
Considered Amendment Details - LB415
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
FA82 Linehan withdrawn 1614
FA81 Chambers withdrawn 1614
AM1403 Kolterman Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1544 Vote
ST34 adopted 0
MO137 Chambers Bracket withdrawn 1509
MO136 Chambers Reconsider failed 1508 Vote
MO135 Chambers Indefinitely postpone failed 1507 Vote
AM1374 Kolterman Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1506 Vote
AM1383 Kolterman Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1504 Vote
ER88 Enrollment and Review adopted 1414
AM923 Nebraska Retirement Systems adopted 975 Vote
AM1219 Walz Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1273
MO123 Pansing Brooks Recommit to Committee withdrawn 1365
MO122 Erdman Recommit to Committee withdrawn 1365
AM1211 Baker Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1235 Vote
AM1230 Kolterman Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1280 Vote
AM1000 Kolterman Withdraw and substitute AM1230 withdrawn 1028