Agenda for February 5th, 2025

109th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 20

Twentieth Day

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

9:00 a.m.

One Hundred Ninth Legislature

First Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
Document Introducer Description
LB42 Riepe Provide for employment of nurse aides in intellectual and developmental disability facilities
LB10 Hughes Change requirements relating to wholesale drug distributors and dispensing of certain prescription drugs
LB362 DeBoer Transfer and eliminate provisions of the Emergency Telephone Communications Systems Act and the Enhanced Wireless 911 Services Act and change provisions of the 911 Service System Act
LB139 Dungan Change provisions relating to the Real Property Appraiser Act and the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act
LB231 Hallstrom Adopt the Uniform Special Deposits Act
LB357 General Affairs Committee Change provisions relating to the State Racing and Gaming Commission, the Nebraska Racetrack Gaming Act, racetrack enclosures, and racing and gaming funds
LB180 Clouse Change requirements for public lettings and biddings and provide an exception for the Department of Natural Resources under the State Procurement Act
LB59 Sanders Provide for the disbursement of funds of a natural resources district by electronic payment systems
LB251 Jacobson Adopt changes to federal law regarding banking and finance and change provisions regarding loan limits, branch banking, failing financial institutions, credit unions, surety bonds, and interest rates for damages payable to irrigation districts
LB250 Jacobson Change provisions relating to qualifications of the board of directors of a bank
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION(s) Eligible For Adoption Pursuant to Rule 4, Section 5(b)
Document Introducer Description
LR38 Murman Congratulate the Sandy Creek High School football team on winning the 2024 D-1 state championship and congratulate Ethan Shaw for being named the Class D-1 Player of the Year

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.