Journal Summary for May 19th, 2011

102nd Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 82

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB400 Placed on Select File with ER138 1693
LB400 Enrollment and Review ER138 filed 1693
LB700 Placed on Select File 1693
LB701 Placed on Select File 1693
LB702 Placed on Select File 1693
LB521 Placed on Final Reading 1694
LB590 Placed on Final Reading Second 1694
LB151 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1695
LB151 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1695
LB589 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1696
LB589 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1696
LB151 President/Speaker signed 1697
LB589 President/Speaker signed 1697
LB617 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1697
LB617 President/Speaker signed 1697
LB151 Presented to Governor on May 19, 2011 1698
LB152 Enrollment and Review ER136 adopted 1698
LB152 Lathrop AM1503 filed 1698
LB152 Lathrop AM1503 adopted 1698
LB152 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1698
LB589 Presented to Governor on May 19, 2011 1698
LB617 Presented to Governor on May 19, 2011 1698
LB629 Natural Resources AM1465 adopted 1698
LB629 Sullivan AM238 withdrawn 1698
LB629 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1698
LB667 Enrollment and Review ER135 adopted 1698
LB667 Flood AM1466 adopted 1698
LB667 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1698
LB667A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1698
LB642 Placed on Final Reading 1699
LB669 Placed on Final Reading with ST42 1699
LB629 Placed on Select File with ER140 1700
LB629 Enrollment and Review ER140 filed 1700
LB690 Placed on Select File with ER139 1700
LB690 Enrollment and Review ER139 filed 1700
LB704 Redistricting AM1492 adopted 1700
LB704 Mello AM1508 filed 1700
LB704 Mello AM1508 lost 1700
LB704 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1703
LB704 Karpisek AM1517 filed 1703
LB667 Flood AM1514 filed 1705
LB704 Mello AM1509 filed 1705
LR332 Date of introduction 1707
LR332 Referred to Executive Board 1707
LB703 Redistricting AM1493 adopted 1708
LB703 Harms AM1494 lost 1708
LB397 Lathrop AM1528 filed 1709
LB703 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1709