subject to section 59-1602 and all statutes which provide for the implementation and enforcement of section 59-1602. Actions and transactions prohibited or regulated under the laws administered by the Board of Funeral Directing and Embalming or administered by the Department of Agriculture and actions and transactions relating to loan brokers which are prohibited or regulated pursuant to sections 45-189 to 45-191.11 and administered by the Department of Banking and Finance shall be subject to the Consumer Protection Act.

No penalty or remedy shall result from a violation of the Consumer Protection Act except as expressly provided in such act.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 24;    Laws 1980, LB 94, § 18; Laws 1981, LB 487, § 46; Laws 1982, LB 751, § 2; Laws 1985, LB 193, § 1;    Laws 1987, LB 663, § 24;    Laws 1993, LB 270, § 14;    Laws 1993, LB 187, § 2;    Laws 1999, LB 828, § 6;    Laws 2003, LB 790, § 59.    

Cross References


59-1618. Agricultural products; producers; associations; form; requirements.

Persons engaged in the production of agricultural products as farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, nut growers, or fruit growers may act together in associations, corporate or otherwise, with or without capital stock, in collectively processing, preparing for market, handling, and marketing such products in intrastate commerce. Such associations may have marketing agencies in common, and the associations and their members may make the necessary contracts and agreements to effect such purposes. The associations shall be operated for the mutual benefit of the members thereof, as such producers, and conform to one or both of the following requirements:

(1) That no member of the association is allowed more than one vote because of the amount of stock or membership capital he may own therein; or

(2) That the association does not pay dividends on stock or membership capital in excess of eight percent per annum.

Such association shall not deal in the products of nonmembers to an amount greater in value than such as are handled by it for members.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 25.    

59-1619. Agricultural associations; monopolies; restraint of trade; Attorney General; complaint; notice of hearing.

If the Attorney General shall have reason to believe that any association described in section 59-1618 monopolizes or restrains trade to such an extent that the price of any agricultural product is unduly enhanced by reason thereof, he shall serve upon such association a complaint stating his charge in that respect, to which complaint shall be attached or in which shall be contained a notice of hearing, specifying a day and place not less than thirty days after the service thereof, requiring the association to show cause why an order should not be made directing it to cease and desist from monopolization or restraint of trade.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 26.    

59-1620. Contracts and agreements in restraint of trade; void; voidable.

All contracts and agreements made in restraint of trade by coconspirators in violation of the provisions of section 59-1603, 59-1604, or 59-1605 shall be void. All contracts and agreements made between a conspirator and an innocent party in violation of the provisions of section 59-1603, 59-1604, or 59-1605 shall be voidable by the innocent party.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 27.    

59-1621. Conspiracy in restraint of trade; findings; prima facie evidence.

Upon a finding in district court that a conspiracy in restraint of trade existed in an action brought pursuant to section 59-1603 or 59-1604, that finding shall constitute prima facie evidence of the existence of the conspiracy in subsequent civil actions involving the conspiracy.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 28.    

59-1622. Officers; liable for debts and obligations; when.

Every president, treasurer, general manager, agent, or other person exercising the powers of such office of any corporation, joint-stock company, or other association, who has himself, in its behalf, knowingly violated, united to violate, or consented to the violation of the provisions of section 59-1603, 59-1604, or 59-1605, shall thereafter be personally liable for all debts and obligations of any such corporation, joint-stock company, or other association created while such person holds such office or agency and which were incurred in the furtherance of that violation.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 29.    

59-1623. Act, how cited.

Sections 59-1601 to 59-1623 shall be known and may be cited as the Consumer Protection Act.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 1028, § 30;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 33;    Laws 2006, LB 1061, § 2;    Laws 2024, LB934, § 3.    
Effective Date: April 16, 2024

59-1701. Legislative intent and findings; seller-assisted marketing plans.

(1) The Legislature finds and declares that the widespread sale of seller-assisted marketing plans, often connected with the sale of vending machines, vending racks, or work-at-home paraphernalia, has created numerous problems in Nebraska for purchasers which are inimical to good business practice. Often purchasers of seller-assisted marketing plans are individuals inexperienced in business matters who use their life savings to purchase the seller-assisted marketing plan in the hope that they will earn enough money in addition to retirement income or salary to become or remain self-sufficient. Many purchasers are the elderly who are seeking a way to supplement their fixed incomes. The initial payment is usually in the form of a purchase of overpriced equipment or products. Nebraska purchasers have suffered substantial losses when they have failed to receive full and complete information regarding the seller-assisted marketing plan, the amount of money they can reasonably expect to earn, and the previous experience of the seller-assisted marketing plan seller. Seller-assisted marketing plan sellers have a significant impact upon the economy and well-being of this state and its local communities. The provisions of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act relating to seller-assisted marketing plans are necessary for the public welfare.

(2) It is the intent of the act to provide each prospective seller-assisted marketing plan purchaser with the information necessary to make an intelligent decision regarding seller-assisted marketing plans being offered, to safeguard the public against deceit and financial hardship, to insure, foster, and encourage competition and fair dealing in the sale of seller-assisted marketing plans by requiring adequate disclosure, to prohibit representations that tend to mislead, and to prohibit or restrict unfair contract terms. The act shall be construed liberally in order to achieve such purposes.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 1;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 2.    

59-1701.01. Act, how cited.

Sections 59-1701 to 59-1762 shall be known and may be cited as the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 218, § 1;    Laws 2003, LB 217, § 41.    

59-1702. Definitions; where found.

For purposes of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions found in sections 59-1703 to 59-1714.01 shall be used.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 2;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 3.    

59-1703. Seller-assisted marketing plan, defined.

Seller-assisted marketing plan shall mean the sale or lease or offer for sale or lease of any product, equipment, supplies, services, license, or any combination thereof which will be used by or on behalf of the purchaser to begin or maintain a business when:

(1) The seller of the plan has advertised or in other manner solicited the purchase or lease of the plan; and

(2) The seller has represented directly or indirectly or orally or in writing that:

(a) The seller or a person recommended or specified by the seller will provide the purchaser with or assist the purchaser in finding locations for the use or operation of vending machines, vending routes, display racks, display cases, or other similar devices on premises neither owned nor leased by the seller or the purchaser;

(b) The seller or a person recommended or specified by the seller will provide the purchaser with or will assist the purchaser in finding outlets or accounts for the purchaser's products or services;

(c) The seller or a person specified by the seller will or is likely to purchase any or all of the products made, produced, fabricated, grown, bred, or modified by the purchaser using, in whole or in part, the product, supplies, equipment, or services which were initially sold or leased or offered for sale or lease to the purchaser by the seller;

(d) The purchaser will, is likely to, or can derive income from the business which exceeds the initial payment paid by the purchaser for participation in the plan;

(e) There is a market for the product, equipment, supplies, or services which were initially sold or leased or offered for sale or lease to the purchaser by the seller;

(f) The seller will refund all or part of the initial payment paid to the seller or will repurchase any of the products, equipment, or supplies provided by the seller or a person recommended or specified by the seller, if the purchaser is dissatisfied with the business; or

(g) The seller or a person recommended or specified by the seller will provide advice or training pertaining to the sale of any products, equipment, supplies, or services or use of any licensed material and the advice or training includes, but is not limited to, preparing or providing (i) promotional literature, brochures, pamphlets, or advertising materials, (ii) training regarding the promotion, operation, or management of the seller-assisted marketing plan, or (iii) operational, managerial, technical, or financial guidelines or assistance.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 3;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 4;    Laws 1995, LB 599, § 16;    Laws 2003, LB 217, § 42.    

59-1704. Person, defined.

Person shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, or business entity.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 4;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 379.    

59-1705. Seller, defined.

Seller shall mean a person who sells or leases or offers to sell or lease a seller-assisted marketing plan and:

(1) Has sold, leased, represents, or implies that the seller has sold or leased, whether in Nebraska or elsewhere, at least five seller-assisted marketing plans within twenty-four months prior to a solicitation; or

(2) Intends, represents, or implies that the seller intends to sell or lease, whether in Nebraska or elsewhere, at least five seller-assisted marketing plans within twelve months following a solicitation. If the seller intends to sell four or less seller-assisted marketing plans within the time period stated in this subdivision, the seller, in order to be excluded from the provisions of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act, shall notify each purchaser in writing at the time of sale of its intention to sell only four or less seller-assisted marketing plans.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 5;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 1;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 5.    

59-1706. Purchaser, defined.

Purchaser shall mean a person who is solicited to become obligated or does become obligated on a seller-assisted marketing plan contract.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 6.    

59-1707. Equipment, defined.

Equipment shall mean machines, all electrical devices, video or audio devices, molds, display racks, vending machines, coin-operated game machines, machines which dispense products, and display units of all kinds.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 7.    

59-1708. Supplies, defined.

Supplies shall mean any and all materials used to produce, grow, breed, or make any product or item.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 8.    

59-1709. Product, defined.

Product shall mean any tangible chattel, including food or living animals, which the purchaser intends to:

(1) Sell or lease to the general public;

(2) Use to perform a service for the general public;

(3) Resell or attempt to resell to the seller of the seller-assisted marketing plan; or

(4) Provide or attempt to provide to the seller of the seller-assisted marketing plan so that such seller might resell the product to the general public.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 9.    

59-1710. Services, defined.

Services shall mean any assistance, guidance, direction, work, labor, or services provided by the seller to initiate or maintain the seller-assisted marketing plan.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 10.    

59-1711. Seller-assisted marketing plan contract or contract, defined.

Seller-assisted marketing plan contract or contract shall mean any contract or agreement which obligates a purchaser to a seller.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 11.    

59-1712. Initial payment, defined.

Initial payment shall mean the total amount a purchaser is obligated to pay under the terms of the seller-assisted marketing plan contract prior to or at the time of delivery of the equipment, supplies, products, or services or within six months of the purchaser commencing operation of the seller-assisted marketing plan. If the contract sets forth a specific total sale price for purchase of the seller-assisted marketing plan which total price is to be paid partially as a downpayment and then in specific monthly payments, the initial payment shall mean the entire total sale price.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 12.    

59-1713. Buy-back or secured investment, defined.

Buy-back or secured investment shall mean any representation which implies in any manner that the purchaser's initial payment is protected from loss.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 13.    

59-1714. Ongoing business, defined.

Ongoing business shall mean one which for at least six months previous to the sale:

(1) Has been operated from a specific given location;

(2) Has been open for business to the general public; and

(3) Has had all equipment and supplies necessary for operating the business located at the specific given location.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 14.    

59-1714.01. License, defined.

License shall mean the right or permission to use (1) material or personal property, including computer programs, protected under the copyright or patent laws of the United States or any foreign government and (2) a trademark, service mark, or trade name registered under Nebraska law or the law of any other state, of the United States, or of any foreign government.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 218, § 7.    

59-1715. Seller-assisted marketing plan; securities excluded.

A seller-assisted marketing plan shall not include a security as defined by subdivision (15) of section 8-1101.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 15;    Laws 1993, LB 216, § 12;    Laws 1997, LB 335, § 13.    

59-1716. Seller-assisted marketing plan; real estate or insurance transactions; excluded.

A seller-assisted marketing plan shall not include any transaction for which either the seller, purchaser, lessor, or lessee is licensed pursuant to and the transaction is governed by the State Real Estate Commission or the Department of Insurance.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 16.    

59-1717. Seller-assisted marketing plan; sales under certain license; excluded.

A seller-assisted marketing plan shall not include a license granted by a general merchandise retailer which allows the licensee to sell goods, equipment, supplies, products, or services to the general public under the retailer's trademark, trade name, or service mark when the general merchandise retailer has been doing business continuously for five years prior to the granting of the license.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 17.    

59-1718. Seller-assisted marketing plan; sale or lease to ongoing business enterprises; excluded.

A seller-assisted marketing plan shall not include a sale or lease to an ongoing business enterprise which also sells or leases equipment, products, or supplies or performs services which are not supplied by the seller and which the purchaser does not utilize with the equipment, products, supplies, or services of the seller.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 18;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 6.    

59-1718.01. Seller-assisted marketing plan; sales under five hundred dollars; exemption from act; conditions.

A seller-assisted marketing plan shall not include the sale of a business opportunity for which the immediate cash payment made by the purchaser does not exceed five hundred dollars and the payment is made for the not-for-profit sale of sales demonstration equipment, material, or samples for use in making sales and not for resale or the payment is made for product inventory sold to the purchaser at a bona fide wholesale price.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 218, § 8.    

59-1719. Seller-assisted marketing plan; sale of an ongoing business; excluded.

A seller-assisted marketing plan shall not include the sale of an ongoing business.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 19.    

59-1720. Seller-assisted marketing plan; certain sale, lease, or offer; excluded.

A seller-assisted marketing plan shall not include a sale, lease, or offer to sell or lease to a purchaser: (1) Who has for a period of at least six months previously bought products, supplies, services, or equipment which were sold under the same trademark or trade name or which were produced by the seller; and (2) who has received on resale of such product, supplies, services, or equipment an amount which is at least equal to the amount of the initial payment.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 20.    

59-1721. Seller-assisted marketing plan; renewal or extension of existing plan; excluded.

A seller-assisted marketing plan shall not include the renewal or extension of an existing seller-assisted marketing plan contract.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 21.    

59-1722. Transaction involving the sale of a franchise; exempt; exception; conditions; fee.

(1) Any transaction involving the sale of a franchise as defined in 16 C.F.R. 436.1(h), as such regulation existed on January 1, 2024, shall be exempt from the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act, except that such transactions shall be subject to subdivision (1)(d) of section 59-1757, those provisions regulating or prescribing the use of the phrase buy-back or secured investment or similar phrases as set forth in sections 59-1726 to 59-1728 and 59-1751, and all sections which provide for their enforcement. The exemption shall only apply if:

(a) The franchise is offered and sold in compliance with the requirements of 16 C.F.R. part 436, Disclosure Requirements and Prohibitions Concerning Franchising, as such part existed on January 1, 2024;

(b) Before placing any advertisement in a Nebraska-based publication, offering for sale to any prospective purchaser in Nebraska, or making any representations in connection with such offer or sale to any prospective purchaser in Nebraska, the seller files a notice with the Department of Banking and Finance which contains (i) the name, address, and telephone number of the seller and the name under which the seller intends to do business and (ii) a brief description of the plan offered by the seller; and

(c) The seller pays a filing fee of one hundred dollars.

(2) The department may request a copy of the disclosure document upon receipt of a written complaint or inquiry regarding the seller or upon a reasonable belief that a violation of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act has occurred or may occur. The seller shall provide such copy within ten business days of receipt of the request.

(3) All funds collected by the department under this section shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Securities Act Cash Fund.

(4) The Director of Banking and Finance may by order deny or revoke an exemption specified in this section with respect to a particular offering of one or more business opportunities if the director finds that such an order is in the public interest or is necessary for the protection of purchasers. An order shall not be entered without appropriate prior notice to all interested parties, an opportunity for hearing, and written findings of fact and conclusions of law. If the public interest or the protection of purchasers so requires, the director may by order summarily deny or revoke an exemption specified in this section pending final determination of any proceedings under this section. An order under this section shall not operate retroactively.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 22;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 9;    Laws 2001, LB 53, § 108;    Laws 2013, LB214, § 11;    Laws 2020, LB909, § 47;    Laws 2021, LB363, § 29;    Laws 2022, LB707, § 42;    Laws 2023, LB92, § 76;    Laws 2024, LB1074, § 89.    
Operative Date: April 18, 2024

59-1722.01. Transaction; sales under five hundred dollars; exemption from act; provisions applicable.

Any transaction in which the purchaser makes or will become obligated to make a total initial payment of an amount not exceeding five hundred dollars shall be exempt from the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act, except that such transactions shall be subject to section 59-1751, to subdivision (1)(d) of section 59-1757, and to those provisions in the act regulating or prescribing the use of the phrase buy-back or secured investment or similar phrases as set forth in sections 59-1726 to 59-1728.

Source:Laws 2003, LB 217, § 44.    

59-1723. Seller-assisted marketing plan; sale, lease, or offer; occurs; when.

(1) An offer to sell or offer to lease a seller-assisted marketing plan shall occur in this state whenever:

(a) The offer to sell or offer to lease is made in this state;

(b) The purchaser resides in this state at the time of the offer; or

(c) The offer to sell or offer to lease either originates from this state or is directed by the seller or lessor to this state and received at the place to which it is directed.

(2) A sale or lease of a seller-assisted marketing plan shall occur in this state whenever:

(a) The offer to sell or offer to lease is accepted in this state;

(b) The purchaser resides in this state at the time of the sale; or

(c) The acceptance is communicated to a seller situated in this state.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 23.    

59-1724. Marketing plan; seller; disclosure document; contents; list of sellers; file; update; fees.

(1)(a) Before placing any advertisement, making any other solicitation, making any sale, or making any representations to any prospective purchaser in Nebraska, the seller shall file with the Department of Banking and Finance a copy of a disclosure document prepared pursuant to sections 59-1733 to 59-1740 and pay a filing fee of one hundred dollars.

(b) The seller shall file an amended document with the department whenever a material change in the information occurs and shall pay a fee of fifty dollars for filing each such document.

(c) If the seller continues to solicit seller-assisted marketing plans in Nebraska, he or she shall annually file an updated disclosure document and pay a renewal fee of fifty dollars on or before the anniversary date of the initial filing for the particular seller-assisted marketing plan. In addition to the updated disclosure document, if a seller requires a purchaser to enter into a noncompete agreement in a side agreement or ancillary agreement, the seller shall include a disclosure of the existence of such side agreement or ancillary agreement in the updated disclosure document.

(d) In addition to the disclosure document, the seller shall file a list of the names and resident addresses of those individuals who sell the seller-assisted marketing plan on behalf of the seller. The list of sales representatives shall be updated through a new filing every six months. No fee shall be required to be paid for any filing which includes only an updated list of sales representatives.

(2) All funds collected by the department under this section shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Securities Act Cash Fund.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 24;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 10;    Laws 2016, LB942, § 1.    

59-1725. Marketing plan; violations; investigations; director; powers.

(1)(a) The Director of Banking and Finance in his or her discretion may make such investigations within or without this state as he or she deems necessary to determine whether any person has violated or is about to violate any provision of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act or any rule, regulation, or order of the director or to aid in the enforcement of the act or in the adoption or promulgation of rules, regulations, and forms under the act. In the discretion of the director, the actual expense of any such investigation may be charged to the person who is the subject of the investigation.

(b) The director may publish information concerning any violation of the act or any rule, regulation, or order of the director.

(c) For the purpose of any investigation or proceeding under the act, the director or any officer designated by him or her may administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, take evidence, and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, agreements, or other documents or records which the director deems relevant or material to the inquiry.

(2)(a) In case of contumacy by or refusal to obey a subpoena issued to any person, any court of competent jurisdiction, upon application by the director, may issue to that person an order requiring him or her to appear before the director or the officer designated by the director to produce documentary evidence if so ordered or to give evidence touching the matter under investigation or in question. Any failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt of court.

(b) The request for order of compliance may be addressed to either (i) the district court of Lancaster County or the district court in the county where service may be obtained on the person refusing to testify or produce if the person is within this state or (ii) the appropriate district court of this state having jurisdiction over the person refusing to testify or produce if the person is outside this state.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 25;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 2;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 11.    

59-1725.01. Seller-assisted marketing plan; cease and desist order; fine; injunction; procedures; appeal.

(1) The Director of Banking and Finance may summarily order a seller or any officer, director, employee, or agent of such seller to cease and desist from the further offer or sale of any seller-assisted marketing plan by the seller if the director finds:

(a) There has been a substantial failure to comply with any of the provisions of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act;

(b) The offer or sale of the plan would constitute misrepresentation to or deceit or fraud upon the purchasers; or

(c) Any person identified in the required disclosure document has been convicted of an offense described in subdivision (2)(a) of section 59-1735 or is subject to an order or has had a civil judgment entered against him or her as described in subdivision (2)(b) or (c) of section 59-1735, and the involvement of such person in the sale or management of the seller-assisted marketing plan creates an unreasonable risk to prospective purchasers.

(2) If the director believes, whether or not based upon an investigation conducted under section 59-1725, that any person has engaged in or is about to engage in any act or practice constituting a violation of any provision of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act or any rule, regulation, or order of the director, the director may:

(a) Issue a cease and desist order;

(b) Impose a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars per violation, in addition to costs of the investigation; or

(c) Initiate an action in any court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin such acts or practices and to enforce compliance with the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act or any order under the act.

(3) Upon a proper showing, a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining order, or writ of mandamus shall be granted. The director shall not be required to post a bond.

(4)(a) Any fines and costs imposed under this section shall be in addition to all other penalties imposed by the laws of this state. The Department of Banking and Finance shall collect the fines and costs and remit them to the State Treasurer. The State Treasurer shall credit the costs to the Securities Act Cash Fund and distribute the fines in accordance with Article VII, section 5, of the Constitution of Nebraska.

(b) If a person fails to pay the administrative fine or investigation costs referred to in this section, a lien in the amount of such fine and costs may be imposed upon all assets and property of such person in this state and may be recovered by suit by the director. Failure of the person to pay such fine and costs shall constitute a separate violation of the act.

(5) Upon entry of an order pursuant to this section, the director shall, in writing, promptly notify all persons to whom such order is directed that it has been entered and of the reasons for such order and that any person to whom the order is directed may request a hearing in writing within fifteen business days after the issuance of the order. Upon receipt of such written request, the matter shall be set down for hearing to commence within thirty business days after the receipt unless the parties consent to a later date or the hearing officer sets a later date for good cause. If a hearing is not requested within fifteen business days and none is ordered by the director, the order shall automatically become final and shall remain in effect until it is modified or vacated by the director. If a hearing is requested or ordered, the director, after notice and hearing, shall enter his or her written findings of fact and conclusions of law and may affirm, modify, or vacate the order.

(6) The director may vacate or modify a cease and desist order if he or she finds that the conditions which caused its entry have changed or that it is otherwise in the public interest to do so.

(7) Any person aggrieved by a final order of the director may appeal the order. The appeal shall be in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 218, § 12;    Laws 2001, LB 53, § 109;    Laws 2020, LB909, § 48.    

Cross References

59-1726. Marketing plan; seller; use of certain phrases; prohibited.

In selling, leasing, or offering to sell or lease a seller-assisted marketing plan in this state, sellers of such plans shall not:

(1) Use the phrase buy-back or secured investment or similar phrase orally or in writing when soliciting, offering, leasing, or selling a seller-assisted marketing plan if the security is the value of the equipment, supplies, products, or services supplied by the seller to the purchaser; or

(2) Use the phrase buy-back or secured investment or similar phrase orally or in writing when soliciting, offering, leasing, or selling a seller-assisted marketing plan unless there are no restrictions or qualifications whatsoever preventing or limiting a purchaser from being able to invoke the buy-back or secured portion of the seller-assisted marketing plan contract at any time the purchaser desires during the one-year period following the contract date.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 26.    

59-1727. Marketing plan; buy-back or security investment provision; invoked; entitlement.

Upon invocation of the buy-back or security investment provision under section 59-1726, the minimum amount a purchaser shall be entitled to have returned to him or her is the full amount of his or her initial payment, less the money actually received by him or her from the operation of the seller-assisted marketing plan. The amount actually received shall be either the amount the purchaser actually obtained from the seller for any product resold to the seller or the amount of money the general public pays for use of the purchaser's product, equipment, supplies, or services, less any amount the purchaser has paid the owner or manager of the location at which the purchaser's products, equipment, supplies, or services are placed.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 27.    

59-1728. Marketing plan; payment secured; buy-back arrangement; representations; prohibited; exception.

In selling, leasing, or offering to sell or lease a seller-assisted marketing plan in this state, sellers of such plans shall not represent that a purchaser's initial payment is secured in any manner or to any degree or that the seller provides a buy-back arrangement unless the seller has, in conformity with section 59-1751, either obtained a surety bond issued by a surety company admitted to do business in this state or established a trust account.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 28;    Laws 1995, LB 599, § 17.    

59-1729. Marketing plan; earning potential claim; substantiated by data.

In selling, leasing, or offering to sell or lease a seller-assisted marketing plan in this state, sellers of such plans shall not represent that the seller-assisted marketing plan provides income or earning potential of any kind unless the seller has data to substantiate the claims of income or earning potential and discloses this data to the purchaser at the time the claim is made, if made in person, or if made through written or telephonic communication, at the first in-person communication thereafter and, when disclosed, the data is left with the purchaser. A mathematical computation of the number of sales, multiplied by the amount of profit per sale to reach a projected income figure is not sufficient data to substantiate an income or earning potential claim. The data left by the seller must at least disclose:

(1) The length of time the seller has been selling the particular seller-assisted marketing plan being offered;

(2) The number and percentage such number represents of the total number of purchasers who form the basis for the income or earning potential representation; and

(3) The number of purchasers known to the seller to have made at least the same sales, income, or profits as those represented.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 29.    

59-1730. Marketing plan; advertising; commercial symbol; requirements.

In selling, leasing, or offering to sell or lease a seller-assisted marketing plan in this state, sellers of such plans shall not use the trademark, service mark, trade name, logotype, advertising, or other commercial symbol of any business which does not either control the ownership interest in the seller or accept responsibility for all representations made by the seller in regard to the seller-assisted marketing plan, unless the nature of the seller's relationship to such other business entity is set forth immediately adjacent to and in type size equal to or larger than that used to depict the commercial symbol of such other business. If a member of a trade association, the seller may use the logo or registration mark of the trade association in advertisements and materials without regard to this section.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 30.    

59-1731. Marketing plan; advertisement; name and address of seller; required.

In selling, leasing, or offering to sell or lease a seller-assisted marketing plan in this state, sellers of such plans shall not place or cause to be placed any advertisement for a seller-assisted marketing plan which does not include the actual business name of the seller, and if it differs, the name under which the seller-assisted marketing plan is operated and the street address of the principal place of business of the seller.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 31.    

59-1732. Seller-assisted marketing plan; potential purchaser; seller provide disclosure document.

In the first in-person communication with a potential purchaser or in the first written response to an inquiry by a potential purchaser wherein the seller-assisted marketing plan is described, the seller shall provide the prospective purchaser a written disclosure document which contains the disclosure information required by sections 59-1733 to 59-1740. Such disclosure document shall contain a cover sheet entitled in at least sixteen-point boldface capital letters DISCLOSURE REQUIRED BY NEBRASKA LAW. Under the title shall appear, in boldface of at least ten-point type, the statement: The State of Nebraska has not reviewed and does not approve, recommend, endorse, or sponsor any seller-assisted marketing plan. The information contained in this disclosure has not been checked by the state. If you have any questions about this purchase, see an attorney or other financial advisor before you sign a contract or agreement.

Nothing shall appear on the cover sheet except the title and the statement required by this section. A disclosure document prepared pursuant to sections 59-1733 to 59-1740 shall include a statement which either positively or negatively responds to each disclosure item required by sections 59-1733 and 59-1735 by use of a statement which fully incorporates the information required by the item. This disclosure document shall be given to the potential purchaser and held by the potential purchaser for at least forty-eight hours prior to the execution of a seller-assisted marketing contract or at least forty-eight hours prior to the receipt of any consideration.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 32;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 3;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 13;    Laws 1995, LB 599, § 18.    

59-1733. Disclosure document; information; requirements.

The disclosure document required by section 59-1732 shall contain the following information:

(1) The name of the seller, the name under which the seller is doing or intends to do business, the seller's principal business address, the seller's business form, including identification of the state under whose laws the seller is organized or incorporated, and the name, principal business address, and business form of any parent or affiliated company that will engage in business transactions with purchasers or accept responsibility for statements made by the seller;

(2) A statement of the initial payment charged or, when not known, a statement of approximate initial payment charged, and a statement of the amount of the initial payment to be paid to a person inducing, directly or indirectly, a purchaser to contract for the seller-assisted marketing plan;

(3) A full and detailed description of the actual services the seller will or may undertake to perform for the purchaser;

(4) The following legend shall be included in the disclosure document when the seller makes any statement concerning earnings or range of earnings that may be made through the seller-assisted marketing plan:

No guarantee of earnings or ranges of earnings can be made. The number of purchasers who have earned through this business an amount in excess of the amount of their initial payment is at least ............, which represents ....... percent of the total number of purchasers of this seller-assisted marketing plan;

(5) A complete description of any training provided by or through the seller or any person recommended or specified by the seller, including the length of the training and a statement of any costs associated with the training which the purchaser will be responsible for paying;

(6) A complete description of any services to be performed by the seller or any person recommended or specified by the seller in connection with the placement of the equipment, product, or supplies at a location from which they will be sold or used, the full nature of those services, including a statement identifying any third party the seller may hire for such services and the nature of any agreement between the seller and the third party, as well as the nature of the agreements to be made with the owner or manager of the location at which the purchaser's equipment, product, or supplies will be placed and any costs associated with such placement services which the purchaser will be responsible for paying;

(7) A statement completely and clearly disclosing the entire and precise nature of any arrangement (a) whereby the seller agrees to buy back the product, supplies, or equipment initially sold or (b) whereby the initial payment is secured, that the seller represented orally or in writing to exist when soliciting or offering for sale or lease or selling or leasing a seller-assisted marketing plan;

(8) A statement setting forth (a) the total number of seller-assisted marketing plans, which are the same as the plan described in the disclosure document, that have been set up or organized by the seller, (b) the number of such seller-assisted marketing plans in existence at the end of the preceding year, (c) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the ten seller-assisted marketing plan purchasers nearest the prospective purchaser's intended location. If less than ten seller-assisted marketing plan purchasers exist, the total number of purchasers shall be used, and (d) the total number of seller-assisted marketing plans the seller intends to set up in Nebraska and across the nation within the next twelve months; and

(9) Any other information which the Department of Banking and Finance may require by rule, regulation, or order, to be disclosed for the protection of purchasers.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 33;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 4;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 14;    Laws 1995, LB 599, § 19;    Laws 2001, LB 53, § 110.    

59-1734. Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 461, § 10.

59-1735. Disclosure document; contents; requirements.

The disclosure document required by section 59-1732 shall contain the following:

(1) The name of and the office held by the seller's officers, directors, trustees, general or limited partners, and limited liability company members, as the case may be, and the names of those individuals who have management responsibilities in connection with the seller's business activities;

(2) A statement whether the seller or any person identified in subdivision (1) of this section:

(a) Has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor or pleaded nolo contendere to a felony or misdemeanor charge if such felony or misdemeanor involved fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or misappropriation of property;

(b) Has been held liable in a civil action by final judgment or consented to the entry of a stipulated judgment if the civil action alleged fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, misappropriation of property, the use of untrue or misleading representations in an attempt to sell or dispose of real or personal property, or the use of unfair, unlawful, or deceptive business practices; or

(c) Is subject to any currently effective injunction or restrictive order relating to business activity as the result of an action brought by a public agency or department, including, but not limited to, action affecting any vocational license; and

(3) With respect to persons identified in subdivision (1) of this section:

(a) A description of their work experience for the past five years, including a list of principal occupations and employers during such time. Such five-year period shall run from the date of the disclosure filed with the Department of Banking and Finance; and

(b) A listing of each such person's educational background, including the names and addresses of schools attended, dates of attendance, and degrees received.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 35;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 5;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 15;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 380;    Laws 1994, LB 884, § 77;    Laws 1995, LB 599, § 20.    

59-1736. Seller; officers, directors, partners, managers; conviction or judgment; disclosure.

The statements required by subdivision (2) of section 59-1735 shall set forth the court, the date of the conviction or of the judgment and, when involved, the name of the governmental agency that brought the action resulting in the conviction or judgment.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 36.    

59-1737. Disclosure document; disclose period of time plan sold or offered.

The disclosure document required by section 59-1732 shall contain the length of time the seller of the plan has sold seller-assisted marketing plans, and the length of time the seller has sold the specific seller-assisted marketing plan being offered to the purchaser.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 37;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 6.    

59-1738. Disclosure document; disclose existence of bond or trust account.

If the seller is required to secure a bond or establish a trust account pursuant to the requirements of sections 59-1726 to 59-1728, the disclosure document required by section 59-1732 shall state either:

(1) Seller has secured a bond issued by ............., (name and address of surety company) a surety company admitted to do business in this state. Before signing a contract to purchase this seller-assisted marketing plan, you should check with the surety company to determine the bond's current status; or

(2) Seller has deposited with the Department of Banking and Finance information regarding its trust account. Before signing a contract to purchase this seller-assisted marketing plan, you should check with the Department of Banking and Finance to determine the current status of the trust account.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 38;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 7.    

59-1739. Disclosure document; contain financial information; verification.

The disclosure document required by section 59-1732 shall contain a copy of a financial statement of the seller, not more than twelve months old, together with a statement of any material changes in the financial condition of the seller from the date thereof. Such financial statement shall either be audited or be signed under penalty of perjury by one of the seller's officers, directors, trustees, general or limited partners, or limited liability company members. The declaration under penalty of perjury shall indicate that to the best of the signatory's knowledge and belief the information in the financial statement is true and accurate. If a seller is a subsidiary of another corporation which is permitted by generally accepted accounting standards to prepare financial statements on a consolidated basis, the information required by this section may be submitted in the same manner for the parent corporation if the corresponding financial statement of the seller is also provided and the parent corporation absolutely and irrevocably has agreed to guarantee all obligations of the seller.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 39;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 8;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 381;    Laws 1994, LB 884, § 78.    

59-1740. Disclosure document; contain unexecuted copy of marketing plan contract.

The disclosure document required by section 59-1732 shall contain an unexecuted copy of the entire seller-assisted marketing plan contract.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 40;    Laws 1983, LB 461, § 9.    

59-1741. Seller-assisted marketing plan; contract for sale or lease; written; copy to purchaser.

Every contract for sale or lease of a seller-assisted marketing plan in this state shall be in writing and shall be subject to the provisions of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act. A copy of the fully completed contract and all other documents the seller requires the purchaser to sign shall be given to the purchaser at the time such documents are signed.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 41;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 16.    

59-1742. Marketing plan contract; contents; requirements.

Every seller-assisted marketing plan contract shall set forth in at least ten-point type or equivalent size if handwritten, the following:

(1) The terms and conditions of payment including the initial payment, additional payments, and downpayment required;

(2) A full and detailed description of the acts or services the seller will undertake to perform for the purchaser;

(3) The seller's principal business address and the name and address of its agent in the State of Nebraska authorized to receive service of process;

(4) The business form of the seller, whether a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or otherwise;

(5) The delivery date or, when the contract provides for a staggered delivery of items to the purchaser, the approximate delivery date of those products, equipment, or supplies the seller is to deliver to the purchaser to enable the purchaser to begin or maintain his or her business and whether the products, equipment, or supplies are to be delivered to the purchaser's home or business address or are to be placed or caused to be placed by the seller at locations owned or managed by persons other than the purchaser;

(6) A complete description of the nature of the buy-back or security arrangement, if the seller has represented orally or in writing when selling or leasing, soliciting, or offering a seller-assisted marketing plan that there is a buy-back or that the initial payment is secured; and

(7) A statement which accurately sets forth a purchaser's right to void the contract under the circumstances and in the manner set forth in sections 59-1752 to 59-1755.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 42;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 382.    

59-1743. Marketing plan contract; purchaser; right to cancel; when.

The purchaser shall have the right to cancel a seller-assisted marketing plan contract for any reason at any time within three business days of the date the purchaser and the seller sign the contract pursuant to section 59-1744. The notice of the right to cancel and the procedures to be followed when a contract is canceled shall comply with sections 59-1743 and 59-1744.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 43.    

59-1744. Marketing plan contract; contain notice of right to cancel.

Every seller-assisted marketing plan contract shall set forth immediately above the place at which the purchaser signs the contract in at least ten-point type the following:

You have three business days in which you may cancel this contract for any reason by mailing or delivering written notice to the seller-assisted marketing plan seller. The three business days shall expire on ........................, (last date to mail or deliver notice) and notice of cancellation should be mailed to ........................................, (seller-assisted marketing plan seller's name and business street address). If you choose to mail your notice, it must be placed in the United States mail properly addressed, first-class postage prepaid, and postmarked before midnight of the above date. If you choose to deliver your notice to the seller directly, it must be delivered to him or her by the end of his or her normal business day on the above date. Within five business days of receipt of the notice of cancellation, the seller shall return to the purchaser all sums paid by the purchaser to the seller pursuant to this contract. Within five business days after receipt of all such sums, the purchaser shall make available at his or her address or at the place at which they were caused to be located, all equipment, products, and supplies provided to the purchaser pursuant to this contract. Upon demand of the seller, such equipment, products, and supplies shall be made available at the time the purchaser receives full repayment by cash, money order, or certified check.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 44.    

59-1745. Marketing plan contract; execution of certain notes prohibited.

No seller-assisted marketing plan contract shall require or entail the execution of any note or series of notes by the purchaser which, when separately negotiated, will cut off as to third parties any right of action or defense which the purchaser may have against the seller.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 45.    

59-1746. Marketing plan contract; downpayment; conditions.

If the contract referred to in section 59-1741 provides for a downpayment to be paid to the seller, the downpayment shall not exceed twenty percent of the initial payment amount. In no event shall the contract payment schedule provide for the seller to receive more than twenty percent of the initial payment before delivery to the purchaser, or to the place at which they are to be located, the equipment, supplies, or products, unless all sums in excess of twenty percent are placed in an escrow account which cannot be released until the purchaser notifies the escrow agent in writing of the delivery of such equipment, supplies, or products. Notification of delivery by the purchaser to the escrow agent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 46.    

59-1747. Marketing plan contract; assignee; rights, defenses.

Any assignee of the seller-assisted marketing plan contract or the seller's rights is subject to all equities, rights, and defenses of the purchaser against the seller.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 47.    

59-1748. Reference to compliance with act; prohibited.

No seller shall make or authorize the making of any reference to its compliance with the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 48;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 17.    

59-1749. Marketing plan; seller; records required.

Every seller subject to the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act shall at all times keep and maintain a complete set of books, records, and accounts of seller-assisted marketing plan sales made by the seller. All documents relating to each specific seller-assisted marketing plan sold or leased shall be maintained for four years after the date of the seller-assisted marketing plan contract.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 49;    Laws 2003, LB 217, § 43.    

59-1750. Seller-assisted marketing plan; service of process.

Selling or offering to sell a seller-assisted marketing plan in this state shall constitute sufficient contact with this state for the exercise of personal jurisdiction over the seller in any action arising under the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 50;    Laws 1983, LB 447, § 77;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 18.    

59-1751. Seller; surety bond or trust account; establish; procedures.

If, pursuant to section 59-1728, a seller must obtain a surety bond or establish a trust account, the following procedures shall apply:

(1) If a bond is obtained, a copy of it shall be filed with the Department of Banking and Finance, and if a trust account is established, notification of the depository, the trustee, and the account number shall be filed with the Department of Banking and Finance;

(2) The bond or trust account required shall run in favor of the State of Nebraska for the benefit of any person who is damaged by any violation of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act or by the seller's breach of a contract subject to the act or of any obligation arising therefrom. The bond or trust account shall also run in favor of any person damaged by such practices;

(3) Any person claiming against the bond or trust account for a violation of the act may maintain an action at law against the seller and the surety or trustee. The aggregate liability of the surety or trustee to all persons damaged by a seller's violation of the act shall in no event exceed the amount of the bond or trust account; and

(4) The bond or the trust account shall be in an amount equal to the total amount of the initial payment of all seller-assisted marketing plan contracts which the seller has entered into during the previous year or three hundred thousand dollars, whichever is less, but in no case shall the amount be less than fifty thousand dollars. The amount required shall be adjusted twice a year. Such adjustment shall occur no later than the tenth day of the first month of the seller's fiscal year and no later than the tenth day of the seventh month of the seller's fiscal year. A seller need only establish a bond or trust account in the amount of fifty thousand dollars at the commencement of business and during the first six months the seller is in business. By the tenth day of the seller's seventh month in business, the amount of the bond shall be established as provided for in this section as if the seller had been in business for a year.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 51;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 19.    

59-1752. Seller; noncompliance with act; contract; voidable; purchaser; remedies.

If (1) a seller uses any untrue or misleading statements relating to a seller-assisted marketing plan, (2) a seller fails to provide the disclosure documents or disclose any of the information required by sections 59-1732 to 59-1740, or (3) the contract does not comply with the requirements of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act, then within one year of the date of the contract at the election of the purchaser upon written notice to the seller, the contract shall be voidable by the purchaser and unenforceable by the seller or his or her assignee as contrary to public policy and the purchaser shall be entitled to receive from the seller all sums paid to the seller when the purchaser is able to return all equipment, supplies, or products delivered by the seller. When such complete return cannot be made, the purchaser shall be entitled to receive from the seller all sums paid to the seller less the fair market value at the time of delivery of the equipment, supplies, or products not returned by the purchaser, but delivered by the seller. Upon the receipt of such sums, the purchaser shall make available to the seller, at the purchaser's address or at the places at which they are located at the time the purchaser gives notice pursuant to this section, the products, equipment, or supplies received by the purchaser from the seller.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 52;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 20.    

59-1753. Seller; inadvertent defects; cure; purchaser; rights.

If the seller inadvertently has failed to make any of the disclosures required by sections 59-1732 to 59-1740 or the contract inadvertently fails to comply with the requirements of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act, the seller may cure such inadvertent defect by providing the purchaser with the correct disclosure documents or contract if at the time of providing such correct disclosures or contract the seller also informs the purchaser in writing that because of the seller's error, the purchaser shall have an additional fifteen-day period after receipt of the correct disclosures or contract within which to cancel the contract and receive a full return of all money paid in exchange for return of whatever equipment, supplies, or products the purchaser has. If the purchaser does not cancel the contract within fifteen days after receipt of the correct disclosures or contract, he or she may not in the future exercise his or her right to void the contract under this section and sections 59-1752, 59-1754, and 59-1755 due to such noncompliance with the disclosure or contract requirements of the act.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 53;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 21.    

59-1754. Seller; failure to deliver products; contract voidable.

If a seller fails to deliver the equipment, supplies, or products within thirty days of the delivery date stated in the contract, unless such delivery delay is beyond the control of the seller, then at any time prior to delivery or within thirty days after delivery, at the election of the purchaser upon written notice to the seller, the contract shall be voidable by the purchaser and unenforceable by the seller or his or her assignee.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 54.    

59-1755. Purchaser rights; cumulative.

The rights of the purchaser set forth in sections 59-1752 to 59-1754 shall be cumulative to all other rights under the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act or otherwise.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 55;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 22.    

59-1756. Purchaser; waiver of rights; unenforceable.

Any waiver by a purchaser of the provisions of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act shall be deemed contrary to public policy and shall be void and unenforceable. Any attempt by a seller to have a purchaser waive rights given by the act shall be a violation of the act.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 56;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 23.    

59-1757. Prohibited acts; violation; penalty; enforcement.

(1) No person shall, in connection with the offer, purchase, lease, or sale of any seller-assisted marketing plan:

(a) Use the trademark, service mark, trade name, logotype, or advertising or other commercial symbol of any business which does not either control the ownership interest in the seller or accept responsibility for all representations made by the seller in regard to the business opportunity unless it is clear from the circumstances that the owner of the commercial symbol has knowledge of and consents to such use and is not involved in the sale of the business opportunity;

(b) Make any claim or representation in advertising or promotional material or in any oral sales presentation, solicitation, or discussion between the seller and a prospective purchaser which is inconsistent with the information required to be disclosed by the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act;

(c) Make or cause to be made any representation to any prospective purchaser that the Department of Banking and Finance has found any document filed under the act to be true, complete, and not misleading or has passed in any way upon the merits of or recommended or given approval to any seller-assisted marketing plan; or

(d) Directly or indirectly (i) employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud, (ii) make any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact, or (iii) engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person.

(2) Any person, including, but not limited to, the seller, a salesperson, agent, or representative of the seller, or an independent contractor who attempts to sell or lease or sells or leases a seller-assisted marketing plan, who willfully violates any provision of the act or any order issued pursuant to section 59-1725.01 in connection with the offer, purchase, lease, or sale of any seller-assisted marketing plan shall be guilty of a Class IV felony.

(3) The Director of Banking and Finance may refer such evidence as is available concerning violations of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act or any order of the director to the Attorney General or county attorney who may, with or without reference from the director, initiate criminal proceedings pursuant to the act.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 57;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 24.    

59-1758. Violation; action for recovery of damages; award; statute of limitations.

(1) Any purchaser injured by a violation of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act or by the seller's breach of a contract subject to the act or of any obligation arising from the sale or lease of the seller-assisted marketing plan may bring an action for recovery of damages. Judgment shall be entered for actual damages suffered by the purchaser, plus reasonable attorney's fees and costs. When the purchaser is able to return all the equipment, supplies, or products delivered by the seller, the actual damages awarded shall not be less than the amount of the initial payment. When such complete return cannot be made, the actual damages awarded shall not be less than the amount of the initial payment less the fair market value at the time of delivery of the equipment, supplies, or products that cannot be returned but were actually delivered by the seller.

(2) Any action brought pursuant to this section shall be commenced within five years of the date of the sale of the seller-assisted marketing plan.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 58;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 25.    

59-1758.01. Burden of proof.

In any proceeding under the provisions of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act, the burden of proving an exemption or an exclusion from a definition or from the provisions of the act shall be upon the person claiming it.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 218, § 26;    Laws 2003, LB 217, § 45.    

59-1759. Remedies; not exclusive.

The provisions of the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act are not exclusive. The remedies provided for violation of any provision of the act or for conduct prescribed by any provision of the act shall be in addition to any other procedures or remedies for any violation or conduct provided for in any other law.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 59;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 28.    

59-1760. Statutory or common-law rights; available.

Nothing in the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act shall limit any statutory or common-law rights of the Attorney General, any county attorney, or any city attorney, or any other person. If any act or practice prescribed under the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act also constitutes a cause of action in common law or a violation of another statute, the purchaser may assert such common-law or statutory cause of action under the procedures and with the remedies provided for in such other law.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 60;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 29.    

59-1761. Unfair competition and deceptive practices statutes; applicable.

Actions and transaction prohibited by the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act shall be subject to section 59-1602 and all statutes which provide for the implementation and enforcement of such section.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 180, § 61;    Laws 1993, LB 218, § 30.    

59-1762. Director of Banking and Finance; powers; rules and regulations.

In addition to specific authority granted elsewhere in the Seller-Assisted Marketing Plan Act, the Director of Banking and Finance may adopt and promulgate rules, regulations, orders, or forms as are necessary to carry out the act. No rule, regulation, order, or form may be adopted unless the director finds that the action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of purchasers and potential purchasers and is consistent with the purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of the act. All rules, regulations, orders, and forms of the director and the Department of Banking and Finance shall be published.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 218, § 27.    

59-1801. Act, how cited.

Sections 59-1801 to 59-1803 shall be known and may be cited as the Charitable Gift Annuity Act.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 972, § 1.    

59-1802. Terms, defined.

For purposes of the Charitable Gift Annuity Act:

(1) Charitable gift annuity means a charitable gift annuity described by section 501(m)(5) and section 514(c)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code that is issued prior to, on, or after March 26, 1996, by a charitable organization that, on the date of the annuity agreement, has been in continuous operation for at least three years or is the successor or affiliate of a charitable organization that has been in continuous operation for at least three years; and

(2) Charitable organization means any entity described in section 170(c) or section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 972, § 2.    

59-1803. Issuance of annuity; how construed.

Issuance of a charitable gift annuity does not constitute:

(1) Engaging in business as a trust company subject to the Nebraska Trust Company Act;

(2) Engaging in the business of insurance subject to Chapter 44;

(3) Engaging in an act in violation of sections 59-801 to 59-831;

(4) Engaging in an act in violation of the Viatical Settlements Act; or

(5) Engaging in an act in violation of the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Conduct other than issuance of a charitable gift annuity, including the marketing of a charitable gift annuity, is not exempt from application of the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act pursuant to this subdivision.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 972, § 3;    Laws 1998, LB 1321, § 98;    Laws 2001, LB 52, § 57;    Laws 2002, LB 1278, § 34.    

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