
Considered Amendment Details - LB525
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
ST49 adopted 0
AM1572 Kintner Amendments to E & R amendments withdrawn 1706
AM1699 Kintner Amendments to AM1572 withdrawn 1707
AM1697 Kintner Amendments to AM1572 lost 1706
AM1575 Schnoor Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1550
AM1645 Sullivan Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1630
AM1487 Sullivan Withdraw and substitute AM1645 withdrawn 1505
ER120 Enrollment and Review adopted 1457
AM1306 Education adopted 1251
AM1493 Kolowski Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1385
AM1347 Cook Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1383
AM1476 Baker Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1349