
Considered Amendment Details - LB1024
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
AM2759 Wayne Final Reading amendment adopted 1182 Vote
AM2731 Wayne Withdraw withdrawn 1164
ST60 McKinney, 11, Chairman Enrollment and Review adopted 0
FA195 Wayne Amend AM2687 adopted 1115 Vote
AM2687 Wayne Amendments to E&R amendments adopted 1115 Vote
ER154 Enrollment and Review adopted 947
AM1920 Urban Affairs adopted 609 Vote
AM2471 Friesen Amendments to AM2341 adopted 909 Vote
AM2479 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to AM2341 withdrawn 909
AM2341 Wayne Amendments to Standing Committee amendments adopted 860 Vote
AM1989 Wayne Amendments to Standing Committee amendments withdrawn 621