
Considered Amendment Details - LB631
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
MO749 Conrad Final Reading Recommit withdrawn 969
MO746 Conrad Select File Indefinitely Postpone withdrawn 968
MO747 Conrad Select File Recommit withdrawn 969
MO748 Conrad Select File Bracket withdrawn 969
ST77 Enrollment and Review recorded 1605
AM3439 Aguilar Amendments to AM3262 adopted 1572 Vote
AM3434 McKinney Amendments to AM3262 adopted 1572 Vote
FA411 McKinney Amendments to AM3262 adopted 1572 Vote
AM3349 McKinney Amendments to AM3262 adopted 1571 Vote
ER128 Enrollment and Review adopted 1517
AM147 McKinney withdrawn 666
AM2098 Judiciary Committee Amendments adopted 728 Vote
AM3262 McKinney Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 1404 Vote
MO745 Conrad Bracket withdrawn 969
MO744 Conrad Recommit withdrawn 968
MO743 Conrad Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6 Section 3(f) withdrawn 968