Introduced Legislation for March 26th, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 47

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document Introducer Description
LB736A Fulton Appropriations bill
LB1172A Dierks Appropriations bill
LR286 Louden Interim study to examine return flow issues as they affect surface water irrigation
LR287 Louden Interim study to examine Nebraska state forests as potential renewable energy resources
LR288 Louden Interim study to examine the causes and effects of water depletion across the state of Nebraska
LR289 Louden Interim study to examine public power issues relating to the generation of power in the state of Nebraska
LR290 Louden Interim study to examine the possibility of recycling construction waste and deconstruction materials
LR291 Louden Interim study to examine the process for obtaining an instream flow right by either a natural resources district or the Game and Parks Commission
LR292 Adams Interim study to review services available for at-risk children age birth to five years
LR293 Adams Interim study to examine ways to develop interest in science and math disciplines
LR294 Adams Interim study to examine alternative salary compensation and funding systems for teachers
LR295 Adams Interim study to examine regional models of delivering education in rural communities
LR296 Avery Interim study of the impact of a future Base Realignment and Closure Commission on Nebraska's current military installations and missions
LR297 Nantkes Interim study to examine issues relating to the inspection requirements for Class B swimming pools and certified swimming pool operators