Journal Summary for March 13th, 2024
108th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 42
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Document | Description | Journal Page |
LR316 | Adopted | 1011 |
LR316 | President/Speaker signed | 1011 |
LR317 | Adopted | 1011 |
LR317 | President/Speaker signed | 1011 |
LB550 | Placed on General File with AM2869 | 1012 |
LB550 | Education AM2869 filed | 1012 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. MO1244 withdrawn | 1012 |
LB1412 | Appropriations AM2566 pending | 1012 |
LB43A | Conrad MO1253 Indefinitely postpone filed | 1014 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. MO1245 pending | 1014 |
LB856 | Fredrickson AM2843 to AM2544 filed | 1015 |
LB1108 | Dorn AM2943 to AM2569 filed | 1019 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. MO1245 pending | 1019 |
LB287 | Brewer AM2982 to AM2890 filed | 1020 |
LB644A | Date of introduction | 1020 |
LB644A | Placed on General File | 1020 |
LB904A | Date of introduction | 1020 |
LB904A | Placed on General File | 1020 |
LB1204A | Date of introduction | 1020 |
LB1204A | Placed on General File | 1020 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. MO1245 withdrawn | 1020 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. MO1246 withdrawn | 1021 |
LB1412 | Speaker Arch MO1254 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed | 1021 |
LB1412 | Speaker Arch MO1254 prevailed | 1021 |
LB1412 | Appropriations AM2566 adopted | 1021 |
LB685 | Placed on Final Reading | 1022 |
LB844 | Placed on Final Reading with ST47 | 1022 |
LB844 | Enrollment and Review ST47 filed | 1022 |
LB844 | Enrollment and Review ST47 recorded | 1022 |
LB857 | Placed on Final Reading with ST46 | 1022 |
LB857 | Enrollment and Review ST46 filed | 1022 |
LB857 | Enrollment and Review ST46 recorded | 1022 |
LB1412 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 1022 |
LB904 | Placed on Select File with ER87 | 1023 |
LB904 | Enrollment and Review ER87 filed | 1023 |
LB1035 | Placed on Final Reading | 1023 |
LB1120 | Placed on Select File with ER82 | 1023 |
LB1120 | Enrollment and Review ER82 filed | 1023 |
LB1394 | Placed on Final Reading | 1023 |
LB1394A | Placed on Final Reading | 1023 |
LB262 | Placed on Select File with ER84 | 1025 |
LB262 | Enrollment and Review ER84 filed | 1025 |
LB867 | Placed on Select File with ER88 | 1025 |
LB867 | Enrollment and Review ER88 filed | 1025 |
LB1004 | Placed on Select File with ER80 | 1025 |
LB1004 | Enrollment and Review ER80 filed | 1025 |
LB126 | Placed on General File with AM2941 | 1026 |
LB126 | Revenue AM2941 filed | 1026 |
LB1335 | Placed on General File with AM2947 | 1026 |
LB1335 | Natural Resources AM2947 filed | 1026 |
LB1412 | Hughes AM2986 to AM2566 filed | 1026 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. FA280 to AM2566 filed | 1027 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. FA281 to AM2566 filed | 1027 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. FA282 to AM2566 filed | 1027 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. FA283 to AM2566 filed | 1027 |
LB1412 | Cavanaugh, M. FA284 to AM2566 filed | 1027 |
LB1412 | Fredrickson AM2983 to AM2566 filed | 1027 |
LB1412 | Clements AM2987 to AM2566 filed | 1027 |
LB1413 | Cavanaugh, M. FA275 to AM2698 filed | 1027 |
LB1413 | Cavanaugh, M. FA276 to AM2698 filed | 1027 |
LB1413 | Cavanaugh, M. FA277 to AM2698 filed | 1027 |
LB399 | Dungan AM2804 to AM2702 filed | 1028 |
LB1108 | Placed on Select File with ER89 | 1028 |
LB1108 | Enrollment and Review ER89 filed | 1028 |
LB1413 | Cavanaugh, M. FA278 to AM2698 filed | 1028 |
LB1413 | Cavanaugh, M. FA279 to AM2698 filed | 1028 |
LB1413 | Conrad FA285 to AM2698 filed | 1028 |
LB1413 | Jacobson FA286 to AM2698 filed | 1028 |
LB1413 | Cavanaugh, M. MO1247 pending | 1028 |
LB1413 | Jacobson FA287 to AM2698 filed | 1031 |
Appointment(s) | Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee Report, KC Belitz | 1026 |
Appointment(s) | Letters of Appointment, Various Appointments | 1017 |
Appointment(s) | Notice of Hearing for March 20, 2024, Sarah Scott | 1026 |
Appointment(s) | Notice of Public Hearing for March 20, 2024, Various Appointments | 1014 |