Introduced Legislation for May 5th, 2011

102nd Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 75

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document Introducer Description
LB700 Redistricting Committee Change boundaries of public service commissioner districts
LB701 Redistricting Committee Change boundaries of Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska districts
LB702 Redistricting Committee Change boundaries of State Board of Education districts
LB703 Redistricting Committee Change boundaries of legislative districts
LB704 Redistricting Committee Change boundaries of the Representatives in the Congress of the United States districts
LR202 Nordquist Interim study to examine public assistance programs with income-based eligibility criteria and the program rules that contribute or detract from asset building and economic stability for participating families
LR203 Mello Interim study to examine issues surrounding vacant residential and commercial properties
LR204 Council Honor the friendship between Nebraska and the Republic of Turkey