Journal Summary for March 8th, 2007

100th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 42

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LR48 Synowiecki, 7 name added 0
LB425 Pankonin priority bill 485
LB99 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB108 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB166 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB191 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB213 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB263 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB290 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB298 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB307 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB311 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB313 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB333 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB422 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB434 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB472 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB527 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB549 Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB549A Approved by Governor (3/7) 777
LB57 Preister MO00029 Prevailed 778
LB134 Placed on General File 778
LB143 Advanced to E and R Initial 778
LB415 Harms priority bill 778
LB482 Pahls priority bill 778
LB578 General Affairs priority bill 778
LB638 General Affairs priority bill 778
LB661 Com AM455 Adopted 778
LB661 Advanced to E and R Initial 778
LB25 Kopplin FA00010 Withdrawn 781
LB82 Placed on General File 781
LB247 Health and Human Services priority bill 781
LB463 Health and Human Services priority bill 781
LB502 Wightman priority bill 781
LB523 Indefinitely postponed 781
LB551 Howard priority bill 781
LB25 Langemeier AM242 Withdrawn 782
LB25 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 782
LB25 Langemeier AM231 Adopted 782
LB25 Langemeier AM394 Withdrawn 782
LB25 Advanced to E and R Reengrossing 782
LB67 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 782
LB67 Ashford AM416 Adopted 782
LB67 Advanced to E and R Reengrossing 782
LB185 Erdman AM230 Withdrawn 782
LB185 Erdman AM386 Withdrawn 783
LB185 Erdman AM405 Withdrawn 783
LB185 Passed by Legislature 783
LB211A Returned to Select File for specific amendment 784
LB211A Cornett AM474 Adopted 785
LB211A Advanced to E and R Reengrossing 785
LB328 Nebraska Retirement Systems priority bill 785
LB342 Engel priority bill 785
LB677 Fischer priority bill 785
LR1CA Placed on General File 785
LR3CA Indefinitely postponed 785
LB57 Synowiecki, 7 name added 786
LB143 Pirsch, 4 name added 786