
Considered Amendment Details - LB916
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
AM2830 Chambers withdrawn 1433
AM2823 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1431
AM2822 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1431
AM2821 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1431
AM2820 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1431
AM2819 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1431
AM2818 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1431
AM2817 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1431
AM2601 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments lost 1386
ER214 Enrollment and Review adopted 1185
AM1916 Health and Human Services adopted 570
AM2568 Scheer Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 998