
Considered Amendment Details - LB1008
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
AM2656 Wayne Amendments to Final Reading copy withdrawn 1275 Vote
FA140 Larson Withdraw withdrawn 1282
MO304 Larson Withdraw withdrawn 1282
AM2557 Wayne Amendments to Final Reading copy withdrawn 1101
AM2538 Brewer Withdraw withdrawn 1159
MO285 Wayne Select File withdrawn 1101
ER146 Enrollment and Review adopted 1195 Vote
AM2292 Natural Resources adopted 883 Vote
AM2596 Natural Resources Second Division of AM2292 withdrawn 1090
AM2564 Natural Resources First Division of AM2292 withdrawn 1090
AM2609 Brewer Amendments to AM2564 lost 1100 Vote
MO298 Hughes Cloture prevailed 1148 Vote
MO284 Larson Recommit to Committee out of order 1096
MO286 Chambers Bracket withdrawn 1097