LB639 - Change provisions of Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act relating to rules and regulations, case progression standards, and summons and eliminate requirements to distribute copies of certain materials

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  • Please refer to the detailed view for current progress.
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History   View Details


History   View Details

Date Description Journal Vote
Jun 01, 2023 Provisions/portions of LB639 amended into LB191 by AM1330 0
Jun 01, 2023 Indefinitely Postponed 1878
Mar 03, 2023 Placed on General File 673
Feb 02, 2023 Notice of hearing for February 13, 2023 445
Jan 20, 2023 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 355
Jan 18, 2023 Date of introduction 301


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Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee February 03, 2023
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