Change provisions relating to medicaid recovery audit contractors
LB315 Actions
Date | Description | Journal |
May 29, 2015 | Approved by Governor on May 29, 2015 | 1948 |
May 29, 2015 | Presented to Governor on May 29, 2015 | 1948 |
May 29, 2015 | President/Speaker signed | 1946 |
May 29, 2015 | Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 | 1940 |
May 27, 2015 | Placed on Final Reading | 1894 |
May 27, 2015 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1889 |
May 27, 2015 | Howard AM1747 adopted | 1888 |
May 27, 2015 | Enrollment and Review ER140 adopted | 1888 |
May 26, 2015 | Howard AM1747 filed | 1877 |
May 20, 2015 | Enrollment and Review ER140 filed | 1770 |
May 20, 2015 | Placed on Select File with ER140 | 1770 |
May 20, 2015 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 1752 |
May 20, 2015 | Howard AM510 adopted | 1751 |
May 20, 2015 | Health and Human Services AM458 adopted | 1751 |
May 13, 2015 | Howard AM510 filed | 1570 |
Mar 16, 2015 | Speaker priority bill | 857 |
Feb 26, 2015 | Bolz name added | 649 |
Feb 24, 2015 | Health and Human Services AM458 filed | 614 |
Feb 24, 2015 | Placed on General File with AM458 | 614 |
Jan 28, 2015 | Notice of hearing for February 12, 2015 | 325 |
Jan 16, 2015 | Referred to Health and Human Services Committee | 208 |
Jan 15, 2015 | Date of introduction | 172 |