
Considered Amendment Details - LB376
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
MO116 Hunt Indefinitely Postpone withdrawn 906
AM1055 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to E&R Amendments withdrawn 906
AM1056 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to E&R Amendments withdrawn 906
FA33 Cavanaugh, M. withdrawn 906
AM851 Lowe Amendments to ER Amendments withdrawn 890
MO106 Slama Indefinitely Postpone withdrawn 875
AM1035 Hunt Amendments to ER Amendments withdrawn 890
AM1034 Hunt Amendments to ER Amendments withdrawn 875
MO119 Hunt Final Reading recommit withdrawn 900
ER13 Enrollment and Review adopted 782 Vote
AM1033 Hunt Amendments to ER Amendments lost 875 Vote
MO141 Lowe Cloture prevailed 903 Vote
MO118 Hunt Recommit failed 895 Vote
MO117 Hunt Bracket failed 894 Vote
MO105 Slama Recommit withdrawn 875
MO107 Slama Bracket withdrawn 875
AM571 Lowe Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 642 Vote
MO69 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket failed 744 Vote
MO68 Cavanaugh, M. Recommit failed 743 Vote
MO67 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket withdrawn 743
MO66 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket withdrawn 737
AM615 General Affairs Fifth Division adopted 627 Vote
AM614 General Affairs Fourth Division adopted 626 Vote
AM472 Lowe Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 640 Vote
AM613 General Affairs Third Division adopted 624 Vote
MO65 Cavanaugh, M. Reconsider failed 730 Vote
MO64 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket failed 730 Vote
AM612 General Affairs Second Division adopted 622 Vote
MO63 Cavanaugh, M. Recommit failed 716 Vote
MO62 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket withdrawn 712
AM611 General Affairs First Division adopted 621 Vote
MO45 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket until March 1, 2023 withdrawn 628
AM336 General Affairs Committee Amendments divided 510