Hearings for September 25th, 2018

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Urban Affairs
Location: Central Community College, Ord Learning Center, 1514 K Street, Ord, Nebraska
Time: 4:00 PM
Document: LR400
Introducer: Quick
Description: Interim study to examine issues related to the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act
Document: LR433
Introducer: Hansen
Description: Interim study to evaluate the availability of affordable housing in Nebraska municipalities with an emphasis on rental housing
Urban Affairs
Location: Hall County Extension Office 3180 W. Highway 34, Grand Island, Nebraska
Time: 10:00 AM
Document: LR319
Introducer: Quick
Description: Interim study to determine a sustainable revenue source for the Nebraska Main Street Network
Document: LR400
Introducer: Quick
Description: Interim study to examine issues related to the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act
Document: LR433
Introducer: Hansen
Description: Interim study to evaluate the availability of affordable housing in Nebraska municipalities with an emphasis on rental housing