Journal Summary for April 19th, 2011

102nd Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 66

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB84 Announcement of order of amendments 1227
LB84 Conrad MO32 Bracket until January 5, 2012 filed 1227
LB84 Point of order 1227
LB84 Chair ruling on order of consideration of amendments and motions 1227
LB84 Motion to overrule Chair failed 1228
LB84 Fischer AM827 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Flood FA8 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Fischer AM916 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Fischer AM940 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Conrad AM962 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Utter AM958 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Mello AM974 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Louden AM975 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Fischer FA11 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Mello AM980 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Council AM968 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Louden AM999 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Fischer AM1025 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Louden AM1093 withdrawn 1228
LB84 Fischer AM1216 pending 1228
LB84 Conrad AM1236 lost 1228
LB84 Louden AM1228 lost 1230
LB289 Placed on Select File with ER91 1230
LB289 Enrollment and Review ER91 filed 1230
LB289A Placed on Select File 1230
LB665 Placed on Select File 1230
LR170 Date of introduction 1231
LR170 Laid over 1231
LB84 Mello AM1229 lost 1232
LB535 Placed on Select File with ER92 1233
LB535 Enrollment and Review ER92 filed 1233
LB449 Placed on Select File with ER93 1238
LB449 Enrollment and Review ER93 filed 1238
LB84 Council AM1248 filed 1239
LB84 Council AM1248 lost 1239
LB384A Date of introduction 1239
LB384A Placed on General File 1239
LR40CA Placed on Select File with ER94 1239
LR40CA Enrollment and Review ER94 filed 1239
LB84 Mello AM1231 withdrawn 1240
LB84 Chair ruled Mello AM1230 is not germane to Fischer AM1216 1240
LB84 Motion to overrule Chair failed 1240
LB84 Conrad MO32 pending 1240
LB22 Conrad AM698 filed 1241