
Considered Amendment Details - LB1012
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
MO218 Stinner Motion to override prevailed 1153 Vote
AM2510 McDonnell Withdraw withdrawn 977
AM2541 Morfeld Withdraw withdrawn 935
AM2425 Aguilar Withdraw withdrawn 895
AM2389 Arch Withdraw withdrawn 884
AM2349 Friesen Select file amendment adopted 880 Vote
FA149 Bostelman Amendments to AM2349 adopted 974 Vote
MO180 Stinner prevailed 974 Vote
AM2344 Friesen Select file amendment withdrawn 880
AM2351 Friesen Amendments to Standing Committee amendments withdrawn 865
AM2576 Friesen Amendments to AM2351 lost 967 Vote
FA147 Friesen Amendment to AM2351 withdrawn 967
ER148 Enrollment and Review adopted 889
AM2000 Appropriations adopted 812 Vote
MO157 Stinner Cloture prevailed 863 Vote
MO158 Wayne Recommit withdrawn 863
AM2382 Wayne Amendments to Standing Committee amendments withdrawn 863
FA129 Wayne Amendments to Standing Committee amendments withdrawn 860
FA127 Wayne Amendments to Standing Committee amendments withdrawn 860
AM2360 Wayne Amendments to Standing Committee amendments withdrawn 860
AM2345 Friesen Amendments to Standing Committee amendments withdrawn 858