
Considered Amendment Details - LB561
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
AM1427 Lathrop Final Reading Amendment adopted 1440 Vote
AM1256 Hilgers adopted 1280 Vote
ST15 McKinney, 11, Chairman Enrollment and Review adopted 0
AM807 Pansing Brooks Amendments to E&R Amendments lost 1053 Vote
AM983 Briese Amendments to E&R Amendments adopted 1051 Vote
AM982 Briese Amendments to E&R Amendments lost 1051 Vote
AM863 Briese Amendments to E&R Amendments divided 869
FA13 Briese Withdraw withdrawn 773
ER25 Enrollment and Review adopted 705
AM641 General Affairs adopted 682 Vote
AM640 General Affairs adopted 680 Vote
AM639 General Affairs adopted 677 Vote
AM426 General Affairs divided 545