Journal Summary for March 12th, 2015
104th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 44
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Document | Description | Journal Page |
LB81 | Cook priority bill | 821 |
LB85 | Davis priority bill | 821 |
LB199 | Howard priority bill | 821 |
LB329 | Schnoor priority bill | 821 |
LB350 | Brasch priority bill | 821 |
LB519 | Education priority bill | 821 |
LB525 | Education priority bill | 821 |
LB528 | Sullivan priority bill | 821 |
LB610 | Friesen priority bill | 821 |
LR113 | Date of introduction | 822 |
LR113 | Laid over | 822 |
LB23 | Dispensing of reading at large approved | 825 |
LB23 | Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 | 825 |
LB34 | Dispensing of reading at large approved | 826 |
LB34 | Passed on Final Reading 39-2-8 | 826 |
LB35 | Dispensing of reading at large approved | 827 |
LB35 | Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 | 827 |
LB37 | Dispensing of reading at large approved | 828 |
LB37 | Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 | 828 |
LB46 | Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 | 829 |
LB129 | Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 | 830 |
LB146 | Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 | 831 |
LB155 | Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 44-0-5 | 831 |
LB164 | Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 | 832 |
LB179 | Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 | 833 |
LB207 | Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 | 833 |
LB279 | Dispensing of reading at large approved | 834 |
LB279 | Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 43-0-6 | 834 |
LB23 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB34 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB35 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB37 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB46 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB129 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB146 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB155 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB164 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB179 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB207 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB279 | President/Speaker signed | 835 |
LB439 | Returned to Select File for specific amendment | 835 |
LB439 | Morfeld AM684 adopted | 835 |
LB439 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment | 835 |
LB33 | Appropriations priority bill | 836 |
LB72 | Schumacher priority bill | 836 |
LB175 | Agriculture priority bill | 836 |
LB195 | Placed on General File with AM499 | 836 |
LB195 | Judiciary AM499 filed | 836 |
LB360 | Agriculture priority bill | 836 |
LB390 | Crawford priority bill | 836 |
LB449 | Appropriations priority bill | 836 |
LB494 | Hansen priority bill | 836 |
LB292 | Placed on General File with AM619 | 842 |
LB292 | Judiciary AM619 filed | 842 |
LB347 | Placed on General File with AM598 | 842 |
LB347 | Judiciary AM598 filed | 842 |
LB482 | Placed on General File with AM691 | 847 |
LB482 | Judiciary AM691 filed | 847 |
LB245 | Harr FA29 withdrawn | 848 |
LB245 | Harr AM827 withdrawn | 848 |
LB245 | Harr AM843 filed | 848 |
LB245 | Harr AM843 adopted | 848 |
LB559 | Placed on General File | 848 |
LB610 | Placed on General File | 848 |
LB245 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 849 |
LB304 | Enrollment and Review ER47 adopted | 849 |
LB304 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 849 |
LB366 | Groene AM844 filed | 849 |
LB366 | Chair ruled AM844 is germane to bill | 849 |
LB366 | Groene AM844 withdrawn | 849 |
LB366 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 849 |
LB366A | Pansing Brooks AM718 adopted | 849 |
LB366A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 849 |
LB128 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 850 |
LB132 | Government, Military and Veterans Affairs priority bill | 850 |
LB285 | Riepe priority bill | 850 |
LB292 | Coash priority bill | 850 |
LB323 | Hughes priority bill | 850 |
LB343 | Kolowski priority bill | 850 |
LB431 | Enrollment and Review ER45 adopted | 850 |
LB431 | Bloomfield AM703 lost | 850 |
LB431 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 850 |
LB504 | Enrollment and Review ER48 adopted | 850 |
LB504 | Krist AM710 adopted | 850 |
LB504 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 850 |
LB504A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 850 |
LB575 | Government, Military and Veterans Affairs priority bill | 850 |
LB599 | Kuehn priority bill | 850 |
LB627 | Business and Labor AM232 pending | 850 |
LB23 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB34 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB35 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB37 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB46 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB67 | Ebke priority bill | 851 |
LB113 | Larson priority bill | 851 |
LB129 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB146 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB155 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB156 | Hilkemann priority bill | 851 |
LB164 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB176 | Schilz priority bill | 851 |
LB179 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB207 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB226 | Murante priority bill | 851 |
LB243 | Bolz priority bill | 851 |
LB279 | Presented to Governor on March 12, 2015 | 851 |
LB423 | Nordquist priority bill | 851 |
LB559 | Williams priority bill | 851 |
LB619 | General Affairs priority bill | 851 |
LB623 | McCollister priority bill | 851 |
LB629 | Transportation and Telecommunications priority bill | 851 |
LB641 | Transportation and Telecommunications priority bill | 851 |
LB649 | Placed on General File with AM821 | 851 |
LB649 | Government, Military and Veterans Affairs AM821 filed | 851 |
LB242 | Placed on Select File with ER49 | 852 |
LB242 | Enrollment and Review ER49 filed | 852 |
LB56 | Executive Board priority bill | 855 |
LB294 | Watermeier name added | 855 |
LB610 | Friesen name added | 855 |
LB627 | Business and Labor AM232 adopted | 855 |
LB627 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 855 |